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I have been working with a contact at AFN for quite some time on the 
QSL situation. A formal announcement is expected soon, but some techs 
at the relay sites have been leaking details recently. I am not sure 
at all that the QSL link on the AFN website is working, nor I am sure 
it will be used when the new QSL answering service is set up. When I 
get the official news, I will release it via DXLD and you will see it 
here. Last I heard, we were about 4-6 weeks away. I have been 
relaying updates from this source to Glenn and NASWA over the last 
several weeks.

Also, contrary to reports in other SW pubs, the AFN maintains that 
these relays are supposed to be 24/7 and not subject to shutdown for 
priority military traffic. The feeds are unmanned. They are 
interested in reports of reception and non-reception as DXers are 
often the first to alert them to a transmitter that is off the air. 
The source told me in one email that they know when Key West is off 
the air because they receive complaints from yachtsmen and charter 
fishing boats when the broadcasts are down!!!

Russ Lay

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