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[HCDX] Latest DX

BOLIVIA   6079.96   R. San Gabriel  Already on at 0847 w/campesino mx then 
usual M and W anncrs.  Not very strong.  (Valko 24 May)

BRAZIL   6134.81   R. Aparecida  0848  Had to come on within the last 2 
minutes as it wasn't there 2 minutes earlier during constant checks for 
s/on.  ZY Pops, M anncr.  //5035.  (Valko 24 May)

VANUATU   7259.53   R.V.  0957  Here this morning despite it being on 
3944.84 the past few weeks at least.  Back on 3944.77 the next day.  Why 
change freqs twice in 3 days??  (Valko 25 and 26 May)

BOLIVIA   6134.8   R. Santa Cruz  0856  Must've just caught s/on w/mx and 
canned M w/full ID anmnt as "R. Santa Cruz emisora ?? radiofonico ?? a lo 
dia, transmite dos frecuencia de 970 kilocyclos onda media, 6135 kilocyclos 
banda de 49 metros onda corta.  Oficina ?? en Mario Flores ?? Casilla 
Postal 5070(?).  R. Santa Cruz emisora ?? radiofonico ?? a lo dia".  Then 
pleasant folk mx.  (Valko 27 May)

PERU   6114.87   R. Union  0900 Great lively tropical mx w/canned ID 
promo.  0902 full canned ID by M "Desde Lima Peru, transmite R. Union, a 
hora es ?? frecuencia AM (call and freq but couldn't copy), en onda corta 
6115 (call, also couldn't copy) Union la radio ??.  (woman briefly)  Union, 
Union, Union".  Then live M w/another ID, and back to mx.  Pretty nice 
signal but fady.  (Valko 27 May)

BOLIVIA   6079.95   R. San Gabriel  0918 campesino mx  w/group chorus at 
t/in, then M and W in discussion in Aymara.  0923 canned anmnt by what 
sounded like the same M and W w/clear ment of San Gabriel by M followed 
almost immediately by W w/ID.  Also ment of Los Andes later.  Some shouting 
(singly and in unison) and mx briefly too.  Not very strong and het 
QRM.  (Valko 27 May)

PERU   4790.26   R. Vision   0930 beautiful campesino mx, 0931 easy canned 
ID by M "Buena la cuidad Chiclayo, en los 1350 kilocyclos en amplitud 
modulada, transmite R. Vision".  Then intro for "La Voz Salvacion" pgm, and 
said pgm.  Decent strength but audio a little distorted like a variable 
speed recording when the recorder motor is faulty.  I've discovered this is 
a good time to ID the stn as they usually go into "La Voz Salvacion" at 
0930 daily.  (Valko 27 May)

PIRATE (EUROPE)   6220.12  Mystery R.  0000 Usual mx, ID at 0004.  Strong 
and noisy.  (Valko 28 May)

9688.6 (Madagascar) and 9494.5 (Abkhazia); both carriers there at 1122 but 
extremely weak.  Will take the opening of all openings to log them 
here!!  (Valko 28 May)

PIRATE (NA)   6950.4U   MAC Shortwave  0037 "Hey Joe" live, cut off at 0039 
and ID jingle.  Deadair.  E-mail macshortwave@xxxxxxxxxx  Very strong and 
clear.  (Valko 29 May)

UNID. NA PIRATE   6925U   Unid.  0040  Recording of Ned in call to "?? 
Communications" (the first part was blanked out) w/gay inuendos.  Then what 
sounded like a bar conversation w/band playing, and addr and ID by W in 
high-pitched voice but couldn't copy.  (Valko 29 May)

DIEGO GARCIA   12579U   AFN  1004-1229  NPR "Morning Edition" pgm w/nx, 
sports, many promos, features, and an occas. Jazz song.  AP news at 1200 
followed by "Marine Corp Radio News" at 1205.  Fair signal and readable, 
but dropped off really fast after 1215 apparently as night-time was falling 
at the xmtr site.  UTE QRM from WLO.  //5446.5, 7811, 12133.5 (weak but 
audible) Key West, 5765 (weak under very strong WWCR) Guam, 7590 (barely in 
but definitely //) Iceland, and 6350 (best of the bunch) Pearl 
Harbor.  Didn't think Diego Garcia would be in and never expected all to be 
audible at the same time.  7811 was slightly ahead of 12579, but 6350 was 
ahead of 7811!!  (Valko 29 May)

PIRATE (NA)   6925U   Lizard King R.  2310-2315  Punk-like mx, deadair, 
then live tlk by M but hard to copy because of roomy sound and SSB 
mode.  2314 ID by M, into Doors song.  Somewhat weak.  (Valko 29 May)

PIRATE (EUROPE)   6298   R. Fox 48  Only a weak carrier here at 2315 after 
receiving an e-mail in the SW Pirates group saying he'd be there.  Too 
early in the evening.  Gone at 0000 check.  (Valko 29 May)

UNID.   6224.77   NA Pirate??   0007-0010*  Rock mx by womens group 
suddenly off in mid-song at 0010.  Wish I would have tuned in 
earlier.  Strong signal and best on outdoor loop suggesting NA QTH.  (Valko 
30 May 2006)

PIRATE (EUROPE)   6220   Mystery R.  0010-0151  Playing more standard Pops 
this time w/"Give it U" by K.C., "Spirit in the Sky", "Rosanna" by Toto, 
"The Nights on Broadway", "Woman" by John Lennon, etc.  Usual IDs.  Still 
going at 0148 w/another John Lennon song, Supremes, then ID at 
0151.  Strong signal w/static QRN.  (Valko 30 May)

UNID.   7056   Still here again this morning at 1015.  Same 
strength.  (Valko 30 May)

AUSTRALIA   6080   ABC Local Radio, Shepparton Vic.  1019-1113+  While 
looking for R. San Gabriel, was surprised to find this here instead.  "The 
Louvred Lounge" with host Mac Cocker.  Mx, ABC nx, TCs, short features, and 
many promos for 105.7 ABC Darwin and 783 ABC Alice Springs.  Decent signal 
and clear.  Wondering why this suddenly showed up on this freq, i checked 
into the ABC Web site and gleaned this info:

"The ABC advises that it is in the process of upgrading its Alice Springs, 
Katherine and Tennant Creek shortwave Local Radio services. This work is 
being undertaken to provide greater reliability of these services.

Each service will be required to be switched off for an extended period 
while replacement transmitters are installed. The work on the Tennant Creek 
transmitter has now been completed and the service has recommenced 
broadcasting. The Alice Springs (Roe Creek) service is now being upgraded 
and is currently off and the Katherine service will also be turned off for 
an extended period from Tuesday 30 May.

 From this date those listeners who usually tune to the Alice Springs and 
Katherine shortwave services will need to retune to the Tennant Creek 
service to continue to receive ABC Local Radio. The ABC has also provided 
an additional service, which will broadcast into the Northern Territory 
from Shepparton, Victoria on 11880kHz during the day and 6080kHz in the 

See  http://www.abc.net.au/reception/news/051006_shortwave_radio_services.htm

So apparently I caught the first temporary broadcast from Shepparton by 
accident.  (Valko 30 May)

ANTARCTICA   15475.97  R. Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel 
(tent.)  2020+  Definitely a signal here w/bits of extremely weak audio at 
times.  As I was running an MD on this and not at the radio, I couldn't 
tell when it signed off.  It was off though at 2100 when I returned.  Is 
this a reactivation??  (Valko 30 May)

73's        Dave

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