[HCDX] VS: Unids 4790 and 4769
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[HCDX] VS: Unids 4790 and 4769

Oops... I'm living in the past! All dates below should of course
read NOVEMBER instead of OCT. Sorry.

> Hi all.
> On 17 and 18OCT2000 at 1400 there was a rather weak
> station on 4790.0 with IND/PAK style talks and music.
> The 17th they played an Alla'hu Akbar-song and male
> voice used EE words "tlephone number" although figures
> were given in local language. Possibly also e-mail or web
> address was given. Not //5027V. Closing down at 1430.
> All this while Azad Kashmir Radio Rawalpindi was off and
> obviously on 5101.1 as VO Jammu Kahmir Freedom.
> VOJKF closed down a bit later and after some minutes
> the 4790.4 came on the air. Just wonder who this is,
> another PAK transmitter keeping freq busy? Or simply
> AIR Madras listed on this freq too?
> 18OCT2000 at 1445 until c/d at 1630 on 4769 kHz an
> unid AIR station. No luck with local ID although one
> seemingly was given at the c/d.
> During these two days nice Asia conditions. Vietnamese
> locals on 4796.1  5595.5 and 6381.4 were audible around
> 1345. Also around 1300 RRI Fak-Fak on 4789.1 and MLA
> Kota Kinabalu 5979.4 were noted, but rather weak.
> Best 73 de JSA
> Jari Savolainen
> Kuusankoski
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