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[HCDX] Latest mw logs and QSLs from Craig Edwards, Queensland, Australia

Craig Edwards - Townsville, Queensland


Again the monsoon rains in late January prevented any camping trips for a DXpedition to hunt North Americans. Virtually all access roads out of the city were flooded and you couldn't even park on the side of the road unless it was asphalt otherwise you'd get bogged. So my practice of waking around 4 or 5 am every morning and going for South East Asia continued until mid February. The downside of this practice was the constant malaise I'd experience during the day at work as a result of sleep deprivation. My workmates thought I was flat most days simply because I was leaving to go back to South Australia in the first week of March. However I couldn't explain to them that I was suffering from mediumwave DX'ing at dawn for Asia!!! There were times I'd pinch myself that this little EWE antenna 3m-12m-3m was working so well. I attribute this to the great earthing due to the boggy ground from the monsoon rains. Just before Christmas I couldn't budge the ground rods an inch, it was like they were in concrete as the soil was so dry, but when I took the antenna's down I was able to pull a 2 metre copper pipe out of the ground with one hand - I bet those rods were bleeding lots of noise away!!! I've just returned from a few days work at Mount Isa with a handful of interesting European/Middle Eastern and African logs, I haven't had a chance to type them up yet, not with all the house packing and such. But I'll have them ready for next months magazine. I'm very excited because as I type this I finish work here in a few days (February 24th). Now that the rains have all but stopped, I have a DXpedition planned here at my favourite Townsville campsite from February 25 to March 1. The goal here is to attack the Pacific, Alaska, Canada, USA and Mexico, so fingers crossed. For this DXpedition there are a lot of issues to deal with at this time of the year: thunder storms, cyclones, dengue mosquitoes, snakes, crocodiles, jellyfish, marine stingers and the heat and humidity....oh what fun..can crocodiles bite through tents? 

Loggings from (CE) Craig Edwards, Townsville, Queensland, Icom R75 running off 12V, pre-amp, EWE to Asia. Heard at home from January 22-February10th 2005



540     1910   NHK1 Network, Japan. Not sure which of 3 outlets here but mixing with 4QL ABC and // 594 with NHK1 programming (CE)


603     1212   Voice of Russia via Hainan, China. Fair in Vietnamese but mixing with unid Asian underneath, either Korea or Taiwan (CE)


612     1939   JOLK Fukuoka, Japan. Fair here mixing with unid Philipinnes and Brisbane with NHK1 programming (CE)


639     1705   HLSA Gaebong, South Korea. Fair here mixing with JOIP, ABC Qld and 5CS, but peaking nicely every minute or so with KK contemporary EZL songs with FA KK DJ (CE)


648     1240   Voice of Russia, Primorskiy, Russia. Good with Korean program // 3955 (CE)


648     1300   Voice of America, Primorskiy, Russia. Noted with EE ID then into Korean news (CE)


684     1955   JOAG Nagasaki, Japan. Good here mixing with fading out Aussies noted // 594, never heard in the evenings due to monster CNR outlet (CE)


720     1306   Voice of Russia, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia. First time an Asiatic opening has happened in Townsville with also 1251 and 648 noted on same evening. Very strong with JJ programming. Weird that Asiatic Russia not noted here before yet so many Koreans, Chinese and Japanese are heard (CE)


756     1410   JOGK Kumamoto, Japan. No sign of the usually dominant Korean. Noted in JJ with NHK1 programming (CE)


774     1311   JOUB Akita, Japan. First time noted this 500kW powerhouse, on most other frequencies it would be very easy but 774 is our local 5kW 4TO in Townsville, so it's incredibly rare to hear this, noted at fair levels during 4TO talk // 828 with NHK2 (CE)


783     1410   Voice of Vietnam, Thoi Long, Vietnam. Good here in usual VV talks (CE)


792     1713   NHK Network, Japan. Fair hear under 4RN with NHK1 music show, multiple low powered NHK outlets here, no idea of tx location (CE)


