[HCDX] DX Listening Digest 0-101 August 10
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[HCDX] DX Listening Digest 0-101 August 10

DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-101, August 10, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing
full credit be maintained at all stages, and we are provided exchange
copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission}

DXLD IN FRENCH: It seems that DXLD is the primary source of news
translated into French on this website brought to our attention by
Daniel Say, swprograms. We would appreciate sites using DXLD in such
a way, even though accurately credited, at least to advise us they
are doing so! (gh)

Écoutez! Le monde vous parle! Par Norbert Fouquet. URL:

NOTE TO EDITORS, especially those excerpting and adapting DXLD
material for other publications. I keep noticing that some of you
tend to delete my own (gh) remarks following a number of items, which
elucidate or shed further light on the material. Since you are
benefiting from my finding or originally publishing the item quoted,
please consider yourself obliged not to delete my remarks. Thank you.

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1047: See topic summary at

CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-06. The new edition is available since August 8
at http://www.DXing.com/conmedia.htm

** ACEH. The Chicago Tribune reports ``Indonesian president
Abdurrahman Wahid has offered "special autonomy" for the war-torn
province of Aceh on Sumatra and raised eyebrows when he offered the
same concession to Irian Jaya, the troublesome part of New Guinea.``
A new country in the making? 73 from (Bill Smith, W5USM,
"Shortwave Since 1950", August 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. Radio Australia gets extra government cash for
shortwave broadcasts | Text of report by Radio Australia on 8th

Australia's federal cabinet is to give extra money to Radio Australia
to increase shortwave broadcasts to South-East Asia. Graeme Dobell
reports the overseas service will get an extra 9m dollars over three

[Dobell] Cabinet has decided that the changed strategic circumstances
in South-East Asia mean it's in the national interests to increase
shortwave broadcasts. Radio Australia is to be given funding for an
extra five hours a day, 35 hours a week. The cabinet decision will be
worth up to 3m dollars a year for three years. It will enable Radio
Australia to buy time on the major shortwave transmitters near
Darwin, which are about to restart. ABC sources say much of the
funding will go to Radio Australia's Indonesia language service,
which currently broadcasts less than four hours a day. Source: Radio
Australia, Melbourne, in English 0800 gmt 8 Aug 00 (via BBC
Monitoring via WORLD OF RADIO 1047, DXLD)

** AUSTRALIA. Radio Australia is to receive an extra A$3 million per
year to enhance its transmission and online capacities in the Asia
Pacific region. In making the announcement today (Tuesday 8 August),
the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Communications
cited recent developments in the region, and the importance of
maintaining an independent and credible voice that offered an
Australian perspective. The additional funding is expected to be used
to boost RA's transmission reach in the region, as well as further
develop its online services.

The Federal Government is also calling for proposals for the
continuation of an Australian international television service for
the region. It has signaled it will provide some funding for a
service that contributes to advancing the national interest, as well
as providing credible news, information and documentary-type
programming that offers a window on Australia. The request for
proposals will be advertised in the national press soon. Details will
also be available from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
web site (http://www.dfat.gov.au) The current service, Australia
Television, was originally established under the auspices of the ABC
before being sold to the Seven Network as a purely commercial
operation. It has struggled to attract advertising and sponsorship
revenue. It attracted criticism recently for selling air time to
American evangelist organisations. The flagship ABC-produced
Australia Television news was dropped from the schedule as a cost-
cutting measure (Matt Francis, Canberra, August 8, Electronic DX
Press via DXLD)

** AUSTRALIA. The Chairman of the ABC, Mr Donald McDonald, today
warmly welcomed the decision by the Government to increase its
funding commitment to Radio Australia. "These additional funds will
give the ABC the opportunity to strengthen its Radio Australia
broadcasts to Asia to a significant extent," Mr McDonald said. "The
ABC will once again in Asia be able to match the transmission
strength it has had with Radio Australia in the Pacific for the last
three years. It is clear that the Government recognised the value and
further potential of the ABC's service to Asia. The ABC will now
examine transmission options, including Cox Peninsula, for the
expansion of Radio Australia's Asian service`` (ABC Press release
August 8 via John Figliozzi, also via BBCM, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOLIVIA. Today August 6 in the local newspaper Los Tiempos, about
the slow death of Radio Huanuni, 5964.8: times are changing; It was
once one of the most important mining stations in Bolivia.


