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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 3-4

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 13640, April 4 at 1428 with IS, opening English. Roughly
equal strength to CVC Darwin on adjacent 13635, but much louder modulation from
Australia. RT was steady with some slow fades, while Darwin was fluttery.
Wolfgang Büschel says in Europe there are no clear frequencies higher in the
band available for Tirana at this time, just 13605. But CODAR would be worse
there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WWRB

** AUSTRALIA. 11770, April 4 at 1514 with pop/rock music, 1515 Chinese YL
announcement, no QRM. This is CVC Darwin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** BURMA [non]. As I tuned in 15480, April 4 at 1435, they said ``January,
2007``, but then switched to Burmese in phone interview. Still going past 1500.
This is Democratic V. of Burma, via Gavar, Armenia, daily 1430-1530 at 100
degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9170, very weak talk, flutter, April 4 at 1341 on this way OOB
frequency. Per WRTH this could only be CNR-6, V. of Shenzhou, Beijing, 50 kW.
Aoki B-07 adds that it is at 162 degrees, and the schedule then was 2055-0105,
1100-1805, alternating Chinese, Amoy and Hakka (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** CUBA. Surprised to hear RHC in Portuguese on new 17740, April 3 at 2304,
with slanted news, typical sounders, so no ID needed, and nothing on ex-17705.
Totally unclear why they would need to move, as nothing else scheduled on
17700, 17705 or 17710. 17705 had been running from 2200 to 2430 in Portuguese,
Guarani and Quechua, so probably 17740 takes over all those hours, altho not
yet confirmed. Lacking any fundamental explanation, we must suspect RHC had to
move to avoid putting an harmonic onto a locally inconvenient VH frequency.

Is 17740 in the RHC 
schedule? Of course not! Nor does it show 12000 which we have been hearing
before and after 2300 colliding with HCJB. However, altho still dated to have
expired in March, they have made a change to show another recent new frequency
we discovered, 11680 as 0000-0500 in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** GERMANY. 15470, April 4 at 1459 with convenient ID just as I tuned in,
``Bible Voice Broadcasting``, then music. This is the service via Jülich to
Sudan also heard April 3 without such a definite ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** INDIA. Unlike 24 hours earlier, April 4 at 1358 I could barely detect a very
weak carrier on 15050, so could not tell whether the AIR Sinhala service had
any modulation today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [and non]. Weak bubble jamming on 13850, April 4 at 1425 during Israel
Radio`s only remaining SW broadcast, in Persian which was a very poor signal
here. If Israel is serious about SW to Iran, they should put all available
transmitters on the air at this time, not just two which are bound to be jammed

** JAPAN [non]. Today`s Angle on NHK World Network Radio Japan, 11705 via
Canada, April 4 at 1411 was a discussion of the ``General Erection`` in South
Korea, hee hee. Also heard on 13630 at 1427 wrapping up language lesson with a
series of Japanese syllables, almost synchronized with 11705, so can`t be
Yamata direct, but another relay: yes, Rampisham UK at 62 degrees.

Also came across nice slow Japanese instrumental music on 17735, at 1523 April
4, Japanese announcement at 1525. Nothing listed in PWBR `2008`. I figured such
a good signal would be Sackville, which uses the frequency later for RCI, but
it`s axually Issoudun, France, NHK relay at 15-17, 500 kW at 152 degrees to
Africa, off the back being 332 degrees. See
17735 was running about one word behind 9535 direct from Yamata (Glenn Hauser,

** KOREA NORTH [non]. R. Jordan still missing from 11690 where French and
English used to be, April 4 at 1513 --- just something in Korean mixing with
the RTTY, which would be one of the JCI clandestine transmissions from Japan
via Darwin at 3 degrees, but not sure which one. As in DXLD 8-029, when other
frequencies or sites were involved; this `enforcement group` sounds ominous:

``Japan Center for Intercultural Communications, JCIC is an enforcement group
of Furusato no Kaze on 9780 at 1600-1630 UT and Wind of Nippon / Ilubon-e
Baaram on 9820 at 1700-1730 (S. Hasegawa, NDXC, Sunday, March 02, 2008 via
Büschel, ibid.)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 15710, Korean talk at 1352 April 4. The Gavar, Armenia
site is registered here, which recently started carrying clandestine services
to North Korea, but which one is this? There was no het, but a SAH from a much
weaker station, Cairo? As Wolfgang Büschel points out, WHRA is also scheduled
here, but it seems unlikely that Armenia would be the dominant signal here if
WHRA is really on. His recording at 1300 had a SAH of about 220/minute (Glenn

