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[HCDX] VOA Broadcast Frequency Schedule

VOA Broadcast Frequency Schedule
Effective through 29 October 2005 (A-05)
Schedule effective 27 March 2005

All times and dates are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), same as Greenwich 
Mean Time (GMT).
Frequencies are in kilohertz (kHz), except for those with decimals, which 
FM frequencies in megahertz (MHz). One MHz is equal to 1000 kHz. Conversion 
to meter bands: Meters=300000/frequency in kHz. e.g.: 17705 kHz --> 16.9 meters
Abbreviations: All programs/frequencies are on daily unless noted otherwise.
& - Monday only
* - Monday through Friday
= - Monday through Saturday
< - Tuesday through Friday
/ - Tuesday and Friday only
# - Tuesday through Saturday
% - Tuesday through Sunday
~ - Thursday only
 > - Friday and Saturday
@ - Saturday only
$ - Saturday and Sunday
" - Sunday only
+ - Sunday and Monday
^ - Sunday through Thursday
! - Sunday through Friday

Afan Oromo
1600-1630 UTC* 11705 11790 15205

0500-0530 UTC 1215 11805 11825 13615
1600-1630 UTC 9575 13740 17725
1830-1900 UTC 1458 9840 15145

1800-1830 UTC 11895 13670 13835
1830-1900 UTC$ 11895 13670 13835

1730-1800 UTC 9740 11670 15245

0130-0200 UTC 11735 15165 17780
1600-1700 UTC 1575 7280 9740 11965

2130-2200 UTC* 792

1130-1200 UTC 1575 9720 11850 15225
1430-1500 UTC 1575 5955 7155 9720
2330-2400 UTC 6185 9505 11840 15220

1300-1500 UTC 1170 7115 9355 11865

0000-0100 UTC 7190 9545 11830 11925 15150 15385 17765
0100-0200 UTC 9545 11830 11925 15150 15385 17765
0200-0300 UTC 9545 11830 11925 15385 17765
0700-0900 UTC 12010 13610 13720 13740 15160 15250 17855 21540 21705
0900-1000 UTC 11825 11895 12010 13610 13720 13740 15160 15250 15665 17855
1000-1100 UTC 9575 11825 11895 12010 13610 13740 15160 15230 15250 15665 17855
1100-1200 UTC 1170 6110 9575 11785 11825 11965 11990 12040 15250
1200-1230 UTC 6110 9845 11785 11825 11965 11990 12040 15250
1230-1300 UTC 6110 9845 11785 11805 11825 11965 12040 15250
1300-1330 UTC 6110 9845 11785 11805 11965 11990 12040
1330-1400 UTC 6110 9845 11785 11805 11825 11965 11990 12040
1400-1500 UTC 6110 9770 9845 11805 11965 11990 12040
2200-2300 UTC 7150 7190 7200 9510 9545 11925 13775

1230-1300 UTC* 9525 11890 15265
1730-1800 UTC 15385 17565 21555
2200-2230 UTC 11895 13725 21555

0430-0500 UTC 756 792 1458 5965 11855
1830-1900 UTC 7175 15170

0130-0230 UTC 100.5 1296 11995 12140
1500-1530 UTC 100.5 1296 12140 15090
1630-1730 UTC 100.5 1296 12140 15090
1800-1830 UTC 100.5 1296 12140 15090
1930-2030 UTC 100.5 1296 12140

English to Europe, Middle East and North Africa
0000-0030 UTC 96.9 1593
0030-0900 UTC 96.9
0900-1200 UTC 96.9 9705 15205 17745
1200-1500 UTC 96.9
1500-1600 UTC 96.9 9825 15195 15445
1600-1700 UTC 96.9 9700 9825 15195 15445
1700-2200 UTC 96.9
2200-2300 UTC 96.9 1593
2300-2330 UTC 96.9
2330-2400 UTC 96.9 1593

English to Africa
0300-0330 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 7290 7340 9885 12080 17895
0330-0400 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 9885
0330-0400 UTC$ 7290 12080 17895
0400-0430 UTC 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 7290 9575 9885 11835 12080 17895
0430-0500 UTC 909 4930 4960 6080 7290 9575 11835 12080 17895
0500-0600 UTC 909 4930 6080 6180 7290 12080 13645
0600-0700 UTC 909 1530 6080 6180 7290 12080 13645
0700-0900 UTC 6080 7290 13645
1500-1600 UTC 9850 15580
1600-1700 UTC 909 1530 4930 9850 15410 15580
1700-1800 UTC 9850 15410 15580
1800-1900 UTC 909 4930 9850 11975 15410 15580 17895
1900-2000 UTC 909 4930 4940 9850 11975 13670 15410 15445 15580 17895
2000-2030 UTC 909 1530 4930 4940 9850 11975 13670 15410 15445
2030-2100 UTC 909 1530 4930 9850 11975 13670 15410 15445
2030-2100 UTC$ 4940
2100-2200 UTC 909 1530 4930 11975 13670 15410 15445

English to Far East Asia, South Asia and Oceania
0000-0030 UTC 1575 7215 15185 15290 17820
0100-0200 UTC 7115 9885 11705 11725
0200-0300 UTC* 7115 9885 11705 11725
1100-1130 UTC$ 1575
1200-1230 UTC 1170 6160 9645 9760 15240
1230-1300 UTC 6160 9645 9760 15240
1300-1400 UTC 9645 9760
1400-1500 UTC 6160 7125 9760 15265
1500-1600 UTC 7125
1600-1700 UTC 1170 6160 7125 9760
1700-1800 UTC 6160 7125 9345
1700-1800 UTC* 1575
2200-2400 UTC 7215 15185 15290 15305 17740 17820
2230-2400 UTC> 1575