It has a debt of 8 kilobolivianos (US$ 1.288) on its electricity
bill. Only 580 workers are contributing half the cost (14 bolivianos
or US$ 2.25) for its operation and the salary for nine employees.
Divisions between the same mining workers are a problem. The quixotic
director, Rafael Lineo, does what he can. It goes on the air at
certain times. The union plans to convert it to FM on the air all
day, and put it on AM (SW) at 1000-1100 and 1600-1700 UT. The
question is: why do they resist charging for the advertising they
broadcast? (via Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão, Cochabamba, Bolivia,
radioescutas, translated by gh for WORLD OF RADIO 1047, DX LISTENING

** BOLIVIA. Glenn, further to the newspaper clip I sent you a while
ago, here´s word to show what the agreement between Canal 7 and R
Illimani was about (Henrik Klemetz)

R. Illimani signed an agreement with Canal 7 on May 12, 2000, thanks
to which R. Illimani uses the entire infrastructure of Canal 7 and
parts of its satellite system to reach the entire world. We are now
transmitting on INTELSAT NSS-806/319.5  E Transponder 13B 1.230 MHz
Banda L/C Canal 8 Polarización Horizontal. We are undoubtedly very
glad to know that we have many listeners in Europe on 6025 SW.
Nevertheless, thanks to the satellite we share with Channel 7, our
signal is more international. We will be glad to hear from you at
Casilla 1042, La Paz, or by E-mail illimani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Gabriel
August 8, via Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, translated by gh for DX
LISTENING DIGEST) [he had .vo, but this was surely a typo -gh]

** CANADA. Hi Glenn, I recognize not many people are going to be able
to hear this station, but thought it might be of interest. CKBF-FM,
in Suffield, Alberta, Canada is now testing on 104.1 MHz, and will
officially commence programming on August 9th at 1 pm MDT. It is part
of the British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) and is intended to
serve the British troops who use Canadian Forces Base Suffield for
training every year. To my knowledge it is the first BFBS station in
North America. Personally, even though its intended audience is the
British troops, I'm looking forward to it providing a little variety
on our local radio dial. 73, (Nigel Pimblett, Medicine Hat, Alberta,

** CHECHNYA. Russian Interfax News Agency informs about a new
clandestine station supposedly run by Chechen separatists. On August
7 Interfax reported that some local listeners in Chechnya heard a
broadcast of the so-called Alternative Republican Radio. The station
carried a speech by Aslan Maskhadov, a president of Chechnya whose
authority is not recognized by the Russian Federal government. In a
broadcast Maskhadov allegedly vowed to conduct an unspecified revenge
action against Russian forces and new Chechen administration on
August 25. Interfax did not provide any additional information.
(Reported by Echo of Moscow Radio and Lenta.Ru News Service on August
7) (via Sergei Sossedkin, WORLD OF RADIO 1047, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. UNITED STATES (?) 11185, UNID, 0222 UTC Aug. 6, noted
carrying a very distorted audio and loud hum, splattering channels
almost +/- 19 kHz. Program is Dr. Gene Scott. Still there at 0435 re-
check, and also noted on Aug. 7 at 0257 (Elmer Escoto, San Pedro

Also here around 0155 August 8, quite strong and extremely distorted,
covering about 11181-11185, // and synchronized with WWCR 13845, as
well as TIDGS 5030, which was weak, and somewhat distorted. Nothing
audible on 6150, but guess what: 5030 plus 6150 equals 11180, so I
suspect some severe maladjustment at Cahuita. 11185 again at 1230
check //9725 which had some distortion, but 11185 was so bad it could
be paralleled only by matching the pauses.

11184 continued to be audible at many hours, such as 0917 UT, not
always making it in the daytime, and still going August 10 at 1145
when I got busy with the calculator and finally figured out what is
happening. Checked equal distance the other side of 9725, and there
he is too on 8266, the separation being 1459 kHz (I don't suppose
there is a MW station at Cahuita on that frequency?) So these are
spurs emanating from the 9725 transmitter. Furthermore, at double
those offsets, I checked 12643! (9725 plus two times 1459) and he is
there too. On the other side is 6807, where I think I hear traces of
him but very noisy at this hour. Just in case, a further step on each
side would be 14102, 5348, not heard yet. So maybe they should turn
off the 9725 transmitter until and unless it is repaired? 11184 is in
a military aeronautical band, 8266 and 12643 marine (Glenn Hauser,

