[HCDX] Re: Was it Radio Reloj, Cuba?
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[HCDX] Re: Was it Radio Reloj, Cuba?

Re my recent posting to Hard-Core-DX .... now it fits also to the FM-List
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Was it Radio Reloj, Cuba?
No, no - please forget it ..... Forget that I ever wrote something about
this station :-)
The mystery has been now cleared up:
it was no ID, but a SONG with several identifications of Radio Reloj!

Here is what Miquel Nicolau from Spain writes:

> 89'5 Radio Reloj is not an identification. It is a song with several
announcements of "Radio
> Reloj - it is five o'clok in the morning" and they announce also different
hours in different
> cities in Latin America. This song is now very famous in Spain and
> France.

Is not that interesting?
I think it was a good joke to put such a song on the market now during the
sporadic Es season!
Of course, they surely know nothing about sporadic Es conditions, but their
unconscious joke really works! Me and my friend Jiri Pazout are the first


Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic (Czechia)

> Hi,
> is there anybody who is familiar with Radio Reloj from Cuba (who can
> to it and who knows its identification at the full hour)?
> The reason why I am asking is that a station what I believe was Radio
> Cuba, was catched here in the Czech Republic, in the middle of Europe, on
> frequency of 89.5 MHz (June 8, 1906 UTC).
> I have a short tape recording (MP3 file is 15 seconds long, 30 kB) with ID
> and time announcement 5:00 am ("Radio Reloj, 5 de la manana", Morse ID
> "RR"). A longer recording not available, but as the owner of the recording
> says there was only music before and after the ID - since he had the ID on
> his tape he went on searching for other rare stations. He thought it was a
> station from Spain but there is no such station listed in Spain and - as
> friends from Spain say - both speakers (man and woman) have a strong
> American or Caribbean accent.
> At that time a sporadic Es conditions were active with FM stations comming
> from Turkey and Greece.
> So maybe in that area there was a station with a program on Cuba (a
> who knows?
> A live relay is not likely as there is a time difference - 1906 UTC is not
> 5:00 am in Cuba.
> So what I would like to know is whether Radio Reloj from Cuba indentifies
> itself this way - including a Morse ID "RR". I want to be sure that it is
> Radio Reloj from Cuba what I have on the tape.
> The audio file on www.intervalsignals.com sounds a bit different, but
> it is an older recording...
> Thanks - you can reply privately,
> Karel Honzik
> the Czech Republic (Czechia)
> ***********************************

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