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[HCDX] 68H To Rebuild Four Radio Stations in Aceh

From the website for Indonesia's 68H Radio News Agency http://www.radio68h.com/ . All four stations are FM.

"On Thursday, 6 January 2005, Radio News Agency 68H will send a radio technical team along with necessary equipment to rebuild radio stations destroyed in the tsunami in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam.

In Phase One, the first station to be re-established is Radio Prima, previously broadcast in Banda Aceh on 99,9 FM. At the same time, the 68H technical team will assist in the setting up of a community radio station to be managed by activists from Muhamadiyah.

The aim of this initiative is to restore communications among the inhabitants of Banda Aceh and provide a means of healing and education post-disaster. 68H hopes that through the rebuilt radio stations, those living in Aceh can get information about their missing relatives.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the radio broadcasts, 68H plans to place radios and speakers in 70 refugee centres in Banda Aceh. This will enable refugees to hear news about the situation in Aceh and elsewhere, especially important given that most radios were lost in the tsunami.

In Phase Two, 68H plans to rebuild Radio Dalka in Meulaboh, and Radio Megaphone in Sigli.

As well as rebuilding radio stations, 68H is also concentrating efforts on building pump wells to access clean water. This clean water program is being funded by contributions from 68H listeners to our "We Care For Aceh" appeal."

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