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[HCDX] Latest Radio New Zealand International (RNZI) DRM News

Latest information just received from Adrian Sainsbury - Technical 
Manager Radio New Zealand International concerning RNZI DRM.

If you wish to pass on feedback concerning reception you can obtain 
details for a 'contact email address' or online Reception report form 

or send me the information and I will pass it directly to Adrian.

Mark Nicholls
New Zealand DX Times
New Zealand Radio DX League

>DRM test transmissions from RNZI are now on these frequencies:
>1850-0700 UTC    13730 kHz  [0650-1900 NZT]
>0700-1850  UTC   6095  kHz     [1900-0750 NZT]
>All going well  we will publish a DRM schedule later this week to take
>effect from Sunday 4 June.
>Feedback on reception quality good or bad will be most helpful !!
>Adrian Sainsbury
>Technical  Manager
>Radio New Zealand International
>P O Box 123
>Web:  www.rnzi.com

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