[HCDX] Excellent non-auroral condx last night
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[HCDX] Excellent non-auroral condx last night

I was unable to DX last week, I had fever, bronchitis and I spent two days in hospital; my imunitary system is very low (even an emergency with very tough conditions).

Got some tuning last evening in order to change my mind since I  was extremely anxious and conditions were extremely amazing. I had the best and clearest signal out of Spain-585 around 0300 and was able to tape their ID this time (before 0300 they had a very nice show of flamenco music) and domestics were unnulable with the exception of Cuba-670. On 760 I thought I heard Bogota mentioned twice around 0240, but WJR was essentially unnulable. What was odd was that WVMT-620 had quite some QRM, more than in all my 5 years of on and off DX'ing. Conditons were so exceptionnal...

I hope everyone will take advantage of these amazing conditions.

A full report maybe next week-end, since I'm too tired right now.

Bogdan Chiochiu in Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island)

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