[HCDX] logs 13 AUG - 9 SEP 2001
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[HCDX] logs 13 AUG - 9 SEP 2001
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- Subject: [HCDX] logs 13 AUG - 9 SEP 2001
- From: Mark Connelly <MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 17:06:05 -0700 (PDT)
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Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 2001
(logs 13 AUG - 9 SEP 2001)
Summer Roadtrip 2001 DX Report #2
On the web at "http://www.geocities.com/markwa1ion/cape2001.htm";
See "http://www.geocities.com/markwa1ion/dxclams2001.htm"; for 2001 Roadtrip
1 report
[Connelly*B-MA] = Billerica, MA
(GC= 71.221 W / 42.533 N)
[Connelly*H-MA] = East Harwich, Cape Cod, MA
(GC= 70.021 W / 41.713 N)
(near junction of Routes 39 & 137: pitch pine forest 2 km from ocean)
[Connelly*rw-MA] = Rowley, MA
(GC= 70.829 W / 42.745 N)
(Stackyard Road / Parker River - Nelson Island wildlife refuge: salt-marsh)
Receiver: Drake R8A
Antenna systems: broadband loop, active whip, "Kaz" antenna, Superphaser-1
phasing unit
e-mail = MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxxxxx
Homepage = http://hometown.aol.com/MarkWA1ION/weblink.htm
Bandscan World = http://members.aol.com/RockportMWDX/index.html
Cape Cod DX Site photo's: http://members.aol.com/WMEX1510/dx_orleans_ma.htm
NF DXpedition Page = http://members.nbci.com/MarkWA1ION/nfdxpage.htm
RF circuit page: http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/index.html
153 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Bechar, AUG 23 0137 - // 549 & 891 with Arabic
talk, flute music; good to excellent. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0021 - Arabic
vocal; over Germany. [Connelly*rw-MA]
153 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Donebach, SEP 7 0020 - classical music;
slightly over Algeria. [Connelly*rw-MA]
162 | FRANCE | France-Inter, Allouis, AUG 23 0145 - man in French; good.
[Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0001 - news in French; excellent. [Connelly*rw-MA]
171 | MOROCCO | R. Mediterranee Internationale, Nador, AUG 23 0144 - Arabic
vocal with large string and drum orchestra having an "epic film soundtrack"
effect; loud. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2352 - female Arabic vocal and large
orchestra; local-like ! [Connelly*rw-MA]
177 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio Berlin, Oranienburg, AUG 23 0143 - C&W /
rockabilly influenced vocal; to good peak. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0000 -
woman with news in German; fair to good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
180 | TURKEY | TRT, Polatli, AUG 23 0146 - mideast pop vocal in distant
T-storm static. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2359 - music, talk; poor.
183 | GERMANY | Europe No. 1, Felsberg, SEP 9 0235 ? old-style soul vocal
(Lou Rawls ?), then man in French; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
189 | ICELAND | Rikisutvarpid, Gufuskalar, SEP 6 2359 - Scandinavian talk by
man; to fair peak. [Connelly*rw-MA]
198 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.4, Droitwich et al., SEP 4 0138 - talk about
role of women in Korean society; fair. [Connelly*B-MA] + SEP 6 2355 -
weather observations mentioning Land's End, Mull of Kintyre, other locales;
excellent. Not // BBC WS - 5975 at this time. [Connelly*rw-MA]
207 | GERMANY | DLF, Aholming, SEP 7 0020 - // 153 with classical music;
mixed with Morocco. [Connelly*rw-MA]
207 | MOROCCO | RTM, Azilal, SEP 6 2350 - // 612 with Arabic female vocal,
drums; very good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
225 | POLAND | Polskie R., Konstantynow, SEP 7 0022 - Slavic talk by man &
woman; poor to fair over "QM" beacon. [Connelly*rw-MA]
234 | LUXEMBOURG | R. Luxembourg, Junglinster, AUG 23 0140 - synthesizer
mood music; good. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2356 - French talk, folk music;
loud signal, but audio was somewhat mushy. [Connelly*rw-MA]
