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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 9-13

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh, off the back via Rampisham, 17700 sometimes
holds up past 1700, as noted April 11, scheduled until 1800, but April 13 after
listening to its wonderful music for the better part of an hour (not including
the Solh Theme which I thought might show up at other times reliably), went off
the air abruptly at 1559* and was still off at 1608 when I gave up waiting for
it to return. I wonder if they have decided to move to a lower frequency for
the final two hours each evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ALASKA. So far no luck by monitoring in nailing down which frequencies KNLS
is actually using for English at 1200-1300 UT. I e-mailed them several days ago
about the contradictory schedules on their website, but no reply and no fix,
just rechecked at 2317 UT April 13. At 1200 is it on 7355 and 9780 or 7355 and

April 9 just tuned in at 1259 and all I could be sure of was that 7355 was not
// 9920; no IDs heard.

April 10 at 1239 on 9920 heard some hymns and talk, not in English but
something like Thai, so FEBC Manila as also scheduled here? Nothing audible on
7355. At 1243 could not make out anything intelligible on 9780.  

April 13 at 1218, 9920 in a Vietnamese-like language, so FEBC? 9780 had the
Chinese echo jamming tactic, against what? There may well have been another
station or two underneath. Nothing audible on 7355 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** AUSTRALIA. ABC Radio National`s Late Night Live featured a 2005 interview
with the late Kurt Vonnegut, as heard part of it on RA 9580, April 13 until
1241. As usual excellent material on this show; audio:
One thing bothers me about all the tributes to Vonnegut: ``The Sirens of
Titan`` is hardly ever mentioned, but that was the first book by him I read, so
always thought of him as an SF author who also wrote other stuff (Glenn Hauser,

** CANADA [and non!]. This notice was just sent to Raymond Pelletier of CHU:

Dear Mr Pelletier: I wonder if you are aware that US SW broadcast station WHRI
in South Carolina has started using 7335?

This is from the FCC schedule file showing they started 1 April, for many, many
hours per day; however, I just noticed them last night after 0600, when your
beeps were barely audible underneath.

 7335   0300 0600  WHRI  100   260  10      1234567   010407 281007
 7335   0600 1100  WHRI  250   152  10-15   1234567   010407 281007
 7335   1100 1400  WHRI  100   260  10      1234567   010407 281007
 7335   2100 2200  WHRI  100   260  10      1234567   010407 281007
 7335   2200 0300  WHRI  100   260  10      1234567   010407 281007

The same registrations are shown in HFCC. Why isn`t CHU included in the HFCC
registrations now? If it had been coordinated there, this might not have
happened. WHR and FCC can claim they were unaware of your 24 hour broadcasts on
this frequency.

However the WHR website shows they are really using 7335 only (so far) at
0600-1100 UT: http://www.whr.org/index.cfm/fa/frequencies

You might as well have closed down as allow this to happen. It seems that your
reclassification or whatever was done, did nothing to protect you from this
kind of interference. I cannot recall a US SW station ever using 7335 while CHU
was considered a utility outlet.

You must protest this through all the official channels at the utmost! I don`t
know who is doing World Harvest Radio frequency management, but their general
contact info including phone and fax numbers can be found at

Please advise me if you make any progress on getting them off your frequency.
Regards, Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO (April 13 via DXLD) More under U S A

** CHINA. Firedrake against Sound of Hope now on 10300, April 9 at 1330 and
also at 1412, and // 9930 which jams another SOH broadcast, via KWHR, scheduled
M-F 1400-1700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. REE relay in the mornings was supposedly scheduled on 5930, but
still heard on 5965 a couple weeks ago; however, Yimber Gaviria found them on
5970 and 5930, so I checked again April 13 at 1247. Yes, typically
undermodulated Spanish on 5970, not 5965, but could not make it out on 5930
amid co-channel QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CROATIA [and non]. Looking thru the Glas Hrvatske program schedule for
Monday April 9 at
which I assume is a fairly typical day, we find these foreign language
segments, converted from UT +2 to UT:

English: 2215-2230, 0200-0230, 0600-0603, 1000-1003, 1600-1630, 1805-1815
Spanish: 2230-2300, 0230-0300, 1200-1203
Italian: 1400-1430
Hungarian (`Madarskom`): 1630-1700 
Frequencies not specified, but I suppose these are both on the domestic SW
transmitters and the German relays if the time fits. The 2215 and 0200
broadcasts should be on 6165 direct and 9925 via Germany 

** CUBA. Altho not appearing on its own schedule, R. Rebelde continues to use
17555 // 17735 for midday broadcast, both very good April 13 at 1620 (Glenn

** CUBA [non]. There has been a last-minute change regarding Radio Cuba Libre,
which has been Monday-Saturday 0700-0900 UT. As of today, this block has
switched to 1200-1400 Monday-Saturday, plus 0300-0400 UT Tuesday-Saturday. I
will have to take a look at the programs that were on from 1300-1400 on
weekdays to see whether we can reschedule them elsewhere (Jeff White, WRMI,

On 9955. So that takes care of WORLD OF RADIO Sat & Mon at 1330, Mundo Radial
Wed 1300, and several other DX programs (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1354, DX

** CUBA [non]. R. Martí never got around to updating its A-06 schedule during
the entire B-06 season at http://www.martinoticias.com/frequencies.htm
and now with the A-07 season it is more or less correct again; all the
frequencies are again in use, but exact times and transmitter site have changed
in some cases.