855     1449   Pyongyang Bangsong, Sangwon, North Korea. Very good mixing it with ABC Qld with oriental music program // 6398v


864     1720   KCBS Sinuiju, North Korea. Very good signal here in KK with instrumental music show // 657 (CE)


864     1725   HLKR Gangneung, South Korea. Was just about to move on when up popped this little Korean under it's big Northern counterpart, only readable due to the very gentle piano mx allowing HLKR to be decipherable (CE)


882     1745   JOPK Shizuoka, Japan. Fair with NHK1 music show mixing with unid Philippines. Funny no sign of 4BH on Asia EWE, on Nam EWE 4BH was S9+ - gotta love those sheep in the backyard. (CE)


963     1403   CRI Govorit Pekin, China. Fair in RR // to regular 1323, non-stop female talks, tough this due to mess of 4WK, 5SE and 2RG (CE)


963     1953   HLKS/HLCR South Korea. Tough due to 4WK but at times noted KK talks in clear but 4WK news on the hour made local ID impossible. (CE)


1035   1335   HLCP P'ohang, South Korea. Fair here with male KK talks and fighting it out with CNR which is usually dominant (CE)


1080   1950   KCBS Haeju, North Korea. Haunting classical music non-stop for 8 minutes prior to interval signal and sign on announcements in KK // 2850 (CE)


1125   1343   JOAD Okinawa. Good here over DXGM with English language lessons show (CE)


1125   1810   unid, suspect  BEV36 Cheng Sheng BC Corp, Taiwan. Poor here with seemingly Taiwanese commentary by MA over another Taiwan or China station (CE)


1134   2004   KBS Liberty 1, Kimpo, South Korea.  Surprised to note this as JOQR is usually dominant but this morning Korean male and female talks noted over Japan and the Aussies (CE)


1197   1936   JOBF Kumamoto, Japan. Fair here in JJ with no sign of usual DXFE (CE)


1224   1358   CNR Fujian, China. Noted in CC // 684 in the clear after DXED signed off at 1400 with Eagle Calls (CE)


1242   1200   Voice of Vietnam External Service. EE ID noted on the hour during news bips from 4AK, then unid language (CE)


1251   1404   Voice of Russia, Primorskiy, Russia. Fair in CC but under normally dominant 2DU (CE)


1260   1832   BEP22 Chingcha Broadcasting Station, Taipei, Taiwan. Poor in Taiwanese with FA and MA talks, noted in the clear during 4MW fades (CE)


1260   1930   DXRF Davao City, Philippines. Fair here with usual sunrise enhancement to Philippines well over 4MW and others relaying DZRH 666 (CE)


1269   1950   JOHW Obihiro, Japan. Unusual that anything rises above the Asian mud on this channel, certainly helped to have 1287 in // to ensure it was them with JJ mx show (CE)


1287   1948   DXRC Zamboanga City, Philippines. Very strong at sign on with Super Radio IDs (CE)  


1296   1811   JOTK Matsue, Japan. Nice surprise to hear this over 4RPH at good levels in JJ with NHK1 programming // 594 (CE)


1368   1950   unid, likely Fujian RGD, Fuzhou, China. Easy listening CC music show with occas FA talk. Seem to think it would be Fujian as this region is received very well here and the signal peaked to monster levels at the same time as the CNR Fujian province outlets. (CE)


1377   1140   DXKP Pagadian City, Philippines. Very overmodulated and heavy fading with strong peaks, Radio Ronda IDs prior to 1158 sign off (CE)


1377   1200   CNR Henan, China. Noted only after DXKP sign off with CNR News in CC // 765 (CE)


1377   2024   multiple NHK2 sites, Japan. Fair almost 45 minutes after local sunrise with music box instrumental interval signal for 2030 sign on // 1386 and 1467 (REPORT)


1386   1822   HLAM Mokpo, South Korea. Fair here with female KK talks over unid possibly Taiwanese (CE)


