[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 9-10, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 9-10, 2008

** AUSTRALIA. On Wednesday April 9, the RA program at 1330, Rural Reporter,
ended early enough, at 1357 for a 1-minute RA frequency change announcement by
Roger Broadbent, as I was listening to the best frequency, 9580 before it cut
off at 1358*. This is not the case on Thursdays, when the 5-minute Perspective
commentary at 1355 is always cut off in the middle at 1358 from that frequency,
without any warning, as happened again April 10. 

On April 9, said three or four 6 MHz frequencies closing and three or four 6-7
MHz about to open at 1400, but NOT mentioned is 9590, which is already on the
air and continues. There could be others. What is the point of omitting
frequencies in the latter category, which also carry the QSY announcement? 

At 1425, I found 7240 doing well and most hams avoiding it; at 1426 also on
5995 which I at first thought was something non-English, but it turned out to
be poetry (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. NHK R. Japan, via Sackville, 11705, cut on late April 9 at *1400:20
with news headlines already in progress. Is this transmitter being retuned from
another frequency right up to 1400?

A different problem the next day, April 10. Listened to part of the broadcast
about Noh performance combined with Maya Plisetskaya`s ballet, but at 1425 I
noticed that there was no audio, just open carrier. Fill music kicked in from
RCI Master Control in Montreal at 1426, our beloved harmonica CD no longer
heard except when something goes wrong, like losing the program feed from
Tokyo. This lasted until 1429, when Sackville normally cuts the frequency off
abruptly, but they must have been sidetracked by today`s anomaly, since this
time it stayed on another full minute until 1430* with RCI IS and IDs (Glenn

** ECUADOR. DRM buzz, 15345-15350-15355, April 10 at 1253; what could that be?
Zero analog reception from Europe at this time on 19m. Seems HCJB has used this
before. Yes, German DRM now scheduled at 1100-1300, 35 degrees with 4 kW, but
presumably high-gain antenna if they haven`t dismantled it yet. Gone at 1329
recheck. Was not aware they had changed to these frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** HAWAII. Thu April 10 at 1301 on 12130, Pep Boys commercial, in English,
which struck me as slightly out of place; it was within IRN`s so-called but
slanted ``News``, beloved of World Harvest Radio. Are there really Pep Boys
stores in the designated target areas of eastern China, SE Asia, western
Indonesia? Could be, but I bet they don`t know they are advertising on KWHR,
and does the four-tires-for-the-price-of-three promotion apply there?

Per FCC, KWHR is on 12130 M-F at 1200-1300, and Sat/Sun extended to 1400, until
5 October 2008, an odd date. How do they know that now? Some contract expires?
HFCC agrees on the scheduling and adds that all this is supposed to be in
Vietnamese. Perhaps KWHR didn`t get the transmitter turned off in time, as it
was absent when rechecked at 1327, just two-tone CODAR dominating the
frequency, so does that mean two CODARs clashing? 

However, the Angel 3 schedule at
on the contrary shows the only Vietnamese on 12130 is at 1200-1300 Wednesdays
only, Hoa-Mai Radio, by Nguyen Cong-Bang. IRN news is indeed scheduled M-F at
1300-1305, and the frequency is supposed to remain on air until 1400 daily with
nothing but English gospel huxters, LeSEA music fill programs, etc., then
changing to 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Tnx to a tip from Julián Santiago D. de B. that XEXQ had reactivated
after a couple months, weaker than before in the DF, first heard at 2230 April
9, I barely heard it again the next morning at 1252 check with fair carrier but
very low modulation, and traditional fast SAH with some weak Asian station. At
1316 recheck, still with the SAH, classical music could be detected, clinching
the circumstantial ID. Julián was hearing it again at 1500 with a SINPO of 3-,
but pulling it in the daytime here will be problematical with T-storm noise,
higher sun angle, and only 250 watts.

It remains to be seen if XEXQ stays on all night, as they have sometimes in the
past rather than some 16 hours a day, per the official schedule. Aoki shows
1100-0400, but I don`t think they have ever been reported before 1200, unless
they left the transmitter on all-night.

In A-08, which times will be best and worst for possible reception of this very
weak station, as far as QRM from other 6045 stations? Based on HFCC and Aoki:

0500-0530 VOA Ascension, Hausa
0600-0630 KBS Sackville, Spanish [tho we have heard its SAH at times]
0900-1000 DTK Wertachtal Sundays, Hamburger Lokalradio, German
0900-1600 Huhhot, Inner Mongolia
1000-1500 VOR Vladivostok [in HFCC, not Aoki, so not really on?]
2150-0110 Huhhot, Inner Mongolia [unlikely to bother much then if at all]

Vlad or Huhhot must be the source of the SAH when I was hearing XEXQ, but we
can almost live with it (or rather, we have to).

Delhi, India is registered for 0115-0230, 1315-1930, but there are a lot of
wooden entries for that, so may not really be on those hours. According to
http://www.dxasia.info/india-frequency AIR 6045 does not really come up until
1430. And http://www.dxasia.info/india-regional shows there are no AIR regional
services on 6045.

Is Zimbabwe really on 6045, 24 hours, as in Aoki? Watch out for that and
compare to 3396. There are some other 6045 stations during North American
daytime, overlooked here.

