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[HCDX] Logs and QSLs from NH-USA, April 12-16

3306, ZIMBABWE, ZBC, 0304-0318, April 14, Vernacular,
OM w/ talk and native music. Very poor w/ brutal
static crashes. (Barbour-NH)

3340, HONDURAS, HRMI, 0412-0424, April 16, Spanish, OM
w/ talks over music at t/in, continuos religous
ballads throught t/out. Fair at best w/ occasional
static and Spanish USB chatter. (Barbour-NH)

4750, SUDAN, R.Peace, (presumed), 0346-0400, April 16,
Vernacular, Barely audible music at t/in, signal
improved slightly to hear an OM w/ talks in language,
tentative mention of "Addis Ababa". Faded under the
slop by 0400. Very poor, weak under static. Need to
try for listed 0230 s/on.(Barbour-NH)

4835, MALI, RTV Malienne, 2338-0001*, April 12,
French, Continuous talks b/w 2 OM over drums and wind
instruments. Occasional breaks for brief musical bits.
Barely audbile ID, NA at s/off. Fair at best w/ het.

4876, BOLIVIA, R.La Crux del Sur (presumed),
0023-0037*, April 13, Spanish, "Live" up-tempo music
until cut-off, mid-song, at 0037. No ID or
announcements noted. Fair/poor with pulsating data QRM
starting at 0027. (Barbour-NH)

4950, ANGOLA, R.Nacional, 2254-2334, April 13,
Portugeuse, Music and talk at t/in, ID at 2300
followed by news w/ mentions of Angola and Zambia,
several sound bites and field rpts, presumed
devotional at 2316 w/ "solemn" OM over mx followed by
ballads w/ talk b/w songs. Poor/fair, improving by
2330. (Barbour-NH)

5010, MADAGASCAR, RTV Malagasy, 0319-0337, April 14,
Vernacular, Familiar format of talks w/ brief mx b/w
items, YL over chime-like music b/w campfire guitar
music and whistling. Music, similar to the "Miami
Vice" theme followed by OM w/ several mentions of
"Madagascar". Fair w/ minor static crashes, fades and
het. (Barbour-NH)

15450, TUNISIA, RTV Tunisienne, 1434-1504, April 14,
Arabic, 2 OM announcers w/ sporting event, numerous
mentions of Mauritaine and Mubarak. Post game talks at
1445, nice vocal ballad from 1452-1500. Quick "Idayht
Tunisya" (sp?) ID at 1500, Ko'ran chanting, YL w/ news
at 1502. Booming at t/in, fair at t/out. // 17735 very
weak. (Barbour-NH)

15650, GERMANY, Pan American B/C via DTK-Juelich,
1505-1514*, April 14, English, YL w/ Bible preaching
and British Columbia QTH, different YL re "Good
Shepard" quoting Psalms, mentioned listeners in Middle
East, signal cut-off mid-sentence at 1514. Muddy
audio, best in LSB. (Barbour-NH)

15680, "USA", R.Free Asia, 1339-1358*, April 14,
Burmese (listed)/ English, OM w/ long talks and
occasional sound bites, brief Asian instrumental bits,
Fanfare at 1353 and 1355 w/ OM and YL in between.
Instrumental/ID loop w/ OM in English, "This is Radio
Free Asia" until 1358. Weak but steady, "jammer" free
signal. Improving by s/off. // 13745 poor.


AUSTRALIA, Voice International, 13685, f/d cd w/ site
in 32 days for 1 IRC. V/S K.J. Boudner. Also include
was a personal letter signed by "Dallas" (Barbour-NH)

JAPAN, R.Tampa/NSWBC, 9595, colorful f/d "Globe w/
sheet music" cd in 13 days for 1 IRC. Still using
cards with the Radio Tampa logo. I inquired about the
name change to Radio Nikkei on April 1, my report was
for March 31, requesting a card w/ the new logo. The
Japanese character logo on the front of the card was
circled on the back with "Radio Tampa" handwritten
above. I assume any new logo QSLs, if available, will
be for reports post March 31. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun.

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