[HCDX] Re: new toy: Ten-Tec RX-320D
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[HCDX] Re: new toy: Ten-Tec RX-320D
I understand there is also 3rd party software that folks recommend for use
with this radio. I don't know how many are out there (at least one) but I
seem to remember that the 3rd party software did things the factory software
Richard Amirault N1JDU Boston,
www.erols.com/ramirault "Go Fly A Kite"
----- Original Message -----
From: <MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx>
Subject: new toy: Ten-Tec RX-320D
> I recently purchased a Ten-Tec RX-320D computer-
> controlled "black box" receiver. This compact
> unit, described at "http://www.tentec.com/TT320.htm";,
> runs off a 15 VDC wall-wart and connects to a
> PC through a serial port control cable. If audio
> is to be transferred to the PC's sound card, a
> separate audio cable is connected for that.
> Alternately, you can connect headphones or a
> speaker directly to the radio.
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