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[HCDX] NZ report.

11 reports out for Jan,  some details for those interested:-

China,  P.R.
17595    CPBS-Shijiazhuang,  0335-on,  Loud and clear signal in Chinese.
             Good clear ID at 0400.
17540    CRI-Kashi,  good in English,  News and report programme in English.

3955       HCJB-Juelich,  weak at 1600 sign on,  German programme,  good signal
                by 1615. 
6075       DWR-Sines.   Very good in German from 1900 UTC.
9470       Hrvatska Radio-Juelich.   0500 good with news in Croatian,  then signal
               dropped away to weak,  but soon came back to very good at 0700 with
               English news.
9610       IBRA-Juelich.   1900 on air in Hausa with id,  poor to close at 2015.  Much
               side splatter,    Main offender CRI in German 9615.

10320      AFRS-Pearl Harbor.   Very good and clear signal in English from 0635 

9705        AIR-Panaji.   GOS signal on after int sig 2245,  good level at that time.
                 Unfortunately gone totally by 2320.
11715      AIR-Panaji.    GOS signal comes on air 2045 in English,  very good and
                 readable to past 2131

Northern Marianas:-
21570      RFA-Tinian,   Excellent signal at sign on 0600 in Tibetan,  finished at 0700.
                 QSL card with "2005 Year of Rooster",  and my 5700th shortwave QSL.
                 (no wonder stations get hard to find).

9345         RNW-Tashkent,  Sign on 1400 in English,   SINPO 55555 says it all.

Wanted to hear - but no trace at all.....
6045         Hamburg Lokal Radio.
7120         Radio Strike.

Regards   Ron

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