[HCDX] 1512 kHz 11-Apr 0358-0505 UT
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[HCDX] 1512 kHz 11-Apr 0358-0505 UT

Good Morning. April 11

I've been monitoring 1512 from 0355 UT today. 

0355   ERA men talked 
0358   ERA Greek song  woman
0359   ERA as 0358 + another station with id   RAI Radiotre .... bon ascolto...(Palermo is listed) 
0400   Time beeps
            after this a pretty hopeless mix of Chania and RAI, both with man talking
0401   RAI classical mx, soft  piano , ERA talking on (Here I checked 1494 - for ERA they were not heard)
            Also checked other RAI Radiotre  QRGs, not heard anywhere...
0403  ERA with Greek song dominating. RAI very weak. ERA stronger. Or vice versa! This mix went on and on 
0421  Carrier (Wolwertem ?) came on. Not strong enough to eliminate ERA. RAI had disappeared momen-
           tarily, but was back very weak  before 0427 for some minute.
0432  Then again, prob RAI with chamber music, the other barely audible
0435  Woman talked, classical music still from RAI.  The woman was talking religion in German ! She was
           there for about two minutes.
0441  Carrier from Wolwertem now with full force, Just traces of a station underneath with classical music.
0445   Weak time beeps, then just the carrier, nothing else but a little classical music at 0456.
0457  Interval signal. 
0459  Radio Nederland Wereldomroep.  Scheduled frequencies  and satellite channels  for 
           the different parts of the world.  The tx was overmodulated, no good sound at all.         

Now let's see if somebody else has been monitoring. As for the spiritual words in German, I can think of
both RAI and ERA having this as a service for tourists. RAI Radiotre carried the news in Swedish from the
Swedish P1 early mornings when I worked down there, decades ago. Fellow travel guides thought I was
God when I surprised them with this including soccer results one Monday morning. Gee, they had been 
starving for news from home, and there it was.    

73 Johan Berglund, Trollhättan, Sweden. [ PS. Those ducks  I wrote about two days ago are at it again]   

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