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[HCDX] Finland`s secret English news?

** FINLAND. In DXLD 5-054: English again from YLE! I am hearing a 3-minute
summary including weather for Helsinki at 1255-1258* on 15400 and 13715,
domestic service relay. Probably M-F only. 15400 has co-channel from NHK in
French to Africa via Ascension at 1230, Swahili 1300 (Joe Hanlon, NJ, March 29,

That was reported on a Wednesday, but it seems he had heard it more than once.
I have been wanting to check this out, but it`s a bit early for me and
reception has been poor lately. On Tuesday April 11, I monitored 13715, which
was better, and 15400 from 1253, but heard only a woman speaking in Finnish
with what sounded like a dramatic reading or poetry. 13715 went off abruptly at
1258, but there was no English either on 15400 in the next two minutes.

A few years ago YLE Radio Finland officially cancelled all broadcasts in
English. What Joe heard was no doubt relayed from some domestic program, and I
can`t find anything about English news segments in the just received, thanks
John S. Carson, program booklet, also pdf
http://www.yle.fi/rfinland/YLE_RFkesa06web.pdf nor elsewhere on the website,
which however, being all in Finnish, is difficult for me to navigate. 

YLE no doubt does not go out of its way to publicize such an English service,
but we would love to be able to listen to this reliably, even if it is only 3

So could Finnish members please look into this, and find out exactly when and
on what SW frequencies these English news capsules are actually scheduled and
heard? Thanks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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