[HCDX] 6715 mystery solved!!!!!
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[HCDX] 6715 mystery solved!!!!!

I have found very very very critical information about
Laspalmas church. Because you don't read and
understand Korean language, you will not figure out
the following Korean language web
The above Korean only web page contains Mr.Jung's
letter sent to Yoido Full Gospel Church.
I extract one decisive context from the above web.
"주로 선장들을 위하여 매주일 및 수요일 예배 실황을
바다 방송(S.S.B.)을 통하여 조업 현장에 생중계 되고
있습니다. "
For those who can't understand Korean language, I
the above Korean language text in English like this.
"Every Sundar and Wednesday, Church service is relayed
via S.S.B. for Korean fishermen."

Please carefully see the word (S.S.B.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does it mean? 

transmission site=Laspalmas
transmission Operator= Laspalmas Church
listeners= Korean fishermen

------Sungchul Cho from Korea Republic.

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