[HCDX] FW: Eskab & Edvis
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[HCDX] FW: Eskab & Edvis

A question from a DX-friend :

Did anyone hear by coincidence from Eskab & Edvis, which at the
end of the 80's, early 90's use to advertise in the WRTH
promoting PLAM-expansion boards (synchronous detection/ECSS) for
use in receivers like the Icom R-70 and JRC NRD-525 ? I still get
many questions about them but it seems they have vanished from
the DX-scene since then. The last address I had of them was :

Harm-Heyen Broers
Loftesgatan 23
S-214 58 Malmoe

By the way, I cannot seem to find the Swedish white pages on the
web (only the Yellow Pages) as well as the name of Harm Broers
(searched in several e-mail guides without result).

Thanks very much in advance.

73, Marc

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