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[HCDX] Loggings from this weekend

Nothing earth shattering to report, but nice to get back at the dials for a 
stretch.  Most of the loggings were made using my newest rig, the
Icom 756 Pro2 transceiver.  Something totally new for me, with it's 
spectrum display.  Performance is pretty much a toss up on HF between it
and the Ten Tec RX340.  Can't make up my mind which I prefer.  I'd love to 
have the ergonomics of the 340 in the Icom!  Good DX everyone!

ARGENTINA 15820, 0120-, Radio Rivadavia Feb 19 Good reception with what 
sounds like a soccer game.  Argentina mentioned, as well as Rivadavia (I 
think).  LSB feeder service to Antarctica. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

PHILIPPINES 15465, 0126-, FEBC Feb 19 One of the stronger 19 meter 
frequencies with listed Kachin to Asia.  Regional folk music and talk by a 
YL.  Paths to Asia are fairly decent at this hour. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

KOREA (NORTH) 15180.14, 0134-, Voice of Korea Feb 19 S6 signal of English 
program with an historic dramatization, and then into more heroic deeds of 
the Korean people.  Signal is relatively clean today.  Parallels 
heard:  13760.10 (poor). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

COSTA RICA 13750.15, 0147-, University Network Feb 19 Dr. Gene Scott with 
his endless monologues at S8 to S9 strength, but relatively weaker 
modulation. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

MEXICO 6184.95, 0227-, Radio Educacion Feb 19 Fair to good reception of one 
of the few remaining Mexicans on SW with news/current affairs program 
hosted by a YL, with reports from the field.  Slightly off frequency (as 
usual). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

INDIA 10330, 0243-, All India Radio Feb 20 500 kw from Bangalore sure 
propagates well to North America.  This frequency is a good indicator of 
conditions, and can be heard at excellent levels during my local 
evenings.  Vividh Bharati service in Hindi with very enjoyable Hindi music, 
ads, and brief announcements.  Solid S5 signal, so not the best night. 
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

BRAZIL 11780, 0249-, Radio Nacional da Amazonia Feb 20 Excellent reception 
with S9+ 10 signals (with propagation as it is tonight, paths to the south 
are favoured).  Pretty classic Portuguese male vocals. Helps to be pumping 
out 250 kw!. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

ISRAEL 7545, 0253-, Reshet Bet Feb 20 Hebrew home service programming with 
exceptionally strong S9 + 20 programming with a female vocalist in English, 
but sounding very Jewish.  Frequent ads and announcements, including one 
for 'Your Song', and mentioning Elton John, and Cat Stevens.  5 + 1 time 
pips at TOH, and into news broadcast.  Reshet Bet ID at 03:04:45.  English 
should be here in another 90 minutes.  If indeed they leave short wave at 
the end of March, this is a good frequency to monitor. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

BULGARIA 7400, 0308-, Radio Bulgaria Feb 20 Good reception with weather 
forecast, and then easy listening instrumentals.  English 
language.  Parallel 9700 only just barely audible.  Suffers from a fair 
amount of splatter from the Cuban jammer on 7405, and easilly seen on the 
spectrum scope of my newest rig, the Icom 756 ProII. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

UKRAINE 5910, 0447-, Radio Ukraine International Feb 20 Very nice S9 
signals from Kyiv (actually the 1000 kw at Kopani, near Mykolaiv).  Earlier 
in the hour, the signals were just barely audible.  I checked GeoClock, and 
sure enough dawn enhancement must be the answer.  Music from Ukraine was 
the program.  No sign at all of the new Colombian on the high side of the 
frequency (although here, it often fades in best later in the evening, and 
after RUI has signed off). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

MEXICO 4810, 0605-, Radio Transcontinental XERTA Feb 20 No sign of CODAR 
tonight.  Instead, XERTA is buried under a very loud buzzing ute on both 
USB and LSB.  Nonetheless did hear a full ID just before 0600.  It would be 
a decent signal except for the noise.  Does anyone know the origin of this 
intruder?  Presumably some sort of digital garbage. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

INDIA 9425, 1531-, All India Radio Feb 20 Very strong reception from 
Bangalore with English news at 15:30 following an ID.  This one is parallel 
to the various 60m band parallels.  Unfortunately this time of year, the 
days are much longer and so 60m has mostly faded out. Mentioned a 5.4 
eartquake today on the Adaman and Nicobar Is.  Headlines again at 
15:44.  'That's all in the news tonight.  Good night', at 15:45.  and 'This 
is All India Radio.  Please stand by for the next program' at 
15:46:20.  Continues with English programming. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

LATVIA 9290, 1533-, European Music Radio Feb 20 A presumed logging on this 
one.  At our dawn enhancement, there is a reasonably strong carrier on 9290 
with snippets of audio.  Unfortunately the frequency is spoiled by an 
intermittent buzzing ute with bursts of presumed digital data, and a brief 
tone.  By 1600 just a weak het, but then it picked up again to threshold 
audio.  Program finished at 16:20, but an OC remained until cut exactly at 
16:22:30.  Enough for a QSL? ;-). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

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