I won`t attempt to evaluate the adjacent channel QRM from all the operations on
6040 and 6050. But worst times from 6040 should be:

0130-0200 VOA Greenville Special English Tue-Sat
0230-0400 Vatican via Sackville
0957-1157 CRI via Sackville

So the best windows for XEXQ should be:
fade-in until 0130 Tue-Sat
0200-0230 Tue-Sat
fade-in until 0230 Sun, Mon
and if still on air this late:
0530-0600, 0630-????

** MOROCCO. April 9 at 1345, not much making it from Europe on 19m, but
presumed RTM on 15340 with Arabic vocal music; not audible on 15335 or 15345,
but there was a carrier detectable on 15335 and not 15345 at this hour. I
previously remarked after Noel Green`s and Wolfgang Büschel`s logs that I had
also heard it on 15340//15345, but my FRG-7 parallax must have been off again,
really 15335//15340 --- altho Morocco does use 15345 later in the day to the
detriment of Argentina. At 1345 and still at 1419, 15340 was bothered by
overload from RHC 15370.

Per Aoki, this is how it breaks down for RTV MAROCAINE in Arabic:
15335 1100-1500 1234567 250  27 Tanger-Briech MRC  0550W 3545N RTV a07
15340 0900-1500 1234567 250 110 Nador         MRC  0255W 3502N RTV
15345 1500-2200 1234567 250 110 Nador         MRC  0255W 3502N RTV
but this may not be up-to-date as MRC does not participate in HFCC, and A-08
info is not available (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Solar-terrestrial indices for 08 April follow. Solar flux 70 and mid-latitude
A-index 10. The mid-latitude K-index at 1200 UTC on 09 April was 3 (39 nT).
Solar-terrestrial indices for 08 April follow. Solar flux 70 and mid-latitude
A-index 10. The mid-latitude K-index at 1500 UTC on 09 April was 2 (10 nT). No
space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours. No space weather
storms are expected for the next 24 hours (SWPC via DXLD)

** U K [non]. Tuned in at 1257 April 10, 11860 with rock song in English, and
then brief BBC ID in Spanish; weaker under skirts of Chinese on 11855, which is
CRI via Sackville until 1300, 240 degrees. And blown away anyway from sign-on
*1259 by WYFR 11865, 315 degrees right at me.

BBC Spanish on 11860 is the only remnant of their broadcasts to the Western
half of the world on SW, scheduled 1200-1300 M-F only, via Guiana French, 250
kW, 305 degrees. Along with a // frequency I couldn`t recall in time to check,
9410 via WHRI Furman (however, the VTC sked shows both 7 days a week, so
expansion possible.) This was previously reported as a 3-minute newscast at
1200, but I haven`t had a chance to monitor the entire hour. Are they just
filling with music, or do they have some additional Spanish programming, and if
so, what is it and when is it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Checked VOA Greenville 17530 again April 9, and this time it did not
fade out a few minutes after *1400. At 1427 it was running S9+13, strongest
station on band during poor propagation overall, with sports report, 1428 ID as
``VOA World News Now`` (not just News Now any more), and then a nice but
all-too-short string quartet interlude, cut off a few seconds before 1430, to
formal VOA sign-off until 1430:45, then open carrier for another 65 seconds. So
in mid-Africa where the following English segment from 1430 via Thailand
crosses beams on same frequency, VOA would be colliding with itself. 17530
Greenville should be designated DCI = drop carrier immediately by 1430. It
appears IBB`s current frequency management is not tuned in to such details

** U S A. WYFR, 11830, sometime around 1345 April 9 with a cappella hymn,
lovely harmonies, like you would hear from Church-of-Christers, who won`t use
musical instruments because they are not mentioned in the New Testament (bye
bye, ramshorns of Old!). 

This raises an interesting question: with a few exceptions, notably Adventist
World Radio, most of the Christian SW broadcasters claim to be, or appear to
be, non-denominational, but are they really? Feigning nondenominationalism of
course increases the potential financial support if the suckers don`t know
they`re giving to one narrow sect other than their own.

And how come the Mormons, with their huge international missionary effort, have
never shown any interest in SWBC? Lotsa ``non-denominational`` transmitters
would turn them down anyway as Not Real Christians, but the LDS are big into
domestic broadcasting, with Bonneville, KSL, etc. They presumably had a chance
to run their own SW from SLC when KUSW went up for sale, and once again they
might have saved it when KTBN decided to quit. Cost would not have been an
object, only interest.

The long-running Mormon Tabernacle Choir program, ``Music and the Spoken Word``
is widely syndicated on domestic radio, but AFAIK does not appear anywhere on

There was a little-noticed LDS SW broadcast a few years ago, from BYU Radio,
only in DRM, altho I am not sure how religious the show was since I never heard
it. Wasn`t this via Ascension, or am I misremembering? No DRM now from that
site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Tuning across Paster Pete Peters on WWCR-4, 9980, April 10 at 1410,
he was giving his entire frequency schedule on WWCR; trouble is, it was about a
year out of date, and totally misleading to contemporary listeners from this
old recording, including 9985, 9975, and even 5765, which are no longer in use.
Apparently this was originally from a different daypart as he also mentioned
going on 5070 within the hour.

He should be grateful that WWCR has combined its 9 MHz usage to just one
frequency, 9980. He should also edit out all the outdated frequency info if he
is going to play old tapes. But as previously noted, even when on live, he
can`t seem to give the correct schedule. All this would matter, if anyone,
least of all myself, really wanted to listen to his blather (Glenn Hauser, OK,

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