1386   1410   NHK2 Network, Japan. Good with EE NHK news over HLAM (CE)


1404   1831   BEV78 Yi Shih BC Station, Keelung, Taiwan. Good here over usually dominant Japanese commercial stns, noted religious sermon here (CE)


1449   2005   HLQB Ulsan South Korea. Fair with contemporary music show in KK mixing with 2MG and every now and then 6TAB (CE)


1458   1905   DWRF Iba, Philippines. Messy frequency with numerous stations under 2PB, but this morning up popped religious Tagalog talks from DWRF (CE)


1467   2024   multiple NHK2 sites, Japan. Fair almost 45 minutes after local sunrise with music box instrumental interval signal for 2030 sign on // 1377 and 1386 (CE)


1467    1947 HLKN Mokp'o, South Korea. Good here prior to later Thai sign on with male DJ and contemporary song but mixing with the BCC Information Network stations which had non-stop Taiwanese talks (CE)


1485   2032   multiple unid Japan. Massive jumble of signals from this Japanese graveyard channel after sunrise, no sign of usual DYDH (CE)


1494   1833   JOTL  Nayoro, Japan. Never noted this before as usually DXOC dominants but this early hour was prior to their sign on, noted in JJ // 1287 with music show (CE)


1494   1915   JOYR Okayama, Japan. Another rarely heard JJ station in North Queensland. Mixing with JOTL and well over 2AY and DXOC with classical music show (CE)


1503   1543   CBS Fangliao, Taiwan. Good here carrying Radio Taiwan International in Thai (CE)


1512   1555   JOZB Matsuyama, Japan. Fair here in JJ  with NHK2 program in the clear after DYAB signed off (CE)


1575   1220   DXJR Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. Fair with slick IDs and mixing with Thailand giving VOA ID at 1230 (CE)


1602   1430   NHK Network, Japan. NHK2 program with English language lessons (CE)


1632   1233   OKT Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea. Morse code repeated at poor level (CE)


1642   1245   MOR Beacon, Moro, Papua New Guinea. Morse code repeated at poor level (CE)


1737   1249   KUT Beacon, Kutubu, Papua New Guinea. Morse code KUT repeated at excellent level (CE)







CKNW Westminster BC 980 kHz.  FD QSL letter in 3 weeks after f/up v/s Sandi Williams (CE)


CHMB Vancouver, BC 1320 kHz. FD QSL letter in 2 weeks for IRC v/s Ivan C H Tam (CE)




HLKU Busan 1161 kHz. FD HLKU QSL card attachment in 2 weeks after f/up, v/s shmoon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (CE)




KCBS San Francisco, CA 740 kHz. PD QSL letter via email in 3 days after f/up, v/s Edmund W Cavagnaro, 

Cavagnaro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (CE)


WTDY Madison, WI 1670 kHz. FD emqil QSL in 6 days after f/up v/s Ryan McCredden, Assistant Program Director
Ryan@xxxxxxxx (CE)


KMPC Los Angeles, CA 1540 kHz. FD QSL pdf file in 2 days after f/up v/s Mike Tosch, Chief Engineer, sclifton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (CE)


KDAV Lubback, TX 1590 kHz. PD QSL word doc via email in 2 days after f/up v/s Smokin' Joe, announcer radio@xxxxxxxx (CE)


KOA Denver, CO 850 kHz. PD QSL letter in 8 days after f/up v/s Rick Barber (CE)


WWL New Orleans, LA 870 kHz. FD QSL word doc in 2 days after f/up v/s Helen Centanni, HCentanni@xxxxxxxxxxxx (CE)


KGET Bakersfield, CA 970 kHz. FD QSL in 9 days after f/up v/s Chuck Allen, News Director  (CE)


KLOK San Jose, CA 1170 kHz. FD QSL card in 1 week for $US v/s Mike Murphy GM Cumbia 1170 (CE)
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