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[HCDX] Re: Nepal dxing and qsling

Hi Emmanuel and group,

I cc this to the list for a certain reason. Over the years I've had
various requests for help with getting QSLs from Radio Nepal. Now,
here's the why I, unfortunately, cannot help in this respect:

Consider the Kingdom of Nepal for a few minutes. Most folks don't even
know where Nepal is. Now, of course DXers do!!! Nepal is one of the most
beautiful but also most poorest countries in the world and has been so
for many many years. The sole reason Nepal keeps a shortwave tx, and a
few medium wave ones, on the air is simply because it's the only means
to keep the remoter parts of the country (of which there are many)
supplied with news, or at least with what the government in Kathmandu
wants them to know.

Since about 10 years we have a so-called 'Maoist Revolution' going on
here that has turned outright nasty and bloody in the last 5 years. Just
very recently the King threw the very corrupt and very incompetent
'elected' government out (and rightly so!!!) and took things into his
own hands. These are news which you might or might not have heard. It
goes without saying that, with all the other stuff going on in the
world, this tiny and insignificant himalayan kingdom is not very high on
the radar of international newscasters...

Naturally, at a very crucial time like this, during which the continued
flow of foreign aid would be so important, big donors like the almighty
U.S. of A. and the British, the IMF and WTO and others withhold
desperately needed aid because they see their 'holy cow democracy'
endangered. As if it had ever worked here in the first place!!! They,
even their ambassadors who never leave their secure embassies and armor
plated cars, haven't the slightest clue what's going on on the ground
here but have the audacity to tell people here what they have to do, or

Now to the staff of Radio Nepal. They are chronically overworked and
grossly underpayed people who know nothing beyond their immediate
duties. They don't understand about the SWL hobby or DXing or that
people even have time for hobbies!!! And in a country in which the
station manager of the national radio station (monthly income about
10.000 NRs = less than 150 $) has to drive taxi at night in order to put
food on his family's table or pay school fees for his children, noone
has time for answering these (to them) very strange requests for
verification of reception of broadcasts which were never intended for
the folks who sent these requests in anyway.

One other problem is the postal system. It is about as desolate as
anything in this country and the majority of letters might not even make
it to the Radio Nepal offices. Especially if they contain a dollar or
two. Therefore my suggestion, if you hear Radio Nepal, log them. Record
them and file that recording away. Let that be your verification. You
know you heard them. You can prove it with your tape or .mp3 or what

As long as things are as desperate here as they are, bury any hope to
ever find an envelope with a Nepali stamp in your letter box. Even if I
went there and asked them nicely to do something about these requests, I
would just draw blank stares...

73 from Kathmandu and good DX to you all,


Ezeani Emmanuel wrote:
> Dear Thomas Roth,
> I found your email address in Hardcore Dx digest which I also
> subscribe to.
> Please since you are in Nepal I was wondering if you can help me get a
> QSL card/letter verification of my reception report to Radio Nepal.
> They have refused to reply all my previous letters to them.
> Emmanuel Ezeani

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