[HCDX] Re: [GRDXC] QSL gallery
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[HCDX] Re: [GRDXC] QSL gallery
- To: globe-radio-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <condiglist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <dx_india@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <globe-radio-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <harmonics@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <odxa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <shortwave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <shortwavelistening@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <ShortWaveRadio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <shortwaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Hard-Core-Dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] Re: [GRDXC] QSL gallery
- From: E F Todd Benson <efb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 06:33:28 -0600
- In-reply-to: <002c01c1ade6$a510a7a0$c8fcabd4@oem>
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Here's that link
and the base web site is also interesting
good hunting and 73,
Todd, W9YK
Elmhurst, Illinois
At 02:44 AM 2/5/2002 +0100, BCL NEWS.IT wrote:
There are 340 QSL's pictures in
the QSL gallery on
http://www.bclnews.it, many of them
was today updated. Please send also yours QSLs at
Roberto Scaglione dx editor
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