Hi there
At 0608 I am hearing on 4840 an unidientified station. Playing a lot of music ,almost sounds Russian but can't be too sure. Male announcer is talking at times and it doesn't sound like the VOR Russian I am used to hearing.Matter of fact announcer is talking now and it sounds almost like Spanish.I am clueless on id'ing this one.HELP!!!!! :)
Hearing this on the R390 and about 15 ft of wire hanging out the second floor window of our new apartment .
Also heard earlier was this one
5009.5? 0310 2/26/01 Radio Madagascar? Madagascar? 111 R390\15 ft vertical wire Hearing faint signal of singing by male and a few moments of a male announcer through the static. Very low signal...probably due to the fact that I have only 15 ft of wire tossed out a second floor window.
Dx'ing in Kentucky with Motorola R390,Drake R4A and 15 foot wire hung out window until further notice.