** COSTA RICA [non?]. Hi Glenn. One more observation, from last
night: I found the same Gene Scott program on 4372 kHz, only signal
was weaker. Checked in another receiver and it was parallel to 11185.
Time was 0135-0139 Aug 8 UTC. Signal was also "blurred" and spreading
over a few kilohertz up and down. (Elmer Escoto, Honduras, WORLD OF

Guess what, WWCR with DGS on 13845, minus 9475 equals 4370. However,
nominal closing time during August of 13845 is 0200 and 9475 at 0100,
and both would have to be on for this computed mix to work. Wonder if
upon the occasion Elmer reported, WWCR ops were an hour late changing
from 9475 to 3215, as happened at least once before. Such mixes ought
to be on exact frequencies, but only 2 kHz off still makes me
suspicious. In any event, DGS on 4372 not audible here before or
after 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 4960, Radio Villa, Much Music with occasional
Spanish announcer and many station identifications "Radio Villa de
... Santo Domingo ... República Domincana". Heard from 0014-0201+
while on vacation at Virginia Beach, Virginia (Lee Silvi, August 1,

** FALKLAND ISLANDS. Falkland Islands MW transmitter knocked out
The following was reported by the Falkland Islands News Network:
07-AUG-2000 by J. Brock (FINN)

At Approximately 11:00 AM on Monday, 07 August 2000 the Medium Wave
transmitter owned by the Falkland Islands Government was clipped by a
Tornado Aircraft. The mast was damaged to the extent that Medium Wave
transmissions were knocked out.

The aircraft was returning from a routine sortie over Stanley Airport
shortly before the accident occurred. According to a Military
spokeswoman the aircraft was returning to Mount Pleasant when it took
evasive action in order to avoid collision with a civilian plane.

She went on to say that Military authorities are investigating the
accident and that the pilot and crew did not receive any injuries.
There was some damage to one wing of the aircraft, however.

A full report will be forthcoming. (via N6KUY, August 8,
rec.radio.shortwave via John Norfolk, and Mike Terry, WORLD OF RADIO
1047, DXLD)

** GABON [re: DXLD 0-100] Glenn, How odd! AF1 comes in like
gangbusters here in KY on 15475, 9580 is good also, and even 17630 is
audible in the mornings. This is one of my favorites that I tune in
every day. Of course, I am very glad that WGTG did not settle on
9580! (Michael Kallstrom, Bowling Green, August 7, WORLD OF RADIO

** GERMANY. "Ostdeutscher Rudfunk Brandenburg" full data QSL, station
sticker, program schedules, and a postcard with a photo of the "Fritz
Soccer 2000" team on it for the Fritz Radio special broadcast July 8,
2000 on 9525 kHz. They also returned $1 US I had enclosed for postage

** GREECE. Nothing new from the Voice of Greece; I guess they are
still working on the installation of the 250 kW transmitter that they
received as a gift from the Voice of America; I imagine they have
hired VOA engineers to do the job. When this transmitter gets
installed, I believe that it will replace the damaged 100 kW in
Avlis, or they could be using the two 100 kW and this 250 kW until
there are three 250 kW running in Avlis; Radiofonikos Stathmos
Makedonias in Thessaloniki is supposed to get two 250 kW transmitters
in the same package deal from VOA.

There has been no marked improvement in signals from either Avlis or
Thessaloniki. I have not heard from either Dionisios Angelogiannis or
Demetri Vafeas lately, and August is the time when the senior
engineers go off on their summer vacations to their villas in the
villages or to the home island, as Demetri does. I sent Dionisios a
photocopy of your Global Forum just in case they do not receive
Monitoring Times magazine ? well done, Glenn. I haven`t spotted any
frequency changes on the VOG`s schedule. I don`t believe that
Dionisios jumps around changing frequencies like Demetri did; he has
a tendency to let things ride along and maybe the problem
interference will eventually work its way out (John Babbis, Maryland,

reports that from August 1st through December 31st, 2000, Indian
Amateurs (VU) have been given permission to use 10.100 to 10.150 MHz
and the spot frequencies of 50.350 and 50.55 MHz. (Ohio/Penn DX
Bulletin #473, Aug 6 via Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Aug 9, DX LISTENING
DIGEST) Are these bands normally totally off-limits in India? (gh)