252 | IRELAND | Atlantic 252, Clarkestown, SEP 6 2357 - alternative
dance-rock with Celtic influences; local-like. [Connelly*rw-MA]
531 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0024 - // 774 with Spanish phone
interview; fair, over others. [Connelly*rw-MA]
549 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Les Trembles, AUG 23 0137 - // 153 & 891 with man
in Arabic and flute music; loud ! [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 4 0414 - energetic
pop male Arabic vocal with drums and violins, talk by female DJ followed;
loud. [Connelly*B-MA] + SEP 6 0025 - woman in Arabic. + SEP 7 0059 - HUGE
with violins, male Arabic vocal. [Connelly*rw-MA]
549 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Nordkirchen & Thurnau, SEP 7 0025 - // 153
& 756 with classical "mood" music; under Algeria. [Connelly*rw-MA]
558 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0057 - // 585 with Spanish talk; in
WGAN slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
567 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0058 - seemed like Spanish talk //
585, not Ireland; poor. [Connelly*rw-MA]
585 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Madrid, SEP 7 0056 - // 1017 with woman in studio &
man on phone; in 590 slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
603 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0100 - // 585 with Spanish news read
by woman; slightly over likely France / Madeira mix. [Connelly*rw-MA]
612 | MOROCCO | RTM, Sebaa-Aioun, SEP 6 2350 - // 207 with Arabic female
vocal with drums; fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
621 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, Santa Cruz de Tenerife et
al., SEP 4 0417 - fast Spanish newstalk; good. [Connelly*B-MA] + SEP 7 0007
- man & woman in Spanish with news; fair to good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
639 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, La Coruna, SEP 7 0008 - // 621 with woman in Spanish;
fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
648 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Badajoz et al., SEP 7 0018 - // 774 with man & woman
in Spanish; poor. [Connelly*rw-MA]
657 | SPAIN | RNE R.5, Madrid, SEP 7 0102 - // 621 with news by man & woman
in Spanish; fair over WFAN slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
693 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R. 5, Droitwich et al., SEP 7 0012 - English
talk; over unID music station. No high-side het noted, so Azores probably
back on 693.0. [Connelly*rw-MA]
711 | FRANCE | R. Bleu, Rennes, SEP 7 0014 - // 1206 with soul vocal; barely
over W. Sahara and its 50 Hz growl. [Connelly*rw-MA]
729 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, SEP 7 0015 - bits of Spanish talk in CKAC
slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
738 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Barcelona, SEP 6 2342 - Spanish talk; through CHCM
slop with CHWO/WJIB phased. [Connelly*rw-MA]
747 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0016 - Spanish talk;
mixed with probable Netherlands. [Connelly*rw-MA]
756 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Braunschweig & Ravensburg, SEP 6 2338 -
classical music; loud, well over Spain. [Connelly*rw-MA]
756 | SPAIN | R. Euskadi, Bilbao, SEP 7 0005 - Spanish talk; now over
Germany. [Connelly*rw-MA]
765 | SWITZERLAND | RSR, Sottens, SEP 6 2335 - emotional French male vocal;
to good peak. [Connelly*rw-MA]
774 | EGYPT | Abis, SEP 7 0055 - Arabic female vocal; briefly over Spain.
774 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, AUG 23 0212 - woman in Spanish, then male
folk vocal with acoustic guitar. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2337 - // 855 with
man & woman in Spanish; slightly over presumed Egypt & 770 slop.
783 | MAURITANIA | ORTM, Nouakchott, SEP 6 2334 - // 4845 with Arabic talk
by man, interspersed with string music; excellent. [Connelly*rw-MA]
792 | FRANCE | R. Bleu, Limoges, SEP 7 0006 - // 1206 with slow vocal; fair.
