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[HCDX] A04 Radio Austria Int.


as they are not too eager to update their website, I have asked ORF for the
new season's information. Here is the useful information, picked from the
XLS, DOC and 1-MB-JPG(!) they sent me:

"Radio Austria International"
28.03.2004 (00 UTC) - 30.10.2004 (24 UTC)

UTC         kHz Ant kW  Azimuth
0400-2208  6155 HQ  300 OD
1100-1730 13730 VER 100 OD
1730-2208  5945 VER 100 OD
0400-1100 13730 LPH 100 160

Middle East
0500-0600 17870 HRS 100 115

0100-0200  9870 HRS 300 295 East N.A.
1500-1600 13775 HR  250 272 West N.A. *SACKVILLE*
0000-0100  9870 HRS 300 275 Central Am.
2300-2400  9870 HR  300 245 South Am.

Asia, Australia
1200-1300 17715 HR  090 300

Antenna types:
HQ - horiz.quadrant
HR - rotary curtain
HRS - slewable curtain
LPH - Lop-Periodic (horiz.)
VER - vertical cage

Foreign language broadcasts are given as follows
 (as they wrote it; I don't dare interpret that):
Report from Austria: Mo-Fr 1345 UTC
Noticiero de Austria: Tu-Sa
Europe 2155 UTC
So.America 0000 and 0030 UTC
Ce.America 0100 and 0130 UTC
East America (sic) 0100 and 0130 UTC


Eike Bierwirth
04317 Leipzig, DL

*** Find the current overall shortwave schedule
*** on http://www.eibi.de.vu/

51°19'53"N - 12°24'28"E
Rx: JRC-NRD525
Ant: SW - 20m wire, LW/MW - homebrew loop

NEU : GMX Internet.FreeDSL
Ab sofort DSL-Tarif ohne Grundgebühr: http://www.gmx.net/info

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