[HCDX] VoA QSLing policy explained : 3rd generation VOA nepots incapable of understanding use of email -- only capable of getting fat paycheques and laughing all the way to the bank...
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[HCDX] VoA QSLing policy explained : 3rd generation VOA nepots incapable of understanding use of email -- only capable of getting fat paycheques and laughing all the way to the bank...
VoA QSLing policy explained : 3rd generation VOA nepots incapable of
understanding use of email -- only capable of getting fat paycheques and
laughing all the way to the bank...
The only hopes the DXing public has of getting any meaningful email replys
from VOA is if deleted from the map by some reason or other. Ironically,
this is actually possible -- it is just taking a while...
I myself don't associate or maintain any contact with Americans from the
larger US cities for this reason based on 'political realism'. Maybe once
the 2nd 'cold war' is over, the world as we know it will begin to function
properly -- but I don't see the World Bank & IMF HQs or Wall Street
surviving this 2nd cold war...
> I am not an advocate of the E-mail route unless the station insists on it.
As late as
> last year, I had good results (5/5) with receiving snail mail reports to
> Bill Harms
> Elkridge, MD
> NRD-525 and K9AY
> On 4 Dec 2003 at 10:43, Mickey Delmage wrote:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > In the upcoming QSL column in CIDX Messenger, two different DXers
> > report receiving several VoA QSL's and other goodies including mouse
> > pads in recent weeks. They (VoA) seem to get behind, and then all at
> > once reply to a back log of reports. I have noted this trend in the
> > last 2-3 years.
> >
> > I have had ZERO luck sending e-mail reports to the likes of VoA and
> > even Radio Netherlands, who are probably over whelmed with e-mails
> > from listeners regarding other questions besides a QSL request. I
> > suspect e-mail requests are moved to a file that is rarely looked at.
> > Not that these stations are purposely ignoring e-reports, it is just
> > easier to forget about electronic files. As they "say, out of sight,
> > out of mind". A stack of paper letters is harder to forget about.
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