792 | SPAIN | SER, Sevilla, SEP 7 0103 - // 873 with news; loud, way over
France. [Connelly*rw-MA]
801 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, SEP 7 0105 - // 738 et al. with fragment of
music, then Spanish talk; mixed with second station that seemed Arabic
(likely Jordan). [Connelly*rw-MA]
819 | EGYPT | General Programme, Batra, SEP 7 0019 - shrill Arabic vocal;
riding up over Morocco. [Connelly*rw-MA]
819 | MOROCCO | RTM, Rabat, SEP 7 0101 - clearly // 612 with news by man in
Arabic; loud, over Egypt. [Connelly*rw-MA]
836 | AZORES | RDP, Pico da Barrosa, AUG 24 0152 - group vocal, percussion;
better than adjacent 837. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2330 - blues-style vocal
// Madeira-1125; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
837 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, AUG 24 0153 - woman in
Spanish; poor. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0042 - // 1296 with Spanish news;
excellent, well over presumed France. [Connelly*rw-MA]
855 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Murcia et al., SEP 6 2325 - // 1152 with man & woman
in Spanish; fair to good with WEEI phased. [Connelly*rw-MA]
864 | EGYPT | Holy Koran R., Santah, SEP 6 2324 - Koranic male vocal; loud,
now way over France. [Connelly*rw-MA]
864 | FRANCE | France Bleu, Paris, SEP 6 2322 - French talk, then slow
female vocal; slightly over Egypt. [Connelly*rw-MA]
873 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 6 2321 - // 1575 with Spanish talk about
something going on tomorrow in Salamanca; huge signal. [Connelly*rw-MA]
882 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, SEP 7 0108 - // 837 with
woman in Spanish; over/under UK. [Connelly*rw-MA]
882 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R. Wales, Washford, SEP 7 0108 - orchestral
music; evenly mixing with COPE Canaries-Spain. [Connelly*rw-MA]
891 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Algiers, AUG 23 0137 - // 153 & 549 with man in
Arabic and interspersed flute music; fair. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0109 - //
549 with vocal, then woman in Arabic; big carrier, light audio. Something
else under also had mideast-sounding music (perhaps Turkey ?).
909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC, Moorside Edge et al., SEP 7 0111 ? English talk;
over possible Arabic station & tough WABI slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
918 | SPAIN | R. Intercontinental, Madrid, SEP 7 0111 ? old-fashioned
Spanish female vocal (romantic); fair to good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
936 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0112 - // 639 with Spanish talk,
teletalk; to good peak. [Connelly*rw-MA]
945 | FRANCE | France Bleu, Toulouse, SEP 6 2319 - '60s-style French male
group vocal; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
954 | SPAIN | Onda Cero, Madrid, SEP 6 2318 - man & woman in Spanish; fair
to good with WROL phased. [Connelly*rw-MA]
972 | LIBYA | Libyan Jamahiriya BC, Sirte, SEP 6 2317 - Arabic vocal;
through WZAN slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
981 | ALGERIA | Radiodif. Algerienne, Algiers, SEP 6 2227 -
religious-sounding male Arabic chant; fair to good with WCAP phased.
981 | GREECE | ERA, Athens, SEP 7 0034 - // 1512 with Greek talk; fair over
others. [Connelly*rw-MA]
999 | SPAIN | COPE, Madrid, SEP 6 2229 - fast Spanish teletalk; good, over
slight CKBW slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1008 | CANARY ISLANDS | Onda Cero, Las Palmas, SEP 6 2315 - non-SER Spanish
talk by woman; loud with WINS phased. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1017 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0056 - // 585 with teletalk; good.
1044 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 4 0125 - fast monotone newstalk by man in
Spanish; to fair peak. [Connelly*B-MA]
1053 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, SEP 6 2313 - Spanish talk seemed
sports-related; to fair peak over others & WEVD slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1053 | UNITED KINGDOM | Talk Sport synchros, SEP 7 0054 - // 1089 with
English talk mentioning the Internet. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1071 | SPAIN | Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao, SEP 7 0053 - operatic music, Spanish
talk; in bad CBA slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1089 | UNITED KINGDOM | Talk Sport synchros, SEP 6 2309 - talk mentioning
political leadership; to good peak. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1098 | SLOVAKIA | R. Slovensko, Velke Zaluzie, SEP 6 2305 - Slavic female
ballad vocal & piano; loud, way over Spain. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1107 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, AUG 23 0245 - woman in Spanish; fair.
[Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0052 - // 855 with man & woman in Spanish; big
carrier, light audio. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1116 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 7 0051 - // 1044 with musical interludes
and Spanish talk; over others. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1125 | MADEIRA | Centro Regional da RDP, Ponta do Pargo, SEP 6 2330 - //
Azores-836 with blues-influenced vocal; slightly over jumble.
1125 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 6 2258 - Spanish talk, drum music; in
mix with Croatia, Madeira, and possibly others. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1134 | CROATIA | Hrvatski R., Zadar, SEP 6 2348 - pop vocal with Beach Boys
influences; excellent / dominant. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1134 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, SEP 6 2235 - Spanish phone interview; well
over Croatia's music. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1143 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, SEP 6 2258 - jazz; fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1152 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 6 2325 - Spanish talk // 855; fair. +
SEP 7 0050 - // 774 with segment of Spanish speech, then in-studio
announcer; loud. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1179 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 7 0047 - // 873 with fast
Spanish talk; over a music station and a possible tone-tester.
1206 | FRANCE | France Bleu, Bordeaux, AUG 23 0112 - uptempo French female
vocal; to good peak before fading. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2254 - "I Will
Survive" by Gloria Gaynor; blasting in. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Virgin R. synchros, AUG 23 0252 - Celine Dion
singing "My Heart Will Go On"; over Spain. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0046 -
"One Hand in My Pocket" by Alanis Morrisette; good, over Spain.
1251 | LIBYA | Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting, Tripoli, SEP 7 0043 - male
Arabic talk, string music; over apparent Portuguese teletalker.
1287 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 7 0042 - // 1044 with teletalk; poor to
fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1296 | SPAIN | COPE, Valencia, SEP 7 0042 - // 837 with Spanish news; to
good peak. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1314 | NORWAY | NRK, Kvitsoy, SEP 7 0041 - cool jazz; slightly over Spain.
1359 | SPAIN | Arganda, AUG 23 0515 - Spanish news and teletalk; loud.
[Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2215 - pre-sunset het fade-up. + SEP 7 0116 ? man in
Spanish; in CKBC slop. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1377 | FRANCE | France Bleu, Lille, AUG 13 0410 - man & woman in French;
fair through slop from strong St. Pierre - 1375. [Connelly*B-MA] + AUG 24
0017 - // 1206 with mellow ballad. + AUG 24 0243 - "Clair" by Gilbert
O'Sullivan; excellent, clobbering St. Pierre. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2216 -
male pop vocal over WMYF-1380 NH slop; well before sunset. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1404 | FRANCE | France Bleu synchros, SEP 7 0040 - // 1206 with French
disco; poor. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1413 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 7 0039 - // 774 with woman in Spanish;
in jumble. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1422 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Heusweiler, SEP 7 0038 - // 756 with
violins, woodwinds. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1467 | FRANCE | TWR, Roumoules, AUG 13 0344 - musical-box interval signal;
fair. [Connelly*B-MA]
1485 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 7 0035 - Spanish talk; poor with unID other
signal. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1512 | CRETE / GREECE | ERA, Chania, SEP 7 0034 - // 981 with man & woman in
Greek; to good peak with WWZN phased. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, AUG 23 0259 - interval signal (about 7
descending notes on oud); huge, trashing WWKB. + AUG 24 0305 - Koranic male
vocal; local-like. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 6 2218 - // 9555 & 9870 with Arabic
male vocal with lush strings and percussion; good, way over others; loudest
pre-sunset TA. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1521 | SPAIN | SER, Castellon, SEP 7 0032 - Spanish teletalk; good with WWKB
phased. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1548 | KUWAIT | VOA Relay, Kuwait City (Kabd), AUG 23 0122 - VOA sports
report mentioning Formula 1 Auto Racing; fair through WPTR-1540 slop.
[Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0030 - "VOA News Now" mention, Voice of America ID,
timecheck "midnight 30 UTC", then item about meeting between Shimon Peres
and Yasir Arafat; good. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1550 | ALGERIA | RASD Clandestine, Tindouf, SEP 8 2303 - // 7460 with
strings, muffled Arabic talk; in & out of domestic jumble. The 7460 outlet
was slightly over WWCR religious broadcast. [Connelly*B-MA]
1575 | ITALY | RAI R. Uno synchros, AUG 13 0350 - test tones, then sound of
glass being tapped; ID by woman "RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana" at 0400.
