[HCDX] 49m bandscan
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[HCDX] 49m bandscan


instead  of  eating  breakfast I scanned the 49m band this morning and
these are the results:

5975:  CLM  R.  Auténtica in Sp with religious PX, songs, zither music
       (yes,  it  sounded almost like a Bavarian station), clear ID at
       0635, 0615-0650, poor to fair

6010    MEX  XEOI  R.  Mil  in  Sp  with  ID  and songs like "Fiebre",
        "Ansiead", "En estos viejos tiempos", TA, 0655-0707, 32322

6070    CAN CFRX talk in E by YL, heavy QRM. Sometimes there was a
        spanish speaking station audible in the background, maybe LV
        Cristiana from Chile?

6115    Unid spanish-speaking station in heavy QRM, probably R. Unión
        back on old frequency. Audible from 0700-0720, music, speech
        but impossible to ID.

Enzio Gehrig
Denia / Spain (38.50N/000.04E)

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