[HCDX] Loggings & QRMs
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[HCDX] Loggings & QRMs

Hello from Trollhättan, Sweden

612       Apr-18  2103 Radio Boznia-Hercegovia, Sarajevo. QSA 3 and the Irish 2-FM almost absent. 
              Sarajevo had a radio play until 2115, then went on with good old jazz music. I wonder if they really 
              are on with  all  their 600 kW  as they seldom manage to  outwit the Irish station. From 2140 they 
               were again  the  underdog,  and a third station in Arabic (?) wanted to have its say,  too. 
4471.3 Apr-19  0046  Bolivia. Radio Movima. The sign-off ceremony  is quite elaborate. QSA 2-3. QRM

4845.2 Apr-19 0125   Brazil.  Rádio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus. One can wonder what they have
             been using  their 250 kW tx for lately. Perhaps not frying eggs with it,  but  now the signal was 
             simply superb until the last bars of the national anthem  at 0200. 

[Accidently you discover small unsuspected gadgets as the source of local interference. Now it was  my thermometer with is  LCD digits which was the culprit, generating a strong buzz or hiss on 15050 as I 
tried to hear Radio For Peace International. I found it out when changing batteries on it. It has been duely removed.  What about quartz watches ?]   73 Johan Berglund , Trollhättan, Sweden  

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