Signal was mostly over SER - Spain. [Connelly*B-MA]
1575 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 6 2247 - Spanish newstalk; jumpy fading on
signal. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1584 | CEUTA | RadiOle, SEP 6 2246 - mellow female pop vocal; way over SER
talker. [Connelly*rw-MA]
526 | BAHAMAS | ZLS, Stella Maris, AUG 23 0232 - "ZLS" code beacon; fair.
530 | TURKS & CAICOS | R. Vision Cristiana Internacional, South Caicos, AUG
23 0234 - Spanish mentions of religious schools; excellent over 531 het. +
AUG 24 1301 - English ID for 1330 NY outlet and for 530, South Caicos
Island. Spanish slogans "La Emisor del Dios" and "Radio Vision Cristiana"
followed. Good steady S7 daytime groundwave signal during E. Harwich
testing of a "Kaz" antenna fed at both ends. [Connelly*H-MA]
540 | COLOMBIA (t) | R. Autentica, HJKA, Bogota, AUG 23 0231 - maybe this
with old-fashioned Spanish religious music; mushy signal. [Connelly*H-MA]
550 | CUBA | R. Rebelde synchros, AUG 24 1006 - // 670 with excited
shouting; mixed with RI & VT domestics. [Connelly*H-MA]
550 | VENEZUELA | Mundial, YVKE, Caracas, AUG 23 0229 - political speech to
"el pueblo Venezolano", // other YV outlets; loud ! [Connelly*H-MA]
555 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | R. ZIZ, Basseterre, AUG 23 0127 - live remote
outdoor broadcast with announcer talking to people in the crowd; to good
peak. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 4 0405 - "I'll Take You There" by the Staples
Singers; fair. [Connelly*B-MA]
570 | CUBA | R. Reloj, AUG 24 1002 - Reloj news, ticks, beeps; over WMCA.
580 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | R. Monte Cristi, HIAF, Monte Cristi, AUG 24 0826
- meringue music, Monte Cristi mention; over/under WKAQ. [Connelly*H-MA]
580 | JAMAICA | RJR, Galina, AUG 24 1000 - mention of "Caribbean Ministry,
Box 20, Kingston 10", then "Good morning Jamaica. This is RJR"; good.
580 | PUERTO RICO | R. Reloj, WKAQ, San Juan, AUG 24 0825 - Puerto Rico
news; slightly over HIAF. [Connelly*H-MA]
580.52 | unID | AUG 24 1001 - very weak het; maybe the same thing Krueger in
FL heard on 580.8 a while back. [Connelly*H-MA]
600 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, CMKV, Urbano Noris, AUG 23 0150 - // 670 with
reverberated speech about Cuba & socialism; over growl from the YV or HJ.
620.28 | unID | AUG 24 1008 - perhaps Nicaragua or other Central American
here with man & woman in Spanish NOT // Cuban Rebelde outlets; splittable
from ME/NJ/VT domestics on 620 before taking a quick fade. [Connelly*H-MA]
627.5 | unID | AUG 24 0823 - het; late reception time would suggest Cuba.
630 | PUERTO RICO | WUNO, San Juan, AUG 24 0840 - Spanish talk about Puerto
Rico events, bits of songs were featured; over WPRO. [Connelly*H-MA]
640 | CUBA | R. Progreso, Guanabacoa / Las Tunas, AUG 23 0227 - // 890 with
newstalk about a visit by a Venezuelan ambassador; excellent over Spain-639
het. + AUG 24 1011 - near-dawn reception with a huge signal: R. Progreso ID
(// 890) and sports-related news items mentioning many Latin American
649 | unID | AUG 24 0956 - weak het against WSM / LA's. [Connelly*H-MA]
650 | COLOMBIA | RCN Antena Dos, HJKH, Bogota, AUG 23 0237 - sports promo
with "Gooooooooal !", then Antena Dos jingle and talk about Bogota; atop
second Latin American. [Connelly*H-MA]
652.5 | CUBA | AUG 24 0843 - the split-freq. station noted by Terry Krueger
in FL makes it to Cape Cod as a weak het against the 650 HJKH/HIAT mix.
