[HCDX] Re: recent logs (AURORAL)
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[HCDX] Re: recent logs (AURORAL)
- To: <MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx>, <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <badx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <neilkaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <bportzer@xxxxxxxxx>, <renfrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Jean.Burnell@xxxxxx>, <bjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <kpathai@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <Pkscho@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] Re: recent logs (AURORAL)
- From: "Erik Stromsted" <microwaveadvances@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:34:29 -0500
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Hi Mark- I have been out of the DX + ham arena for quite a while with some cancer issues hopefu;;y behind me now. But I just cant resist an attaboy for some of these amazing stations heard in your report- such as Lesotho, Uruguay and Brazil.
I hope to get back in action sometime this winter
Erik S
Erik Stromsted
Microwave Advances
#36 Mt Lebanon St.
Pepperell, MA. 01463 USA
Tel: 978-433-3636/2124(after hours)
Cell :978-302-4022
Fax: 978-433-3657
----- Original Message -----
From: MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx
To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; badx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ; neilkaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ; bportzer@xxxxxxxxx ; renfrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx ; Jean.Burnell@xxxxxx ; bjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxx ; kpathai@xxxxxxxxxxx ; Pkscho@xxxxxxx ; microwaveadvances@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 10:53 PM
Subject: recent logs (AURORAL)
Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 2003
(logs 23 â 24 OCT 2003)
[Connelly*rw-MA] = Rowley, MA
(GC= 70.829 W / 42.745 N)
(Stackyard Road / Parker River - Nelson Island wildlife refuge: salt-marsh)
(photo's at "http://members.aol.com/BevAntenna/rowley_ma.htm";)
Drake R8A receiver, Superphaser-2 phasing unit
Antenna system: active whip, 50 m wire on ground
Homepage = "http://hometown.aol.com/MarkWA1ION/weblink.htm";
RF circuit page = "http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/index.html";
e-mail = "MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx"
549 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Les Trembles, OCT 24 0029 - shrill vocal & drums. [Connelly*rw-MA]
585 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Madrid, OCT 24 0033 - // 621 with man in Spanish; loud. [Connelly*rw-MA]
612 | MOROCCO | RTM A, Sebaa-Aioun, OCT 23 2245 - female Arabic vocal; good, over slight WGIR/WIOD slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
621 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, Santa Cruz de Tenerife et al., OCT 23 2249 - // 774 with telephone interview; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
711.05 | WESTERN SAHARA | RTM, Laayoune, OCT 23 2255 - female Arabic yelling; at low audio level on fat carrier. [Connelly*rw-MA]
747 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, OCT 24 0039 - Spanish talk; poor to fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
774 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, OCT 23 2249 - // 621 with Spanish telephone interview; poor. [Connelly*rw-MA]
783 | MAURITANIA | R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, OCT 23 2241 - // 4845 with Arabic sermon by man; very good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
837 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, OCT 23 2237 - // 882 with newstalk; fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
855 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, OCT 23 2239 - fast Spanish discussion by 2 men; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
882 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, OCT 23 2237 - // 837 with Spanish talk by man with monotone delivery; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
890.98 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Algiers, OCT 23 2235 - Arabic music; in slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
981 | ALGERIA | RTVA Chaine 2, Algiers, OCT 23 2234 - Arabic vocal; over nulled WCAP slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
999 | SPAIN | COPE, Madrid, OCT 23 2342 - Spanish talk, musical fanfare; fair to good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1008 | CANARY ISLANDS | Onda Cero, Las Palmas, OCT 23 2227 - non-SER Spanish teletalk; huge. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1044 | MOROCCO | Sebaa-Aioun, OCT 23 2226 - Berber type music at low audio level on huge carrier; over Spain & others. + OCT 23 2346 - North African vocal with flute & drums; much better audio than earlier. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1053 | MOROCCO | RTM A, Tanger, OCT 23 2224 - Arabic teletalk; fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1179 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | SER synchros, OCT 23 2318 - man & woman in Spanish; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1197 | LESOTHO | Family R., Lancer's Gap, OCT 23 2212 - English preaching by American-accented man, then an African-accented woman said a few words; signal popped up briefly to a good peak, then into jumble with Spain, others. WKOX in phaser null. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1215 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, OCT 23 2209 - fast Spanish news; over others. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1251 | LIBYA | Libyan Jamahiriya, Tripoli, OCT 23 2302 - Arabic news; over suspected Portugal. Tough WMKI-1260 slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1296 | SPAIN | COPE, Valencia, OCT 23 2304 - excited Spanish talk by man, into music; fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1503 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, OCT 23 2206 - teletalk; fair to good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, OCT 23 2204 - // 9555 with pop female Arabic vocal; to good peak. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1550 | ALGERIA | RASD Clandestine, Tindouf, OCT 23 2307 - // 7460 with pop Arabic female vocal; to good peak over WDZK. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1584 | CEUTA | RadiOle, OCT 23 2158 - tropical music; good, dominant. [Connelly*rw-MA]
