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[HCDX] DX from Itapoá - SC - Brazil

Hi friends,

The Japy DX Group made another summer DX trip devoted to Transequatorial
Propagation to Itapoa´s Beach, State of Santa Catarina, south of Brazil.
The standart call used as amateur radio station was PY2OC/PP5. The team
was formed by Enos Emerick PY2ENO, Luiz Tresso PY2OC, Peter Sprengell
PY5CC/PP5XX and the writter of this e-mail.

TEP noted during all days of operation, some not so strong but others
able for  listen and make QSOs with caribbean stations by their local
repeaters on 144 MHz. Following the QSOs, all with PY2OC/PP5:

12 feb 2006
147,360 MHz - 0147 UTC - J73CI by FM Dominica rpt 59
147,110 MHZ - 0222 UTC - J73YH by FM Dominica rpt 59

16 feb 2006
146,940 MHZ - 0235 UTC - J86BG by St Lucia FM rpt 59

17 feb 2006
146,940 MHz - 0102 UTC - J68AK by St Lucia FM RPT 59
147,360 MHz - 0110 UTC - J73CI by Dominica FM RPT 59
146,940 MHz - 0120 UTC - PU5YFT by St Lucia FM RPT 59

Interesting 144,390 MHz APRS frequency that was usefull for us as TEP
beacon. There´s J7 activity on that freq, but we only copy FM Martinica
message traffic. We also try YV5LIX beacon several times but without

These are the TEP time openings considering also 6 meters and FM
Broadcasting Band:

10 feb: 0134 ~ 0246 >>> 1 hour and 21 min
11 feb: 0026 ~ 0304 >>> 2 hours and 37 min
11 feb: 2320 ~ 12 feb 0230 (QSOs made) >>> 3 hours
13 feb: 0020 ~ 0436 >>> 4 hours and 16 min
14 feb: 0132 ~ 0245 >>> 1 hour and 12 min
15 feb: 0001 ~ 0200 >>> 1 hour and 59 min
16 feb: 0118 ~ 0348 >>> 2 hours and 30 min
16 feb: 2351 ~ 17 feb 0325 (QSOs made)>>> 3 hours and 34 min
18 feb: 0136, 0150 >>> short peaks, mobile reception

On FM, very strong signal came from probaly Radio St Lucia (97,3 MHz)
with VOA and BBC programms and Radio Sud Est (89,3 MHz) from Martinique.
 From Barbados 98,1 FM was the best, even on the trip to return to our
QTHs in Sao Paulo we heard on the highway (mobile) this station with
portable receiver and telescopic antenna.

By this link you can see some photos and 2 videos with TEP´s QSOs:

The complete log, antennas and equipment info, etc:

The VHF/UHF´s log:

The relation of Caribbean QRGs that we were QRV:

Also Utility log:

Please, If you know interesting QRGs from Carib (beacons, repeaters,
local chat freq, nodes, etc) or know DXers and researchers interested in
TEP, send us one e-mail for future skeds.


Flávio Archangelo PY2ZX
Jundiaí - São Paulo - Brazil

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