** INDIA. 4840, AIR Mumbai, *0014-0021 August 5, AIR IS, stepped out
for a minute and returned to hear usual sign on Indian vocal tune,
man with ID and announcement, into local haunting Hindi music, and
then weak live talk by man. Fairly decent signal for this. Clear too.
Also heard 4800, 3315, 3345, and of course 5010 (Dave Valko, PA,
hard-core-dx via DXLD)

** INDONESIA. Another check this morning (8 Aug) showed at least 4 HF
frequencies from Jakarta on simultaneously, compared with a maximum
of 2 in the recent past: RRI Programa Nasional on 15125 and 11860 (to
approx 0055), then 11760 (from 0055). Voice of Indonesia in various
langs 0030-0400 on rather weak 9525 and better 11785, also still
announcing 15150 in the English service at 0100 but no sign of them
on this frequency under strong Chinese-lang station. The absence of
11760 yesterday morning was temporary, it was back on by the evening,
signing off at 1600. Also yesterday evening (around 1300), Voice of
Indonesia was on 9525 but not audible on either 11785 or 15150. I was
under the impression that the Indonesian government had certain
financial problems, but apparently they have enough funds available
to beam their external service in Arabic eastwards on 9 MHz at 0300-
0400... I would guess the audience could probably be counted on the
fingers of no hands (Alan Davies, Penang, Malaysia, Electronic DX
Press via DXLD)

** NIGERIA. Voice of Nigeria is back to 7255 kHz [ex-7265.5]. Noted
today at 2150 onwards with programme in local language, S9+ here in
Moscow. (Nick Pashkevich, August 7, hard-core-dx via WOR 1047, DXLD)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. R. Central, 3290 once again on the air, noted UT
August 7 at 2000 in vernacular, not //4890 but I am sure it is this.
Was also heard earlier at 1200 (Chris Hambly, Victoria, WORLD OF

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio Central appears to have resumed regular
operations after a long absence, and observed here in Melbourne on
3290 with morning broadcasts from *1900. Noted with Kundu
programming. It is understood that a new or refurbished transmitter
has been put into use, but the full schedule is not known. (Bob
Padula, Victoria, Electronic DX Press via WORLD OF RADIO 1047, DXLD)

** PERÚ. 5637.21, R. Perú, 0100-0156 August 6, Lively OA campo music.
Announcements by familiar sounding man with many many mentions of
Peru, and Ancash, Pasco, internacional, Santa Rosa, and Cusco. TCs.
Mention of kilohertz at 0124. What sounded very much like an ID at
0133. Presumed canned program feature at 0144 with many mentions of
San Ignacio, possibly called " ?? Informa Perú". Gave a phone number
too. Went off sometime around 0200 in mid-song. Fair. On later than
usual or reactivated?? (Dave Valko, PA, hard-core-dx via DXLD)

** RUSSIA. 15105 Tent. Radio Tatarstan 0501-0516 August 10, Music,
then lady gave impassioned talk for 10 minutes. Brief music, lady
then conversed with man. Very weak, no ID or language known. SIO 222.

** RUSSIA. Glenn, may I draw your attention to a Radio Rossii report
which was cited by BBCM. This confirms, that the reason for the
complete silence of the Taldom site north of Moscow is a shut down of
the main power supply following outstanding bills. Regarding the
mentioned time signal on 261: I hardly believe that the broadcast
audio time pips will be used for automatic clock control purposes;
I guess the 261 signal also contains a time signal in phase
modulation like the French 162 kHz channel (Kai Ludwig, Germany,

---------- Here a copy of this report as I received it:

Street clocks in Moscow have recently been showing the wrong time.
The reason is a trivial one.  They are tuned to the time signals
which Radio Russia transmits on 261 kHz longwave.  However, our
transmitters have been switched off because of debts owed to the
power company.  So, the problem of chronic underfunding of the
electronic mass media has manifested itself yet again.  For this
reason, listeners in European Russia have been unable to hear our
broadcasts on the usual frequency, 261 kHz longwave ...
(Radio Russia, Moscow, in Russian ... via BBCMS via Ludwig, DXLD)

** SWEDEN. R. Sweden kept dropping out July 27 in English at 0230 on
9495. Would drop out 3 seconds or so every half minute to few minutes

** TAIWAN. The CBS News Network, 24h in Mandarin on various MW and SW
frequencies, and live audio at http://www.cbs.org.tw also has 5
minute program previews in English Mon-Sat at 1255 on 0.603 1.008
1.422 6.180 7.250 9.630 11.725 11.775; Sunday 0655 on 1.422, and
Sunday 0855 on 1.422, 11.725 (© BBC Monitoring August 9 excerpted for

