[HCDX] Peru and Mexico still surprising in Italy
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[HCDX] Peru and Mexico still surprising in Italy

Something really strange keeps on happening here at our location in Liguria, where regular albeit a bit unfrequent dx-peditions are held, now with a K9ay antenna mounted in the garden. We do wonder what other hard-core dx-ers specialised in MW are logging at present, especially in Northern Europe.

1390, 00,20-00,50 April 6, Emisora Espacial, Otuzco, La Libertad, Peru. Peticiones, religious talk, announcements with echo ID and claim for Roberto Robles, the station advertisement agent. After paintstakingly searching for contacts with this station on the Net, we eventually spoke with Sr. Pedro Silvestre Rodriguez, Emisora Espacial's gerente. Actually this log was made on the seaside at Deiva, with a random 70 meters wire, not with the K9ay on the hills in Levanto - West of La Spezia - countryside. First for Europe?

1470, 03,20 April 6, Formula Radio, Mexico, Mexico. After a short break (no signal on April 5) an unexpected comeback for Mexico. This time it's from Formula "tercera cadena nacional" as per announcement.

A brief note on solar conditions. Peru and Mexico were observed again in much quieter magnetic conditions which this time favoured a very nice Us opening North from Florida, with many stations from Maine, Massachusetts, Washington and Alabama (WEUV 1700), very strong till after 04.30 here. Earlier in the night, Puerto Rico e Us Virgin Island came through nicely. Absolutely no trace from Venezuela and Colombia.

Rocco Cotroneo, Andrea Lawendel, Enrico Oliva
L'Ago, Liguria, Northern Italy

AOR 7030+, Wellbrook K9AY

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