Re: [HCDX] RE: Central America
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Re: [HCDX] RE: Central America

The path between Central American and eastern NAm is over land,
while the path from the eastern Caribbean islands is mostly
water (or all water if you live on the coast). That certainly
has an effect. Also, if you point a directional antenna at
Central America, there is a lot more stuff in the way, than if
you point it towards the Lesser Antilles. Here in the Midwest,
reception of both Central America and the Antilles is difficult.
The most reliable Central Americans are Nicaragua on 620 and
Radio America, Honduras on 610 & 630, which come in several
times each winter. (Or, I hear them several times - I haven't
done much MW DXing the past several years.) 

When I lived in Honduras in 1982-84, I had rather some very good
openings to Europe and even picked up a few MidEast stations. In
fact, I have heard more TransAtlantic MW DX from Honduras than
from all my US DXing locations combined, even though Honduras is
further from Europe. But, the direction for my loop to peak
towards Europe bypassed the US stations, eliminating a major
source of interference. Furthermore, at that time there were
only about a dozen stations in all of Central America that
stayed on all night - most went off at 0500 UTC. The closest
major source of interference was Mexico City, several hundred
miles away - and in another direction. 

Don Moore     mooredxer@xxxxxxxxx
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