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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 7-8, 2008

** ALBANIA [and non]. With rock-bottom solar flux of 69 again, R. Tirana
reception is generally poor on 13 MHz but varies from day to day vs adjacent
CVC Darwin on 13635. April 7 at 1449 check, R. Tirana 13640 was audible and no
CVC at all. No CODAR QRM either, even down on open 13605, tnx to the poor
propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Solar-terrestrial indices for 06 April follow. Solar flux 69 and mid-latitude
A-index 17. The mid-latitude K-index at 1500 UTC on 07 April was 1 (8 nT). No
space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours. No space weather
storms are expected for the next 24 hours (SWPC via DXLD) 

** ECUADOR [non]. The Berber/Arabic service from HCJB on 12025 at 2100-2145,
which was very well heard via Sackville in B-07, has made its usual site switch
to Rampisham UK for A-08, and as a result, barely detectable here, April 7.
It`s 500 kW at 168 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. CVC Chile 15410, 1401 UT April 8, had strong 4 Hz SAH from
co-channel station in uncertain language, but in DXLD 8-042 this was reported
as DW Amharic via Sri Lanka. Too strong for that here, especially with degraded
transpolar conditions. HFCC now shows it as Meyerton, South Africa, 250 kW at
19 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. What`s left of NHK World Radio Japan`s English service does
come up with some varied and interesting topix. Tue April 8 on 11705 via Canada
at 1410, it was about relocating albatrosses from their home breeding island S
of Japan subject to volcanic eruptions, to another volcano-free island, the
name of neither caught; and then teaching people to sing on-key, by controlling
the transition from normal to falsetto voice, with some excruciating
before-and-after examples (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. R. Mil, 6010, good at 0711 April 7, ``Vive la Música de México``, no
QRM so guess Colombia not on; 6185 XEPPM was much stronger, loud and clear with
accordion music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND [and non]. DRM noise 6165-6170-6175, April 7 at 0714, while RNZI
AM was on 7145. At 1303, RNZI news on proper 6095 with news over Firedrake
which was // 6085 much stronger against Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** SPAIN. REE teaching Spanish to Arabs, Monday April 7 at 2049 on 12015. This
is 250 kW, 110 degrees from Noblejas until 2200. Continuous RTTY QRM of almost
equal level here, sounding very much like the same on 9830 (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** SPAIN [non]. REE relay in COSTA RICA: A-08 scheduling of Clásicos Populares
is now Mon/Tue/Wed only at 1305-1400, best audible here on 15170, which is
strong but lo-fi; April 7 program lasted right up until 1400 rather than
cutting off at 1355 as used to happen at 1455 in B-season on 17595, which is
still // direct from Spain but not propagating much that early with SF down to
69 again. At 1400, it was announced on 15170 that service to America would
resume at 1800 on 9765, 17850; and then off the air.

Also Tue April 8 at 1350, the show was interviewing someone speaking English,
apparently without consecutive or voice-over translation. At 1358 before
closing, said that tomorrow the program would originate live from Jaen at 3 pm,
so this 1300+ UT broadcast is apparently a direct relay from domestic network
Radio 1 as on the HOE pdf schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNEING DIGEST)

** U S A. WYFR sometimes comes up with some neat music, but not for long. Get
into it at your own risk. 13800, April 8 at 1342 came upon piano variations on
``Walls of Jericho``, chopped off at 1344 for IS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A [non]. VOA Spe-cial Eng-lish on 15565, April 8 at 1356; poor. At 1401
recheck had switched to Russian. This is Woofferton, 250 kW, 82 degrees at

VOA English news on 17530, April 8 at 1403, fair at first, but fading out after
a few minutes. This is supposed to be Greenville at 1400-1430 only. Checked
again at 1429 when only a carrier could be detected, no break at 1430, and went
off at 1431:20*. Thailand is supposed to take over the same service to Africa
at 1430, but not surprisingly, inaudible here. I suppose Greenville foregoes a
formal Yankee Doodle sign-off to avoid colliding with itself via Udorn? But
keeping it on an unnecessary sesquiminute may contradict that (Glenn Hauser,

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