A-07 registrations, all Greenville except one DL as indicated. [except silent
period Mon 03-09]

 5980 07-12 
 6030 22-12 
 7365 00-04 
 7405 03-07, 12-14
 9565 17-22
 9805 10-13
11775 00-03
11845 13-17
11930 14-23
13820 12-20, DL 20-24

I looked thru all the Delano listings, and there are amazingly few; many of
them wooden for V. of Greece, no longer in effect; a few VOA English, Spanish,
Creole transmissions, and that`s it. I assume this is indicative of the phasing
out of Delano (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. RFI news in English in progress at 1510 April 13 on 17605, better
than // 15605, convenient to check on the FRG-7 with MHz retuning only; these
are 135 and 170 degrees respectively from Issoudun and not audible on 15160 via
South Africa if really in use (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GABON. Afropop music jammer was on 17632.0 (not 17632.5) when checked April
12 at 1328, stronger than ANU it was hetting on 17630. I also noticed a big
unmodulated carrier came on 17630 at 1336-1337. Afropop music distraxion was
still on 17632.0 at 1416 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HONG KONG. Missed it by that much? Isn`t it about time for another yacht
race to Philippines and back, with accompanying SW radio weather broadcasts for
the racers? The Royal HK Yacht Club website does show there was such a race on
April 5-9, 2007: http://www.rhkyc.org.hk/article.aspx?c=2&a=1060
I did not go searching further for info on broadcasts, since it`s too late now.
They also had a coastal race warmup for this in March, and a race in October to
Vietnam which bears further watching (Glenn Hauser, OK, April 13, DX LISTENING

** KURDISTAN [non]. V. of Mesopotamia, 11530 via Moldova, was listenable here
April 12 at 1350-1412+ with some exotic music, and flutter. I settle for this
when I can`t get Solh on 17700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. Qur`an on 17560, April 13 at 1615 eclipsed by Rebelde 17555;
this would be BSKSA Riyadh at 270 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** SWEDEN [and non]. R. Sweden, English relay via Canada on 15240, April 13 at
1359 concluding with IS, but at 1359:30 another carrier came on some 100 Hz
away causing the IS to sound off-pitch; this het lasted until 1405*. Now at
1400, R. Sweden is supposed to switch back from Sackville to Hörby, and I am
not aware of any other station that might be on 15240, so was R. Sweden
interfering with itself? Using 15240 both for direct and relay broadcasts
requires tight coordination, which isn`t always the case. At 1100-1300 it`s
supposed to be Hörby including English at 1230, then Sackville for an hour in
Swedish & English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. Live from Turkey on VOT, Thursday April 12 was audible on 15450 when
I tuned in at ending 1319 but it was poor with co-channel QRM de Arabic (?)
music. Nothing else is known on this frequency at this time, tho BBCWS uses it
in Bengali via Armavir, Russia during the following hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. KAIJ, 9480, was playing last week`s World of Radio 1353, Thursday
April 12 at 1500, instead of 1354; perhaps they were catching up on missed
episodes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI programming changes, such as new times for R. Cuba Libre, have
opened up other times for fill shows. Friday April 13 at 0600 I found 9955, no
jamming audible, going from Viva Miami with Thaïs (or was she just doing a
promo?), into AWR Wavescan, in English of course, for ``the third Sunday in
April``. Apparently back in Singapore they are under the impression that all
their broadcasts go out on Sunday. What else, Jeff, may we find at new times?
BTW, WRMI signal was fair, but neighbor WYFR was overwhelming on 9680/9715
causing overload and phantom frequencies on 31m. April 13 at 1213 I noticed
that Radio Cuba Libre was not being jammed on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. I am rarely listening after 0600, but I was tuning around April 13
and at 0607 found a US gospel huxter on 7335! Inbooming with pips from CHU
barely audible underneath. Preacher was ending at 0613 with phone
1-800-311-1277. You might want to complain to them about blotting out CHU; then
gave contact info: TLLB (not sure of letters), Sister Esther, P O Box 70,
Crawford VA 22841. 0614 World Harvest Radio ID, and 0615 into Midnight Cry, who
should be made aware of this too. WHR program schedule lists Midnight Cry with
C. Parker Thomas, M-F at 0615-0630 on 7335, and the 0600-0615 M-F show on 7335
is Truth Light and Life with Daniel Rodes. See CANADA [and non] for more on
this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. Interesting Aoki A07 listing from Ascension site ---
Glenn, here's a station listed in the Aoki list that I have no idea about --
likely a new gospel station using this relay. 
17675  LDS Church, Sunday only 1000-1200 ASC 250 27 (beam to W Africa)
LDS/BYU is also listed on 21520, 250 kW / 65 degrees from Ascension, Sun. only
[1000-1200 also].
Any ideas about what this broadcaster is about?  Maybe "LDS" refers to
"Latter-Day Saints", so it could be an organization run by such a group that
bought this 2-hour block on Sundays (Joe Hanlon, NJ, April 9, WORLD OF RADIO

Joe, This is probably BYU Radio. It was in the WRTH 2006 as via Rampisham DRM
Sunday 14-15 on 9750, but I don`t see it in WRTH 2007 or other current
listings. I wonder if the new broadcast is DRM, or does Ascension have DRM
capability? Nothing about SW now that I can find at http://www.byuradio.org/
but will ask them about it. 73, (Glenn to Joe via WORLD OF RADIO 1354, DX
LISTENING DIGEST) No response yet (gh)

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