670 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, CMQ, Arroyo Arenas, AUG 23 0150 - political speech
// 600; huge. [Connelly*H-MA]
670 | VENEZUELA | R. Rumbos, YVLL, Caracas, AUG 24 0227 - several Rumbos
ID's, steel band music; good. [Connelly*H-MA]
680 | PUERTO RICO | WAPA, San Juan, AUG 23 0152 - Wapa / Guapa mentions,
Spanish talk in touchy null of WRKO (Dr. Laura). [Connelly*H-MA]
690 | ANGUILLA | Caribbean Beacon, The Valley, AUG 24 0026 - // 6090 with
preacher in English and, every few sentences, a translation into Spanish;
good with CINF phased. [Connelly*H-MA]
700 | JAMAICA | RJR, Montego Bay, AUG 24 0820 - thickly-accented local
talkshow mentioning Negroes, World War II; over Latin Americans with WLW
phased. + AUG 24 0952 - Jamaican-accent preaching; excellent, over WLW &
Latins. Actual frequency measured as 699.98. [Connelly*H-MA]
710 | CUBA | R. Rebelde synchros, AUG 24 0847 - // 670 with Latin American
pop music influenced by 1950's doo-wop; under WOR. [Connelly*H-MA]
730 | COLOMBIA | Cadena Melodia, HJCU, Bogota, AUG 24 0901 - several "en
Colombia" mentions; over Charleston, SC station with CKAC phased.
740 | CUBA | R. Progreso synchros, AUG 24 0853 - program "El Diario de R.
Progreso"; over second Latin American and CHWO. [Connelly*H-MA]
750 | VENEZUELA | RCR, YVKS, Caracas, AUG 23 0154 - Spanish news about
Venezuelan corporations and farmers; loud. + AUG 24 0902 - sign-on with
Venezuelan anthem; huge, annihilating WSB. [Connelly*H-MA]
760 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJAJ, Barranquilla, AUG 23 0134 - // 1000 with fast
play-by-play sports mentioning Copa America (or Americana); dominant. + AUG
24 0151 - local ID mentioning 760 kHz, RCN Barranquilla; loud.
770 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJJX, Bogota, AUG 23 0203 - Spanish news item
mentioning Maturin, Colombia; over WABC. [Connelly*H-MA]
780 | VENEZUELA | R. Coro, YVMN, Coro, AUG 24 0232 - slow Spanish talk, R.
Coro ID, then high-intensity advertising and jingles; loud, over CFDR and
second Latin American. [Connelly*H-MA]
780 | VENEZUELA | Ecos del Torbes, YVOD, San Cristobal, AUG 24 0859 - "Ecos
del Torbes presenta ?" popped up over mess. [Connelly*H-MA]
780 | VENEZUELA | AUG 23 0240 - two stations carrying the same national
political speech. Surprisingly the delay between the two stations' audios
was 1.5 sec. [Connelly*H-MA]
790 | BARBADOS (t) | V. of Barbados, Bridgetown, AUG 23 0213 - US soul
music, Caribbean announcer; under WSKO. [Connelly*H-MA]
800 | NETHERLANDS ANTILLES | Trans-World Radio, PJB, Bonaire, AUG 23 0214 -
Spanish religion, R. Transmundial mention; over jumble. [Connelly*H-MA]
810 | BAHAMAS | ZNS3, Freeport, AUG 24 0946 - black gospel music; over WGY /
CJVA / LA's. [Connelly*H-MA]
810 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Guantanamo (?), AUG 23 0221 - // 670 with Spanish
talk about the Cuban government. I was surprised to hear this overriding
the CJVA / WGY / ZNS3 / WKVM / HJCY melange. [Connelly*H-MA]
813.25 | unID | AUG 23 0215 - het. + noted having drifted to 812.9 on AUG 24
at 0944; perhaps Cuban. [Connelly*H-MA]
830 | CUBA | R. Reloj, AUG 24 0942 - Reloj program over WCRN & unID Latin
American. [Connelly*H-MA]
830 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | Trinity Broadcast Network, Charlestown, AUG 23
0223 - // 7510 with Black Baptist singing; way over WCRN. [Connelly*H-MA]
840 | CUBA | "W", CMHW, Santa Clara, AUG 24 0805 - program with results of
voting by the audience for the better of two songs. Vocal by "La India"
won. Announcer gave name of show as "Ritmo de la Noche", Santa Clara local
mentions followed. Huge signal. [Connelly*H-MA]
850 | unID, AUG 24 0940 - Spanish talk with "del Caribe" mention; under
WEEI. [Connelly*H-MA]
860 | CUBA, CMBL, Arroyo Arenas, AUG 23 0225 - running Rebelde program //
600 (but delayed about half a second). This has been noted with R. Reloj
service on other occasions. Atop unID that had Colombian style accordions.
