[HCDX] Logs 2 April
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[HCDX] Logs 2 April

2 April
BOLIVIA 5964.80  R. Nacional Huanuni 0958 till 1030 killed by cochannel
station [Wilkner-FL]
BOLIVIA 4600.24  R. Perla del Acre 1000-1017  om in spanish a
BOLIVIA 4761.54  R. R.Guanay presumed 1005-1025, threshold signal, tty
on USB, 1035 some music as audio faded in, best LSB, very weak here
BOLIVIA 4732.32 R. La Palabra 1022 instrumental classical music
BOLIVIA 5927.20 R. Dif. Mineria piano music 1042 with om ID R. Mineria

UNID 4789 Latin  very weak 1010 [Wilkner-FL]

Bob Wilkner
R75 with Scotka made noise reducing antenna
Pompano Beach, Florida

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