[HCDX] ADMIN: Poll Update
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[HCDX] ADMIN: Poll Update

Thank you to everyone who voted in the first poll in our redesigned
Web site. Here are the final results:

	How would you rate the new HCDX site?

	Excellent 79 (50.97)%
	Good 49 (31.61)%
	Moderate 10 (6.45)%
	Fair 7 (4.52)%
	Bad 10 (6.45)%

We have opened a new poll on the web site (http://www.hard-core-dx.com/):

The question is:
When did you start DXing/Shortwave listening?

We're looking forward for your votes. 

Risto Kotalampi
HCDX Staff

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Check out new HCDX web site: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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