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[HCDX] 1520 Follow Up

MD - WTRI - 1520  In like local tonight Feb 5 08 as usual 0100-UT w/ranchero
mx & canned SS ancmnts and coms; Recording from days prior did net an
"MD" mention. (Konnie Rychalsky, SW CT)

NC - W(S)IC - 1520  Feb 3, 08; no sign of WTRI-MD at this hour (sign off at
midnight local?) but ran after two unIDs from 0544 to 0900 when an ID was
caught in between WWKB silent seconds:  "1400 and 1520 W(F)IC" and
"Fox Sports Radio."  New for me - the over 3 hours of tape paid off.  At times
signal equal to WWKB here.  The UnID remains a UnID. (Konnie Rychalsky,

Dave Faulkner, what a coinsidence reading your catch of same station a day
later, following the Super Bowl.  Their web page denotes "News/Talk/Sports
Station,"  although I don't see "Fox" noted, their programing lists FOX radio
talk show hosts.  I'm putting in my "C" for your "T" and your "S" for my "F"
and I get WSIC.  It works.
Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
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