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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, April 24-25

Got a bit of down time until May 8. Plenty of time for
Red Sox baseball, yard/housework and DX. Life is good!

3306, ZIMBABWE, ZBC, 2313-2332, April 24, Vernacular,
Afropops w/ OM tlk over end of each selection,
mentions "Radio Nacionale". I am no expert on African
dialects but it sounded like the announcer was
speaking in Portuguese! Fair at t/on, f/out by 2330.

3965, SOUTH AFRICA, Channel Africa via SENTECH,
0353-0358*, April 24, Vernacular/English, OM w/ music
and tlks in language, IS/ English ID loop, "This is
Channel Africa b/cing from Johannesburg, South
Africa.." also mentioned b/c language but couldn't
quite catch it. Off at 0358, minute of silence then
co-channel RFI, France s/on 0359. Poor. (Barbour-NH)

4388, PERU, R.Imperio, 0320-0349, April 24, Spanish,
OM w/ "live" religous service, continuing through
t/out. Decent siganl w/ mild QRN. (Barbour-NH)

6819.7, PERU, LV de Las Huarinjas (presumed),
0007-0021, April 25, Spanish?, Music and talks, very
poor/weak, buried under static. Needs more work.

6957, PERU, R.LV del Campesino, 2341-0003, April 24,
Spanish, Fair signal noted again w/ a mix of ballads
and festive South American music, fast-paced OM b/w
selections. No discernible ID at 0000. (Barbour-NH)

9705, GOA, AIR Panaji, 0030-0042, April 25, English,
YL w/ news re India and Pakistan, commentary by OM re
technology w/ numerous mentions of US dollar amounts.
ID at 0040, brief mx and s/off announcments until
spike in adjacent channel QRM via 9700 Bulgaria. Poor,
best in LSB. (Barbour-NH)

9720.7, PERU, R.Victoria, 0045-0059, April 25,
Spanish, Live coverage of music event/festival, break
for OM in studio at 0048. Everyone sounded just
pleased as punch to be there! Fair signal until wiped
out at 0059 by 9725 VO Russia s/on. (Barbour-NH)

9737.8, PARAGUAY, R.Nacional, 0102-0120, April 25,
Spanish, OM w/ music program, listener phone calls b/w
selections. Passing mention of "Radio Nacional" at
0017. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

9770, SRI LANKA, SLBC, 0124-0148, April 25, English,
Solemn OM at t/in w/ presumed devotional, spike in
audio at 0129 w/ ID, freqs and ballad "Welcome to my
world". Other songs included "Oh its so nice to be
with you" and the "Bannana Song" w/ OM b/w selections
w/ Sunday morning greetings. F/out by 0145, unusable
after 0148. Weak w/ surges and dips is s-level. I can
only hear SLBC at this time, Sun-Mon.UTC, when VOA
9775 is off. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun.

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