860 | VENEZUELA | R. Mundial, YVOL, San Cristobal, AUG 24 0914 - "Ocho -
Sesenta, Mundial" ID, folk-style music; loud. [Connelly*H-MA]
870 | CUBA | R. Reloj, AUG 24 0910 - news, clock ticks, "RR" beeps; mixed
with second Spanish station and WWL. [Connelly*H-MA]
890 | CUBA | R. Progreso, CMDZ, Santiago de Cuba, AUG 23 0227 - // 640 with
mentions of Cuban - Venezuelan diplomatic relations; jumbled with WBPS and
others. + AUG 24 0936 - Progreso ID, but running an independent program from
usually // 900 at the time. [Connelly*H-MA]
895 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | V. of Nevis, Bath Village, Nevis, AUG 24 0157 -
sign-off with an anthem or hymn; audio off by 0159 but blank carrier left
on. [Connelly*H-MA] + SEP 7 0110 ? phone-in talkshow, Caribbean-accented
presenter; fair. [Connelly*rw-MA]
900 | CUBA | R. Progreso, AUG 24 0935 - R. Progreso ID, Spanish talk;
dominant. [Connelly*H-MA]
960 | CUBA | R. Reloj, AUG 24 0932 - Reloj program; over domestics and unID
Latin American. [Connelly*H-MA]
1000 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJAQ, Cartagena, AUG 23 0134 - RCN sports in Spanish
// 760; over/under CKBW. [Connelly*H-MA}
1020 | VENEZUELA | R. Calendario, YVMX, Maracaibo, AUG 24 0203 - numerous
Maracaibo local adverts; atop channel during brief fade of YVRS.
1020 | VENEZUELA | R. Margarita, YVRS, La Asuncion, AUG 24 0201 - fast folk
music with male group and old-style accordion, then R. Margarita ID well
over YVMX / KDKA. [Connelly*H-MA]
1040 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | R. Cadena de Noticias, HION, Santo Domingo, AUG
24 0931 - Radio Noticias jingle; over dogpile of other stations.
1041.22 | unID | AUG 24 0928 - weak het against HION. [Connelly*H-MA]
1110 | VENEZUELA | R. Carupano, YVQT, Carupano, AUG 24 0241 - numerous R.
Carupano ID's, then romantic music including old-fashioned waltzes; in easy
WBT null. [Connelly*H-MA]
1136.4 | unID | SEP 6 2300 - wobbly carrier, weak. Not sure if Pan-American
or Transatlantic in origin. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1160 | BERMUDA | VSB3, Hamilton, SEP 7 0049 - // 5975 with classical music
presentation; in mix with WOBM / WVNJ / WSKW. [Connelly*rw-MA]
1375.02 | ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON | RFO, St. Pierre, AUG 24 0306 - French
hard-rock male vocal; excellent. [Connelly*H-MA]
1529.6 | URUGUAY (t) | R. Independencia, CX50, Montevideo, AUG 24 0253 -
bits of Spanish talk audible on lower sideband on this unique frequency
(previously logged in NF). Noted during reduced QRM from the usual 1530
jumble (WSAI / Sao Tome / Vatican). [Connelly*H-MA]
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