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Re: [HCDX] latest Pan-American MW logs

Hello to all of you !

Unfortunatly, I made some big mistakes.

I forgot to convert the post-midnight times to UTC. For exemple, the CMW-710 reception made at 0213 was at 0213 EDT, not at 0213 UTC, but at 0613 UTC.

It's probably not a big deal, but I thought some of you will know better what to expect following this corrective e-mail.

May the good DX be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: aurel chiochiu 
  To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; ConDiglist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; LatinMWDX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; mwdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Cc: Daniel BOULE ; Paul Myers ; Folipe ... ; Rachel ; Hans Johnson ; curious.george@xxxxxxx ; venezuelanqslhelp@xxxxxxxxx ; Pierre CHABOT ; olivier.tequi ; Anne-Marie Bourdeau ; Louis Bouchard ; suzanne lachapelle ; Priscilla Plamondon ; ve2shw@xxxxxxxxx ; pepe8877@xxxxxxxxxxx ; Francisco Lameda ; MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx ; BACONTI@xxxxxxx ; Paul R. Reitz ; connie smith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:17 AM
  Subject: latest Pan-American MW logs

  Repport (mainly) from:
  Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
  4190 Edward Higgins
  H8Y 3M9
  Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Islands), Quebec, Canada
  Sanyo MCD-S830 w/ its internal ferrite bar antenna

  530 TURKS AND CAICOS,   Radio Visión Cristiana Internacional, South Caicos  AUG 15 0233 - Man preacher noted in passing. Good. (Chiochiu-QC)

  555 ST KITTS AND NEVIS,   ZIZ, Basseterre  AUG 7 0417 - relaying BBC World Service with British accented woman announcer. Poor, but first reception of them during the summer, although they are very regular the past season ! (Chiochiu-QC)

  570 CUBA,   CMEA, Radio Reloj, Pilón AUG 25 0050 - clock ticks and morse code IDs through domestic QRM (WMCA or WSYR). SIO 312. First time during the off-season months ! (Chiochiu-car-QC / Chiochiu-coche-QC)

  600 CUBA,   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris  AUG 13 0147 - w/ "Solo Música" px featuring many happy and bothering for me hardcore salsa / salsa dura tunes. Good to sometimes poor. (Chiochiu-QC)

  670 UNITED STATES,   WWFE, Miami, FL  AUG 13 0145 - Tentative ! Woman greetining his listeners mixing with co-channel Radio Rebelde. Not clear enough to understand much more, but sounded more like the Miami station which is the 670's sub-dominant (behind YVLL) in WSCR Chicago's null, rather than YVLL Radio Rumbos which is a poor third nowadays, never really good enough for pleasant listening. (Chiochiu-QC)

  670 CUBA,   CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas  AUG 13 0146 - Faded up over assumed WWFE with the "Solo Música" px. Often very strong ! In subsequent days though, a strong computer-like QRM was obbliterating southern reception on 670 kHz. (Chiochiu-QC)

  710 CUBA,   CMW, Radio Rebelde, La Julia  AUG 13 0213 - promo followed by salsa mx. Almost excellent at first then faded down under WOR 3 minutes later. (Chiochiu-QC)

  780 VENEZUELA,   YVNM, Radio Coro, estado Falcón  AUG 14 0232 - Modern dance influenced merengue music (presumably the YV group Calle Ciega) followed by "Radio Coro, Siete-Ochenta, primer lugar de sintonia" and "patrinonio de la comunidad" IDs. Poor to very poor reception. Not really strong, but as you can see, condx didn't really favored Latin America on the AM band during the past few weeks from my Montreal suburb. I'm also less active nowadays. (Chiochiu-QC)

  890 CUBA,   CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas  AUG 25 0115 - with an interesting philosophic comment regarding freedom (libertad...) which is the possibility to choose and how it was related to the revolution, then playing a romantic Cuban rhythm inside the Ritmos px. Also noted earlier, at 0050, with a Laura Paussini tune in Spanish from the Nocturno AC/ballads px. Completly overpowering WLS Chicago on the car-radio's whip antenna in the Dollard-des-Ormeaux / Pointe-Clerc border. Regular reception on both the Sangean 818-ACS and the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot with WLS completly nulled out or almost. (Chiochiu-car-QC / Chiochiu-coche-QC) 

  910 CUBA,   CMAF, Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey  AUG 21 0300 - "Transmite Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey, Cuba -> voz de la (¿?)". Poor at this time, but often quite good and the easiest of the smaller Cuban networks. Also had what sounded like YVRQ (Venezuela) on a few occasions during the past few weeks. (Chiochiu-QC)

  Condx aren't that great yet, except for the ZIZ-555 receptionw hich really BLEWED me away !!!! I never thought I would get them during the summer, although August is a summer month that can be almost be considered as part of the traditionnal DX season.

  No Trans-Atlantic DX to speak of, although I "thought" I had some man talk on 585 in and out, but could be an overspill from the 580 and 590 domestics, rather than much soughed for Radio Nacional de España. I plan to send a taped report to Radio Nacional de España, and since Madrid-585 is regular at my QTH it would not be a problem when the condx will really pick up in propagation quality. Right now, however, my main project is to find a tape recording of Aventure FM (105.9 in Paris which dissapeared in 1989 -> my favorite radio station of all the times), as well as having a girlfriend. But, I'm not forgetting DXing and I'm still looking for something surprising.

  I have two options: either taping regular foreign MW stations in order to expand my QSL collection which, at this time, is VERY small (only 3 FM QSLs for e-skip catches) or looking for new stations, especially Trans-Atlantic ones, since we are reaching the minimum activity over the Sun this fall and take the QSL issue more slowly.

  The best thing is to install a new radio. Using my Sanyo MCD-S830 which is more than outstanding for casual DX despite recent alignement problems from taping stations I intend to QSL and using a communication receiver in order to look for other "new" signals AT THE SAME time are ideal options.

  If I want to QSL Madrid-585, I might try to do it fast, since Spaniard MW stations may be switching to DRM very fast.

  May the good DX be with you !
  Bogdan Chiochiu
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