530 | TURKS & CAICOS | R. Vision Cristiana Internacional, South Caicos, OCT 23 2313 - song "Gloria Senor"; local-like. [Connelly*rw-MA]
535 | GRENADA | GBC, St. George's, OCT 24 0028 - US-accented talkshow; fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
555 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | R. ZIZ, Basseterre, OCT 23 2245 â "ZIZ" mention, news about travel, business, and the economy. Musical interlude followed. Very good, easily powering by semi-local WGAN-560. [Connelly*rw-MA]
561 | unID | OCT 24 0031 - weak het against WGAN. Also noted at home a few nights later. [Connelly*rw-MA]
630 | PUERTO RICO | WUNO, San Juan, OCT 23 2315 - Puerto Rico news in Spanish; mixing with CFCY/WPRO. [Connelly*rw-MA]
640 | GUADELOUPE | R. Guadeloupe, Pointe-a-Pitre, OCT 23 2250 - French talk about shopping, cultural events; local-like, way over CBN/YVQO. [Connelly*rw-MA]
650 | COLOMBIA | RCN Antena Dos, HJKH, Bogota, OCT 24 0036 - Antena Dos ID; battling to get atop YVLH/HIAT/WSM pile. [Connelly*rw-MA]
652.5 | CUBA | OCT 24 0034 - spur from 640 fair. Mirror image spur (640 - 12.5 = 627.5) also noted, but weaker. [Connelly*rw-MA]
670 | VENEZUELA | R. Rumbos, YVLL, Caracas, OCT 23 2252 - Venezuelan baseball game coverage; dominant, alone on channel. [Connelly*rw-MA]
680 | PUERTO RICO | WAPA, San Juan, OCT 23 2253 - woman in Spanish with Puerto Rican news; just under phased WRKO. [Connelly*rw-MA]
690 | ANGUILLA | Caribbean Beacon, The Valley, OCT 23 2253 - // 6090 with black gospel female vocal, then talk about the first century Christians of Alexandria; excellent / dominant. [Connelly*rw-MA]
700 | JAMAICA | RJR, Montego Bay, OCT 24 0037 - local talkshow with accent; over several Spanish-language stations. [Connelly*rw-MA]
720 | VENEZUELA | R. Oriente, YVQE, Porlamar, OCT 23 2318 - Spanish talk about relations between companies and workers, something that happened this morning and its impact on Venezuelan politics; mixed with CHTN. [Connelly*rw-MA]
750 | VENEZUELA | RCR, YVKS, Caracas, OCT 23 2257 - Spanish talk about Venezuelan public workers, then RCR ID and a sports report about a team from Valencia; loud ! [Connelly*rw-MA]
760 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJAJ, Barranquilla, OCT 23 2319 - Colombian advert, timecheck, RCN ID; dominant. [Connelly*rw-MA]
770 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJJX, Bogota, OCT 24 0040 - // 760 with speech; mixed with WABC & likely Venezuela. [Connelly*rw-MA]
780 | BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS | ZBVI, Roadtown, Tortola, OCT 23 2243 - Caribbean English talk by woman; over/under aurora-weakened CFDR. [Connelly*rw-MA]
780 | VENEZUELA | R. Coro, YVMN, Coro, OCT 24 0041 - R. Coro ID popped up over ZBVI/CFDR. [Connelly*rw-MA]
800 | NETHERLANDS ANTILLES | Trans-World Radio, PJB, Bonaire, OCT 24 0014 - Portuguese religion; good with WNNW phased. [Connelly*rw-MA]
820 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | Trinity Broadcast Network / R. Paradise, Charlestown, OCT 23 2240 - preacher speaking of the temptation of Jesus by the devil; local-like, no Cuban jammer and not much WNYC this early. [Connelly*rw-MA]
860 | VENEZUELA | Enlace 860, YVYE, Valle de la Pascua, OCT 23 2336 - Valle de la Pascua mentions; surfacing briefly over big pile-up. [Connelly*rw-MA]
880 | VENEZUELA | two stations, OCT 23 2237 - 2 YV's kicking WCBS around. [Connelly*rw-MA]
895 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | V. of Nevis, Bath Village, OCT 23 2338 - soca / fast reggae party music with '60s Stax-Volt soul influences; excellent. [Connelly*rw-MA]
920.55 | COLOMBIA (t) | Emisora Fuentes, HJAA, Cartagena, OCT 23 2339 - strong het, bits of audio. This station logged previously on this "oddball" frequency. [Connelly*rw-MA]
940 | PUERTO RICO | WIPR, San Juan, OCT 23 2341 - man & woman with Spanish cultural talk, Puerto Rican mentions; over other Latin Americans. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1000 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJAQ, Cartagena, OCT 24 0046 - // 760 with political talk; loud. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1000 | US VIRGIN ISLANDS | WVWI, Charlotte Amalie, OCT 23 2230 - Caribbean-accented talkshow with local mentions; dominant, well over Brazil. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1060.3 | COLOMBIA (t) | OCT 23 2349 - mostly just het. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1100 | BRAZIL | R. Globo, ZYK694, Sao Paulo, OCT 24 0003 - fast-talk Portuguese sporting event, Sao Paulo team; fair over pile of others. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1110 | VENEZUELA | R. Carupano, YVQT, Carupano, OCT 24 0001 - telephone number, advert with screeching brakes, Spanish rap music, ID "R. Carupano, tu A.M. digital"; local-like. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1160 | BERMUDA | VSB3, Hamilton, OCT 23 2220 - // 5975 with BBC talk about illicit designer drugs, use of these by UK sports team members; excellent, alone on channel. Audio delayed about 10 seconds from that on 5975. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1209.54 | unID | OCT 23 2301 - nasty het here, but no recoverable audio. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1280 | BERMUDA | VSB2, Hamilton, OCT 23 2303 - religious music; well over WADO, others. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1529.55 | URUGUAY (t) | R. Independencia, CX50, Montevideo, OCT 23 2331 - Spanish shouting, then calmer talk by a woman. Fair signal at times with little 1530 QRM. ID not noted; tentative log based on this unique frequency having been ID'ed in Newfoundland. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1620 | US VIRGIN ISLANDS | WDHP, Fredriksted, St. Croix, OCT 24 0054 - song "My First Love" by Alan Jackson on country show; loud. [Connelly*rw-MA]
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