[HCDX] Basel Dx Daily Logbook
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[HCDX] Basel Dx Daily Logbook
Khz/Mode UTC ITU SINPO Station - Details
Basel Dx Daily Logbook: Freitag, 11.07.2003 (Abend)
*** Internet: http://hometown.aol.de/yvesphoenix/BaselDX0.html ***
*** Qth: Eimeldingen, south-west Germany, 10 km north of city Basel ( CH )
*** Receiver: Kenwood TS-440S // Ant: GPM - 1500 Allband-Vertical outdoor &
MFJ-945D ***
5030 20.27 BFA 34434 Radio Burkina, Quagadougou, lokale Spr.,
4976 20.29 UGA 35434 Radio Uganda, Kampala, lokale Spr., laut
4915 20.29 GHA 45434 GBC Accra, e, nxs, laut
4845 20.31 MTN 45434 ORTM Nouakchott, laut/kräftig, S9+20db
4835 20.33 MLI 45434 RTV Mali, Bamako, f, laut/kräftig, S9+15db
4820 20.34 BOT 32433 Radio Botswana, pop, laut, über
CHN...auch später
4783 20.35 MLI 43434 RTV Mali, Bamako, //4835 khz, laut
4760 20.36 LBR 35422 ELWA Monrovia, pop, laut
3320 20.40 AFS 33423 SABC Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton,
oldies, laut
3326L 20.42 NIG 23433 FRCN Lagos, laut
4950 21.05 AGL 35323 Radio Nacional de Angola, id, laut, nach
c/d VoA
5025 21.06 BEN 34433 ORTB Parakou, f, laut, selten so "gut" !!
2310 21.11 AUS 15222 VL8A - NTSS, Alice Springs, e, pop,
2325 21.15 AUS 14221 VL8T - NTSS, Tennant Creek, e, laut
4815 21.41 B 23322 Radio Difusora, Londrina, laut
4825 21.45 B 34321 Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista,
4885 21.48 B 33423 Radio Difusora Acreana, Rio Branco, id,
4985 21.53 B 35323 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, id,
4753 22.09 INS 24321 RRI Makassar, Sulawesi, leise
6030 22.16 ZAI 32532 Radio Okapi, Kinshasa, afro-pop, laut, 1.
Log !!!
5953 22.22 BOL 34323 Radio Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, laut
5985 22.25 COG 43434 Radio Congo, Brazzaville, afro-pop,
5995 22.26 MLI 33423 RTV Mali, Bamako, // Tropenband, etwas
6040 22.28 B 25232 Radio Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, laut
6155 22.34 BOL 22321 Radio Fides, La Paz, leise
4877 22.48 BOL 25423 Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, sp., laut
4856 22.50 PRU 25322 Radio La Hora, Cusco, sp., laut
4805 22.52 B 35333 Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, laut
4765 22.54 B 35423 Radio Rural, Santarem, id, laut
4747 22.55 PRU 22322 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, laut
4717 22.56 BOL 24322 Radio Yura, Yura, laut
4682 22.58 BOL 23312 Radio Paititi, Guayamerin, etwas leise
4650 22.59 BOL 24322 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, laut
3375 23.05 PRU 25322 Radio San Antonio, S.Antonio de Padua,
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