** TAJIKISTAN. At 1645 on 7244 noticed Radio Tajikistan from Dushanbé
(extremely poor distorted audio, couldn't follow a single word of
their news) but only heard their ID "This is Dushanbé, the Capital of
Tajikistan`` (Mr. Baiju Prabhakar, Dubai, August 8, DX LISTENING

** TAJIKISTAN. Voice of Russia via Dushanbe Tajikistan. Full data QSL
including transmitter site received for 18 May 2000 report of 11500
kHz at 0000 UTC. The envelope now also has "Radio Voice of Russia" on
it instead of the old Radio Moscow envelopes they had been using up
until the time the temporarily quit issuing QSL cards awhile back.

** TUNISIA. 7110, UNID, 0438, Aug 6, Songs in Arabic (or very similar
language) by woman, music bridge and YL with talks. At 0454 woman
with echo and soft music background, at 0459 drums and at 0500 ID,
that I couldn't catch, then into headlines mentioning Turkey, Irak,
"al-amerikiya" and then more songs, SINPO=55544 (Elmer Escoto,

On 7110, Tunis is in the clear in Arabic at 0406 fair/good. Parallel
7275 is equal to cochannel VOA Botswana in English, both quite good
(Walt Salmaniw, BC, 5 August, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WYFR on 7355 at 0700 UT August 9 had unID cochannel
interference, het, but not so the next night (George Thurman, IL)
Wonder if that is WRNO with its ``backup`` transmitter. Someone also
reported a clash on 7355, two audio sources, around 0000 UT (gh, DX

** U S A [non]. SICILY 10940.5 USB AFRTS relay heard as early as 2335
and as late as 0600, but best around 0300 with up to good reception
at that time. Parallel to 6458.5. Nothing heard the next night,
however (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 6 - 7 August, DX LISTENING

** U S A [non]. SICILY, 10940.5, ARMED FORCES RADIO, English with CNN
News, NPR News, and other news and sports, not parallel to other AFN
Shortwave (See below), Faded in to Northeast Ohio beginning around
1920 and listened until 0000 UT. MISCELLANEOUS SITES: None of the
three Armed Forces Radio SW frequencies were parallel to each other
during two bandscan checks. At 2340 UTC August 8 and 0015 UTC August
9 I noted the following: 6458 had a baseball game, 12689 had music
programming, and 10940 had News and Sports reports. The reported 4993
KHz and 14 MHz frequencies were not audible here in Northeast Ohio
(Lee Silvi, Mentor, August 8 and 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

The reason for that is that the shortwave frequencies are direct
replacements for the corresponding DTS satellite feeds, intended for
those ships not yet equipped for DTS. Obviously there are different
program streams on the various circuits, so the HF transmitters will
relay the one intended for their particular region (Andy Sennit,
August 10, standard disclaimer, hard-core-dx via DXLD)

** U S A [non]. Hi, tonight (still Aug. 9 UTC) AFRTS is now also on
air on 4993 from Sicily, nice signal here in Germany but suffering
somewhat from strong RWM (Moscow time signal) on 4996. As to expect
the programming is not in // with AFN Europe on 873 etc. Looks like
this outlet is on air tonight for the first time, at least all checks
until last night showed no signal. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, DX

** U S A [non]. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK).
AFRTS very strong here from Sigonella, Sicily tonight (Wed 9 Aug) on
4993 kHz usb with NPR's "All things considered" @ 2100. Probably the
strongest Tropical Bands signal here. 73s (Alan Pennington,
AOR7030plus +longwire, Caversham, UK, The above information may only
be reproduced if full credit is given to the original contributor AND
to the British DX Club (BDXC-UK) via DXLD)

** U S A [non]. Last night I heard on 4993 USB the "National Public
Radio" (NPR) via AFN here in Bremen (Germany) with a very good and
clear signal (9. August, 2150-0000 UT) vy73  (Michael Sander, Bremen,
Germany, August 10, hard-core-dx via DXLD)

** U S A [non]. Hello, last night (August 9th) AFRTS (said to be from
Sicily) was heard on 4993 usb all night from when starting listening
at 19 UTC. Nothing on 14000 or 10940,5. Great signal (strongest in
the band) and only slight RTTY-QRM. Best regards from (Jan Edh,
Hudiksvall, Sweden DX-ing Fredriksfors, hard-core-dx via DXLD)   ###

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