[HCDX] LRA-36 15425.55
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[HCDX] LRA-36 15425.55

David Hodgson, TN USA. March 29

Antartica, 15425.55, LRA-36, 2105-2215, Latin American
romantic type ballad music, with only occasional
announcements in Spanish. I did hear announcements @
2123 and 2135. CD recording skipped @ 2137. Signal was
weak to begin with, but increased to fair level around
2144. Audio started dropping out @ 2153. Definite ID
announcement @ 2200. I don't speak SS, but these are
some of the words from my ID recording that I
understand: "Transmite LRA ?? (pres 36)... Radio ?
Arcangel?..." Then freq in kHz. was given "para todo ?
" Played clip for Glenn Hauser who was fairly sure
about station ID and 100% sure about ending slogan
"para todo el mundo." This is a difficult one for us
in N America to hear due to the freq being too low for
effiecient mid-day propagation from Antartica;
however, the station was on later then usual, and I
think there was a slight geomagnetic disturbance at
the time, which pushed the MUF down. Signal was of
fair strength and quite listenable at peak, but with
rapid flutter, which would also suggest a degree of
geo-magnetic disturbance.(Hodgson, TN)

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