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[HCDX] Recent logs JAN 8 - JAN 10

Report from:
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 Edward Higgins
H8Y 3M9
Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada
Sanyo MCD-S830 with ferrite bar antenna
Sangean CST-818 with long-wire antenna in our interior yard

Pan-American DX:

600 CUBA,   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris JAN 10 0403 - Feel asleep listening to this one often very good and fighting WICC in Bridgeport with Spanish ballads and a bolero, woman with talk about woman issues and about communism. She saied that when everyone (psychiatres, teachers, sellers, etc.) would be equal, it will help to build the society. (Obviously, this is not true, since it's the difference, not the equality that makes one motivated in life and apt to success - Bogdan). (Chiochiu-QC)

670 CUBA,   CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas JAN 10 0402 - Almost as strong as 600 but with much more distortion due to fadings. This one is a pest for me, because it makes Radio Rumbos a difficult catche and mostly impossible to enjoy. (Chiochiu-QC)

750 VENEZUELA,   YVKS, RCR, Caracas, DF JAN 7 2335 - Fair reception with WSB partly nulled with YV baseball. +JAN 09 0330 - w/ talk about the biography of a poet. Good and completly atop channel at this time. (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA,   HJAJ, RCN Cadena Basíca, Barranquilla JAN 09 0327 - Ads and several IDs. Poor and fadey. (Chiochiu-QC)

780 unIDs (prob. YVNM in Coro, Falcón and a second Latin) JAN 09 0336 - Threshold with Tropical music followed by an ID that was almost completly burried in next-to-adjacent local CJAD-800 splatter; the only word readable was "AM" and "AM" is often used on Radio Coro so almost certainly them. What was interesting that I had what seemed to be a second Latin station here from which I couldn't copy nothing. The most likely possibility would be Ecos del Torbes, YVOD. Are they still actives on MW ? I know they left SW a few years ago, sadly. (Chiochiu-QC)

890 CUBA,   CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas JAN 09 0342 - Nice tropical tune followed by ID. Quite good and for a minute or so at 0344 was even very good. However, not only my Sanyo MCD-S830 powerhouse is less sensitive in the 800s and 900s, but it seem as well MUCH less selectif. On all the other channels adjacent to NYC powerhouses, I only get splash and / or het, but around 890 I get true overspills with comprehensible but distorted content from WCBS-880. (Chiochiu-QC)

1140 unID (poss. the Isla Margarita station) JAN 10 2203 - Spanish talk very weak and very intermittent. WRVA and a day-timer were the only usable signals here. 1140 is probably my best bet for the Nueva Esparta "estado" of Isla Margarita. But, Cuba and WQBI are possibles too, so I'm not even labelling this one as tentative. (Chiochiu-QC)


5030 BURKINA FASO,   Radio Burkina (also IDing as RTB !), Ougadougou JAN 10 2124 - FF announcer presenting a nice mixture of Afropop, soukous and R&B until 2156 when I hear some IS followed by newscast at 2200 with political news. SIO 342 with fadings and minor growl from a computer in the neighborhood. Around 2202, powerline QRM begun to be heard at which point, I switched to AM broadcast band listening on my Sanyo MCD-S830. (Chiochiu-QC)

6140 COLOMBIA,   HJCU, Radio Lider, Santafé de Bogota JAN 09 2344 - w/ romantic Spanish music. The signal was quite good, but with lots of splatter from 6135. SIO 311, since the splatter was intense and tiring. It was the first time I tuned to Radio Lider during the evening ! (Chiochiu-QC)

First of all, a very good news arrived yesturday via the Italian list playdx: the A Index is 0; that means, if it continue to be very low or even nil, that excellent east-west high-latitude paths can be achieved on MW. It also means I should try to get Norway-1314, if it continues that way.

Secondly, I really don't understand why a radio that is capable of splitting Croatia-1134, Spain-585 and ZIZ-555 is getting distroted, but GOOD WCBS audio blending over Progreso. A filter should work the same around the band or not ? I'd really appreciate an explanation, since it is really intriguing me. It is sad, since it makes Romania-855 out of question for me. What are the other Romnian outlets I could have at least a slim chance of picking up here in Montreal, on MW ? I know Mark Connelly did not even put Romania among "Your first 50 Trans-Atlantic countries"...

However, I'm really happy with the possibles Spanish signals on 780 and 1140, channels dominated usually by strong Radio Coro (well, at least quite regularly) and WRVA in Richmond, VA. I couldn't get an ID, but this season wasn't too productive in term of LA DX on MW so far. I haven't listened to too many "new" Latins in 2005-2006 so far. At least, my radio and it's ferrite bar antenna is good enough for some limited TA DX during decent conditions. Of course, if everything is all right, I may have a Drake R8B within the next months.

As you can see I haven't reported Caicos-530, but the program content of this station isn't really appelling to me, some of you know why.

Last evening, I listened to a radio station in Belgium (over the Internet of course) and since the discussion was very appelling to me, I wrote an e-mail to the announcer and he read it over the air. This reminds me of David Gleason when he was over the air on XEB-1220 in Mexico in the early 70's according to what I saw on his web-site, requesting songs from Cleveland. It's always exciting to pass on the radio !

I hope someone will be able to explain to me why the selectivity of my Sanyo MCD-S830 is varying so much and is so poor in the 800s and 900s as compared to the other parts of the dial where it is excellent for such a radio.

Let's hope we'll have extra-good trans-Atlantic condx on the AM band very soon !
Be the good DX stuff with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
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