Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 11:52:57 -0400
From: RCI <rci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Is this for real or not!
To: salmaniw@xxxxxxx
Cc: Gerald Theoret <gerald_theoret@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise Internet Agent 6.0.4 Beta
Original-recipient: rfc822;salmaniw@xxxxxxx
Dear Dr. Salmaniw:
Thank you very much for your e-mail of the 8th, which we have forwarded to
Ian Jones.
Let me assure you that there is ABSOLUTELY NO TRUTH to this story about a
BC relay site. Personally, I seem to remember something similar popping
up on the net a few years ago, which I probably became aware of through
something published in Glenn Hauser's DXLD. That was debunked fairly
quickly, and this should be debunked as well.
I remember having heard that a BC relay station was supposed to have been
under consideration decades ago. In fact, that was likely something I
heard Ian McFarland mention back in the days of the SWL Digest
programme. However, nothing was done. I was surprised to hear your
mention of recalling test transmissions, since I was unaware that there
might have been anything of the sort.
Our frequency manager, Gérald Théorêt, was quite surprised to see this
website. He is looking into the matter, trying to determine where the
site is registered and to whom it is registered, since it shouldn't be
mistaken for any official RCI site.
Again, thank you for drawing this to our attention.
Yours very truly,
Bill Westenhaver
RCI Audience Relations
>>> Walter Salmaniw <salmaniw@xxxxxxx> 08/08/03 01:12am >>>
Ian, a good friend of mine in Victoria sent me this somewhat official
looking URL (but with a host of spelling errors) . Can RCI possibly really
be considering a west coast relay site? I know this was considered many
years ago, and I even recall test transmissions. Perhaps someone at RCI
can look into this rumour, and also tell us about the history behind RCI's
desire for a west coast site. By the way, one Ian MacFarland of RCI fame
is a good friend of ours, and belongs to a small but keen group of west
coast SWLs. Keep up the good work!
Walter (Volodya) Salmaniw, MD
Victoria, BC, Canada