[HCDX] enhancements over web page
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[HCDX] enhancements over web page

NOtice : MY web page has been  retructured a bit ( still requiring construction 
and corections) 

In the web adress 
the index.htm   is now with frames and consists: 
-two updates on R75 (RT75.htm) shown with blue colours with 
	more infos on modes
	experiments  with NB under AM 
	filters and DSB operation 
	receiver's harmonics and carriers found on R75 and comparisons with 150 
-modified personal web page with bullets (RADIO.HTM and soem addons ) 
-new web page  with other personal interests (INTERESTS HTM)
-list of  freqs found on Pelio (PELIO.HTM)  duiring  my fecent ( JUne)  trip to 
- List of shacks ( each shack has a separate web page SHACK?.HTM)
 -upadated logs.htm  with all the  logs from JUne and later ( as posted per my 
mailing list a 160 kB file ) 

Zacharias Liangas  pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, 
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas : (shortened) up: logs.htm
NEW: rt75.htm ,experiment.htm ,SINPFEMO.HTM  
and telenovelas page on telenovs.htm (every 2 weeks) 
pesawat penerima :ICOM ICR75,LoweHF150,SONY ICF7600D,YupiMVT7100,Phil2935 
antena 2x 6 m & 16 m / 1x1 m2
accesories: MFJ 1040,MFJ1025,MFJ 752c,MFJ16010,MFJ462 
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