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[HCDX] RFA Tibetan prg

According to RFA schedule, Tibetan prg in 5 freq can't be heard at all, monitored at 14 July 2006 at 1330-1340, details as follow :
7470   mandarin language prg    SINPO 33333
11590 mandarin language prg     SINPO 43343
13625 trad chinese music           SINPO 34332
13830 mandarin language prg     SINPO 34232
15510 mandarin language prg     SINPO 33332

Also the same with Mandarin prg in their 7 freq, all of them (presume) were jamming.
Monitored from 1605 to 1615 at the same day with details as follow:
9455   trad chinese music  SINPO 55555
9905   trad chinese music  SINPO 55555
11795  trad chinese music  SINPO 55444
12025  CNR mandarin prg   SINPO 55444
13675  trad chiinese music  SINPO 45444
13715  trad chinese music   SINPO 55444
15530  CNR mandarin prg    SINPO 45343

So  all of RFA prg can't be monitored all time long ?

Lim Kwet Hian, Jakarta.

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