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[HCDX] More logs from Kremenchuk, Ukraine

Another day and night of loggings from Kremenchuk, Ukraine.  Enough to wet 
my apetite before leaving for Donetsk this afternoon.  No more professional 
grade receivers nor antenna systems :-(  Oh well.  On the other hand I'll 
get the chance to dx in a small village.  4 years ago, there was 0 RF noise 
when I was there.  I brought my Kaito/Degen 1103 with me plus about 10 
meters of wire.  I wish it had switchable side bands though.  Can't have it 
all, I suppose.  On to the loggings:

BELARUS   6010   1225  17 August 06   Belarus 1 hs program.  I can't 
understand why there are so many low power channels carrying this service on 
49 and 41 meters.  All are easily heard during the day here.  6010 is listed 
with 5 kw from Brest and heard with fair strength.  // are 6040 Hrodna 
fair/good with 5 kw, 6070 Brest with 5 kw at good levels, 6080 S9 + 20 with 
150 kw from Minsk, 6115 also Minsk with 75 kw fair/good, 6190 Mahilou 5 kw 
good, over a cochannel, 7110 Hrodna 5 kw good reception, 7145 Mahilou 5 kw, 
much weaker than the rest at fair level.  Nice ID at 1239 as "Belaruska 
Radyo Pershyi Kanal", or similar to this.  Ads from 1255 to 1258.  The only 
2nd channel on SW is 7265 Hrodna at fair/good level with 5 kw.  At 1259 5 + 
1 time pips, and then "novyny na Kanaly Kultura" in Belarussian. ie:  news 
on the cultural channel.  Can anyone give a logical explanation regarding so 
many transmitters?   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

AZERBAIJAN  6110.8   1325  17 August 06    A most frustrating frequency to 
monitor.  A strong carrier throughout the day, but no or virtually no audio 
heard.  Finally heard some very weak audio in probable Azeri at 1659.  IS at 
1700 then talk, but too weak to understand the language.  Should be English, 
but I have my doubts.  Sounded more like Russian style, but this is listed 
at 1730.  In fact nothing heard at 1730.  This will need more investigation, 
but I fear my portable gear won't be up to the challenge!   (Salmaniw, 
Kremenchuk Ukraine)

ABKHAZIA  9494.75  1414  17 August 06.  Strong S9 + 20 signal, but lowish 
modulation.  Russian heard at this time with local weather , and ID at 
14:18:35.  Stronger when rechecked at 1435 or 1735 local time.  Local, 
presumably Abkhaz music.  Audio link seemed to have been lost at 14:48 
during a Russian language broadcast, but resumed 5 minutes later.  Radio 
Kuban id at 1453:40 with weather and Black Sea/Azov sea temps....very warm! 
35 to38 during the day, with sea temps of 26 to 28.  A bit overmodulated. 
At 1500 into Radio Rossii programming.  Well worth pursuing this one.  I 
left the mp3 player running for the hour during dinner.  Hopefully some nice 
ids in there somewhere!   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

DJIBOUTI  4780   1738   17 August 06.  A big disappointment so far.  A new 
ute has parked right on frequency and is heard all day long on both side 
bands ruining the previous excellent reception.  Finally heard well enough 
in a local language, but not an enjoyable experience!  Didn't stick around 
for an id.  Wonder if this ute is heard in North America or beyond Europe? 
(Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

ASCENSION  IS  17810  1743  17 August 06.  Caught the end of UN Radio with 
excellent reception in English.  // Skelton on 15495 also very good. 
(Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

KYRGYZSTAN  4010.06  1749  17 August 06.  Kyrgyz Radio 1st hs program heard 
very well here.  Good reception with local talk in presumed Kyrkyz.  Occ cw 
on LSB so USB best to use.  // to 4795 at same or sl lower level.  They 
sign-off at 1759 with announcement also in Russian, I believe and into NA. 
I retuned them at 2340 at which time Bishkek is heard at very good levels, 
while 4795 was only poor to fair.  Mostly EZL music and announcements in 
Kyrgyz.  I left the mp3 running until 0152 to review later.  (Salmaniw, 
Kremenchuk Ukraine)

RUSSIA  5965  1800  17 August 06.  Found Radio Radonezh here with s/on and 
ID.  This is an Orthodox service that sounds very right wing.  Fair to good 
with some transmmitter blips.  Also announce 1296 not heard.   (Salmaniw, 
Kremenchuk Ukraine)

BULGARIA  5775  1901 17 August 06.  IRRS with site presumed.  Radio 6 
International, Scotland program at excellent levels.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk 

INDIA  4860  1920  17 August 06  AIR Urdu Service at very strong level until 
sign-off at 1930.  One of the strongest on 60 meters at this time. 
(Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

BOTSWANA  4930  1922  17 August 06.  VOA in English with good reception over 
presumed Turkmen R.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

