[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending July 24
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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending July 24

4939.8, VENEZUELA, R.Amazonas, 0933-0946, July 19,
Spanish, Lively SP music and OM b/w selections. Quick
ID at 0945. Weak w/ static. (Barbour-NH)

5005, EQ.GUINEAS, RN-Bata, 2252-2255*, July 19, Just
caught the end of their lenghty NA at s/off. Fair.

7120, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, (P)Wantok R. Light,
0935-1000+, July 24, Vernacular/English, Ballads in
language booming in a t/in. Whisper-quiet OM at 0944;
presumably in Pidgin. EG ballads followed and more
talks as static levels increased thru 1000 until the
signal was useless. Announcers audio still too weak to
ID here in ECNA tho still impressive for mid-summer.

9290, LATVIA, R.Tatras Int'l, 2217-2233, July 22,
English, Continuos format of pop oldies b/w repeating
ID announcments and promos. First annmts was
"Greetings to friends in Europe, Latvia, Slovakia,
Scandinavia and the Baltics.." w/ mentions of b/cing
on the " (??) Satelitte network carrying RTI". The
promo was for a July 22nd event featuring the MTV
Beach Party Tour. Fair/poor, best listening in USB.

9495, IRAN, "VO Justice", 0140-0152, July 19, English,
News and commentaries re Iranian virtues; US and
Zionist atrocities. Fair.(Barbour-NH)

9770, SRI LANKA, SLBC, 0101-0118, July 24, English,
Fast paced announcer b/w "crooner" ballads w/ Sunday
morning greetings and requesting listener calls from
India and Sri Lanka. Fair signal tho announcer talks
way too fast to fully comprehend. (Barbour-NH)

9965, PALUA, (P)KHBN/T8BZ, 1008-1020, July 24,
Mandarin, Continous Mandarin ballads. No IDs or
annoucements. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

11735, ZANZIBAR, (P)RTZ, 2044-2100*, July 23,
Vernacular, Arabic-style music w/ YL b/w selections.
OM at 2055 w/ very weak audio, YL again then NA at
s/off. No discernible ID noted. Poor. (Barbour-NH)

11965, "LIBERIA", Star Radio (via Ascencion),
2153-2159*, July 22, English, OM w/ Liberian sporting
news; passing mentions of  "Star Radio". Cut off
mid-sentence at 2159 followed by a snippet of French
talks. Wonder what that was?. Fair; best listening in
USB. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverage antennas

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