English to Afghanistan
0000-0030 UTC 100.5 1296 12140
2030-2400 UTC 100.5 1296 12140

0030-0100 UTC 1575 1593 7215 9780 11760 15185 15290 17740 17820
0130-0200 UTC# 7405 9775 13740
1500-1530 UTC 6160 9590 9760 9845 12040 15550
1500-1530 UTC$ 1575
1530-1600 UTC 1575 6160 9590 9760 9845 12040 15550
1600-1700 UTC 12080 13600 17895
1900-2100 UTC 6040 9670 13635
2230-2300 UTC 9570 13755 15145
2300-2330 UTC 1593 9570 13755 15145
2330-2400 UTC 7260 13725

English to Zimbabwe
0330-0400 UTC* 7290 12080 17895

0530-0600 UTC* 1530 4960 6035 6095 9885 13710
0600-0630 UTC* 4960 6035 6095 9885 13710
1830-2000 UTC 1530 9815 9830 12080 15730 17785
2000-2030 UTC 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730
2030-2100 UTC$ 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730
2100-2130 UTC* 9815 9830 11720 12035 12080

1530-1600 UTC 11805 15475 17870

0500-0530 UTC 1530 4960 6035 6095 9885
1500-1530 UTC 9710 11990 13745
1800-1830 UTC@ 1530 4940 9565 11955 17785
2030-2100 UTC* 4940 9815 9830 11720 12080 15730

0030-0100 UTC 7430 9560 11820
1600-1700 UTC 7260 12155 15265

0000-0030 UTC 9535 11805 15145 15205
1100-1130 UTC 9700 9890 12010
1130-1230 UTC 7260 9700 9890 12010
1230-1300 UTC 9700 9890 12010
1400-1500 UTC 13620 15105 15490
2200-2330 UTC 7225 9535 9620 11805 15205
2330-2400 UTC 7225 9535 11805 15205

1330-1430 UTC 1575 5955 7155 9680
2200-2230 UTC 1575 6060 7130 7260 13725

0330-0430 UTC 6095 7340 13725
1600-1630 UTC@ 11705 11790 15205

1300-1400 UTC 648 7215 7235 11740
1400-1500 UTC 7215 7235 11740
2000-2030 UTC 6060 7125 9510
2030-2100 UTC 6060 7125 9510 15470

0400-0500 UTC 7115 9705 11980
1300-1400 UTC 1593 9695 9825 15245
1600-1700 UTC 15470 15545 17745
1800-1900 UTC 9625 11905 15545
1900-2000 UTC 1593

1230-1300 UTC 1575 6030 7225 9545 11930

0030-0130 UTC 100.5 1296 11995 12140
1430-1500 UTC 100.5 1296 12140 15090
1530-1630 UTC 100.5 1296 12140 15090
1730-1800 UTC 100.5 1296 12140 15090
1830-1930 UTC 100.5 1296 12140

0200-0300 UTC 9840 11985 17855
1600-1700 UTC 1593 6040 9670 11760
1700-1800 UTC 1593 6040 9680 11740
1800-1900 UTC 648 1593 6040 9680 11740

0430-0500 UTC 1530 6095 7340 9885 13725
1700-1730 UTC 1530 9565 12080 17785
1730-1800 UTC 1530 9565 9815 12080 15730 17785
1800-1830 UTC* 1530 9565 9815 12080 15730 17785

1300-1400 UTC 11725 15130 15205 15215 17720 17730
1700-1800 UTC 6105 7220 9520 9615 11935 15370
1800-1900 UTC 6105 7220 9520 9615 11885 11935

0530-0600 UTC 1458 11805 11825 13615
1930-2000 UTC 792 9705 11910 15280
2100-2130 UTC* 756 7210 11885 11910

Shona/Ndebele/English to Z
1700-1800 UTC 909 4930 11975 17895

0100-0200 UTC 9560 9735 9885 11815 13760
1100-1130 UTC 9535 11925 13790
1130-1200 UTC 9535 13790
1200-1230 UTC 7370 11890 13770 15360

1630-1700 UTC 9815 13670 15730
1700-1730 UTC* 9815 13670 15730

0000-0100 UTC 7200 7255 11690 11875
0400-0600 UTC 15265 15490 17665 17770
1400-1500 UTC 6030 11705 15680

1630-1700 UTC* 11705 11790 15205

0330-0400 UTC* 792 7205 9510 11780
1030-1100 UTC* 11735 13795 17670
1800-1900 UTC 792 9385 11925 15235

0400-0500 UTC 7265 9680 12015
2000-2030 UTC 6010 9715 11840

0000-0100 UTC 972
0100-0200 UTC 972 7155 9835 11805
1400-1500 UTC 972 9510 11790 15170 15345
1500-1700 UTC 972
1700-1800 UTC 972 11905 12155 15545
1800-2400 UTC 972

0000-2400 UTC 96.2 99 102 102.4 102.5 104.3 107.5

1300-1330 UTC 1575 5955 9505 9720
1500-1600 UTC 1170 5955 6120 7195 9780
2230-2330 UTC 6060 7130 7260 13725

(Source : http://www.kimandrewelliott.com/voa_a05.html)

Best Regards,

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