** PORTUGAL [and non]. Once again this A-season, we have two
Portuguese-language services colliding on 15770, as noted April 4 at 1432, WYFR
on top with Bible lesson, over music and talk from RDPI, and a slow SAH between
them of about 75/minute. WYFR is 160 degrees to Brazil at 12-16, while RDPI is
82 degrees to ME and S Asia [as in Goa?] at 13-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** RUSSIA. VOR WS Moscow-area transmitter for Arabic from 1400, 13855, was
already on the air April 4 at 1349 with warm-up tones, on for 7 seconds, off
for 6 seconds --- or maybe 6.5 seconds each (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA, 15380, April 4 at 1354 with reverby Qur`an recitation.
Is that real from an enclosed plaza around the minaret, or enhanced in the
studio? It`s Riyadh HQS, scheduled 12-14, 500 kW at 310 degrees toward us.
Splatter from much stronger Cuba 15370 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Looking for WBCQ on reactivated 17495, April 4 at
1503, found Brother Scare on 17485 instead, saying he is 75 years old and his
ministry could end at any moment; so has WBCQ shifted down 10 kHz? This had
equal LSB and USB, so must not be WBCQ. In fact, it`s ``Jew-lick``, Germany, as
BS pronounces it, where TOM is scheduled during this one hour only, at 160
degrees. 17485.0 ran 2.5 seconds behind WWRB 9385. Nothing on 17495 as WBCQ
operation is sporadic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA WWRB

** SPAIN [non]. REE via Costa Rica, 15170, extremely strong S9+27, April 4 at
1355 with a bit of Bachianas Brasileiras, interrupted for a minute of dead air,
then came back asking for phone calls to their answering machine at
34-91-396-10-34; 1357 into singer in Brazilian just before closedown (Glenn

** THAILAND. R. Thailand, 11625 via Udorn, April 4 at 1330, HSK9 bells and ID
in Thai, fluttery. 11625 is on from 12 to 14, but changing among 3 different
azimuths ranging from 46 to 54 to 30 to 54 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** TURKEY [and non]. After our report that the Sackville relay was not in
English, UT April 3, glad to note that the correct English broadcast was
carried UT April 4 at 0300 on 7325. It was running 5 seconds behind the direct
broadcast on 5975, and this time 7325 held up with a quite strong signal past
0330, tho with considerable fading. Sometimes the broadcast runs almost 55
minutes, but this time it wrapped up at 0350, so we were treated to the VOT IS
piano variations until 0359* interspersed with some IDs in French in the last
two minutes.

>From a schedule received in the P-mail by Kraig Krist, here is the current
program schedule; since it does not explain its intricacies, it must be
annotated by gh from monitoring experience. The `later` programs are in a
column headed II Term, meaning the second quarter of the year, which has just

Full English SW schedule:

1230 15450 13685
1830 9785
2030 7170
2200 6195
0300 5975 7265 7325-Sackville

N.B.: the 0300 UT broadcast is the NEXT UT day after the day shown in this
schedule, i.e. the final repeat of the previous day`s lineup.

Daily: News, and Review of the Turkish Press; then

Diplomacy Agenda
Hues & Colours of Anatolia
Turkish Music

Live from Turkey on 1830 broadcast only; otherwise:
The Economic Bulletin
In the Wake of a Contest; later Disputed Island [Cyprus, of course]

Review of the Foreign Media
Turkish-EU Agenda
The Middle East Through Turkey`s Window

The Balkan Agenda
Live from Turkey on 1230 broadcast only; otherwise:
Economic Bulletin [axually called Economic Weekly]
In the Wake of a Contest; later Disputed Island [confirmed UT Fri April 4 at

Armenians and the World; later Turkey and Energy
Turkish Album

Hues & Colours of Anatolia
DX Corner
As Foreigners Have Put It/Turkish Scientific Bulletin
[the / presumably means alternating week to week; the lack of a slash by DX
Corner means it is now every week???]
What Tunes Say

Blue Voyage; later Atatürk Through Lines
The Women of the Sultans
Turkish Rock and Pop Music

There are two other mini-features appearing most days toward the end of the
hour, but ``may be withdrawn for time issues`` -- Did You Know That? and
Question of the Month. Other fillers are multi-lingual IDs and promotion of
essay contest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The self-absorbed Pastor Pete Peters, on WWCR 9980, April 4 at 1518
was wanting calls to 307-745-5913 from people who were hearing him evenings on
WWRB 5050 but not on other frequencies; IOW, is the additional expense of 5050
worth it? ``Our radio bill is huge.`` Also mentioned that KAIJ is off the air,
but he was surprised and how many new listeners he got there (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. WWRB is still running 9385 past FCC-scheduled 2300 closing, April 3
at 2307 caterwauling as respite from Brother Scare screaming. Albania was
audible on the side at 9390, but too close for comfort (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. WEWN on new 15855, April 3 at 1402 but marred by intermittent ute
noise bursts overriding. Some utility transmitter is pissed about this further
incursion into the fixed band. The tactic among US SW broadcasters is to try
it, and see if anyone objects. A more formal protest will probably be required
for any axion to be taken (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. RNV CI via Cuba, 15250, April 3 at 2306 in English, YL
quoting Chávez in too-literal translation.

It seems like RNV CI via CUBA is devoting more and more time to English. April
4 at 1511 on 11680, found YL reporting on the government having acquired the
Lácteos Los Andes dairy in SW Venezuela, turning it into a socialist
enterprise, visited by Chávez (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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