UGANDA  4976  1924  17 August 06.  Red Channel of Radio Uganda at fair/good 
reception.  Better than their Blue channel on 5026.  I taped the rest of the 
hour for later monitoring.  African high-life music at 1958.  OC at 1959 and 
nothing further.  Darn!  They seemed to come back with a very distorted 
signal a few minutes later, so must have had a transmitter fault at the 
worst moment!  A welcome logging as east Africa is very difficult if not 
impossible to hear in WCNA.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

MONGOLIA  4895  2141  17 August 06.  Mongolian Radio heard with better 
results compared to the previous night.  Sometimes at almost very good 
level.  S7 to S9 signal.  Confirmed that Russian NOT heard at 2300.  All 3 
frequencies remained in Mongolian.  ie 4895, 4830, and 7260.  7260 heard 
after 2200 only and is the weakest, it seems.  The m/w/f Russian schedule at 
0000 to 0010 fits, kind of, since in summer this would equate to 2300 to 
2310 as I heard the first night, and remains m/w/f.  Will check tonight if 
possible again.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

TURKMENISTAN  5015  2308  S9 + 10 signal with Turkmen Radio 1st hs programme 
in Turkmen with listed 20 kw.  A very powerful signal here.  Many mentions 
of Turkmenistan and Turkmen.  I returned at 0152 on August 18th to hear an 
exceptionally strong signal with repeated mentions of Asgabat.  These were 
ads.  AT 0200 4 + 1 time pips, and into news in Turkmen.   (Salmaniw, 
Kremenchuk Ukraine)

PHILIPPINES  15510  0204  18 August 06 Radio Filipinas. Fair signal in the 
clear with English news.  // of 11885 is just barely audible under a 
cochannel.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

BRAZIL  4885  0217  18 August 06.  Probably Radio Club do Pora with fair to 
good reception in Portuguese with repeated mentions of Pora.  Strongest 
Brazilian heard here so far.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

BRAZIL  4985  0221  18 August 06.  Presumed Radio Brasil Central at 
fair/good level.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

CUBA  5025  0223  18 August 06.  Radio Rebelde  with a long winded Spanish 
program.  Excellent reception.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk UkraiUSne)

COSTA RICA  5030.04  0225  18 August  06.  Dr. Gene Scott's University 
network heard at fair level with his usual programming.   (Salmaniw, 
Kremenchuk Ukraine)

USA  5050  0226  18 August 06.  WWRB  Loopy programming at good/very good 
level.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

USA  5070  0227  18 August 06.  WWCR.  Religous programming in English, also 
at very good levels.  This is at local dawn here.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk 

USA  5110.16  0228  18 August 06.  WBCQ  Seemingly on LSB or AM with 
suppresse USB?  with a very old Radio Weather program coming on at 0230.  I 
remember hearing this program some 2 or more years back.  S7 to S9 signal. 
(Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

CUBA  6000  0234  18 August 06  Radio Havana Cuba in English with S9 + 10 
signal well over a weaker Arabic language station.   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk 

ZAMBIA  4960  0246  18 August 06.  The Voice with an S9 to S9 + 10 signal 
with inspirational hymns in English.  Lots of static crashes, though.  USB 
has a ute, but LSB in the clear.  Absolutely no sign of ZNBC, so wonder if 
they have left SW for good?   (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

RUSSIA  6160  0251  18 August 06.  An absolutely impossible channel to 
monitor in Victoria.  Weakly heard, presumably Arkhangelsk in Russian at 
fair level with Radio Rossii ID at 0300.  Lots of splash from 6165 so fair 
level at best.  Nothing local heard here, just the network feed. 
(Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine)

Final comments:  I tried a bandscan on the MW band looking for north 
American MW stations, but not a peep yet.  Vlad tells me this starts up 
within the month.  A huge thank you to Vlad for his incredible hospitality 
once again.  A DXer of the highest caliber in all respects, but get that 
loose coax connection fixed ;-) OM!  We had the most enjoyable late evening 
using his WinRadio 383e which he ably demonstrated to me....got to get one 
of those.  The DRM feature was of great interest to me.  Even here in Europe 
I was less than impressed with the technical limitations of the system. 
With a strong signal it still took perhaps 15 seconds to lock on, sync, and 
start demodulating.  Although the results then can be superb...fm quality 
from Luxembourg for example, I can't imagine the average listener being 
patient enough with this system.  Will it ever catch on....me thinks that 
this may go the route of USB on SW.  Remember that fiasco?  Perhaps I'm 
overly pessimistic.  Let's hope so.  Time to head to Dnipropetrovsk to pick 
up my younger brother, and off to visit family in Donetsk.  Cheers for 
now!..........Walt Salmaniw, Kremenchuk Ukraine, but usually in Victoria, 

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