[HCDX] 1512 and nature
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[HCDX] 1512 and nature

Hello fomTrollhättan, Sweden, where spring  has arrived.

1512   Apr-9 0430.Greece,  ERA Chania with local id twice.Just like that : "Era Chania". Local news
            read by man, from 0435 Greek music. QSA 2 for the Greek station, but it mixed with some
           other station with a definite "Balkan touch". So perhaps Pristina is activated.  Already from 0431 a
           carrier (QSA 3) appeared, but  it didn't kill off Chania and the other completely. From 0645 though
            it come on with full force and the S-meter bar of the AR7030 filled up the whole space.

            [This was as usual heard from where I live, and  we had a splendid sunrise right then. My radio
            shack overlooks a  lake, and the scenery was  breathtaking. The water's edge is just 10 meters
            from my window. Four days ago the ice broke up, and  the mating season of the golden-eyed duck
            - Bucephala clangula - has reached  its peak - and do these males fight ? It's the show of the year.
            It can go on for hours, including sneaky attacks from underwater.  So it's DX-ing and ornithology  at
            the same time. I suppose people can go schizo for less. Johan Berglund (outside) Trollhättan,

5050  Apr-9 0400 The LA-station here is probably R Jesús del Gran Poder, Quito, heard earlier years.Now
           with a  program in quechua. A Spanish word here and there. Fair signal but to much noise to enjoy

73 JB

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