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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 13-14, 2008

** GABON. ANO putting good signal on 17630, April 14 at 1410 with programme
promos for Kilimandjaro, and Flash Black, partly in English. ANO apparently
thinx it`s cool to throw in bits of English, but they won`t broadcast any
program entirely in English. Per grille at http://www.africa1.com/grille.php

17h00 - 18h00 TU : KILIMANDJARO
Pheel nous entraîne sur les sommets de la musique afro caraïbéenne
19h00 - 21h00 TU : AFRICASONG
L?actualité de la musique africaine avec Robert BRAZZA, en direct de Paris.
21h00 - 22h00 TU : FLASH BLACK
Avec Brother B. Le meilleur des Gold de la musique « Black ».

Will ``Frère``, ``Or`` and ``Noir/e`` not do? Watch out for the Académie! And
if not told, we might not associate the African peak with the Caribbean, but
hey, why should anything make sense? 

Per Aoki, ANO schedule is:
0500-2300  9580 [and 19160 harmonic, or suppressed now?]
0700-1600 17630
1600-1900 15475

** GUAM. April 14 at 1327 came across some S Asian music on 11570, G signal;
then mentioned address in Bangladesh and somewhere else, also mentioned Agaña,
and off by 1330. Has to be either KSDA or KTWR. Looked up later in Aoki, this
is in Manipuri, of course:
11570 KTWR GUAM 1315-1330 .234... Manipuri 100 285 14440E1317N a08
So it is only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; and preceded by Bengali at
1300-1315 Mondays and Tuesdays, Boro on other days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** RUSSIA. VOR, 13855, April 14 at 1359 with IS, then ID as `Burasi` without
the dot, so has to be Turkish (or do any other Turkic languages use that word
for This is?). Yes, per Aoki this is the entire VOR sked on 13855 from 03718E,
5545N VOR a08:

13855 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1400-1500 1234567 Turkish 200 190 Moskva RUS 
13855 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1500-1600 1234567 Arabic  250 190 Moskva RUS 
13855 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1600-1700 1234567 English 250 190 Moskva RUS 
13855 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1700-1800 1234567 English 250 190 Moskva RUS 

Strange that Turkish gets 50 kW less than the other languages, if this be
correct. Because Turkey is a little closer? As previously noted, English is
sometimes audible here after 1600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. Listening for the program summary at the beginning of the 0300 UT
Sunday (originally Saturday) broadcast on 7325 via Canada, and webcast, coming
after news would be: Outlook, Hues & Colours of Anatolia, As Foreigners Have
Put It, What Tunes Say. This means that DX Corner remains fortnightly,
alternating with Hues & Colours, contrary to the printed schedule; Foreigners
alternates with Turkish Scientific Bulletin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. Checking WBCQ 7415 some time after WORLD OF RADIO was over, April 14
at 0558, I was surprised to hear a talk show other than Brother Stair; 0559
survivalist ad, 0600 no ID, and into Power Hour from GCN! So I asked Allan
Weiner about it (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Allan, Notice that GCN / Power Hour replaced BS last night. Is this true
across the board? What is the schedule for GCN on WBCQ, and BS if any? (Glenn
to Allan, via DXLD)

No, it was a switching mistake in the satellite receiver, power failure reset
the receiver to another channel (Allan Weiner, WBCQ, April 14, DX LISTENING

** VENEZUELA [non]. Sunday April 14 briefly looked for ``Aló Presidente`` via
Cuba. At 1436 there was only a huge hum on 13680. Meanwhile, RHC programming at
1435 on 15370, 13760, 12000, 11805, 11760 was La Cultura en Cuba about
habañeras (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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