[HCDX] Re: 4880 unid to/from Zimbabwe?
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[HCDX] Re: 4880 unid to/from Zimbabwe?

This seems to be SW Radio Africa. The program
fits with their website info. The postal address
and telephone numbers I heard are for "Habitat
for Humanity" organization, also mentioned at their
website. And - there is a mention about testing on
new frequency 4880. See

Jari Savolainen

On 16 May 2003 I wrote:
4880 unid to/from Zimbabwe?
>On 16 May at 1820 tune in, on 4880 there was an interesting
>station. Lots of static, first heard only some English words and
>thought it was AIR Lucknow with prolonged program. But
>later on the signal improved and there was an interview in
>English (by phone I guess). Lots of talk about Zimbabwe.
>In that interview they mentioned "PO Box CY789 Harare" and
>telephone numbers 776992 and 776942. Well, at least that's
>the way I heard them:). Unfortunately I had to leave my radio
>for a while, and when rechecking at 1858, the station was gone.
>Wonder if ZBC is on this fq now or someone else - who?
>Jari Savolainen

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